2019 All Star Black Infrared Air Jordan 6

Where do you prefer the lace lock?

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My guy...


I know man... Seriously dumb *** move. I did it after 10 months so only had to wear them like that for a couple months b4 my annual Jordan purchase. Was so happy to get the BM5s! Stupid things teenagers do... SMH...
I’ve been all about the recent pics we’ve gotten but that side-profile shot in this set is def not it. Shoe just looks bulky/chunky there (I’m sure there are certain variables making it seem that way).
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When should I post my 2000 Infrared VI for sale? I think I might be to late in getting anything right now.
could go either way. You either missed the boat because the 2019 is way better or youll get more bites than you otherwise would because these are on people's radar right now...
M marztharealist I told myself I’d never change my pic so I’m probably not going to. I took that pic when I first joined NT with at that time the two best shoes I had in my collection DMP XI’s and 2000 Black/Infrared VI’s, it’s sentimental too me :lol: But recreating it with the Concords and these when I get them would be pretty cool.

I feel you man, 100%. You should STILL recreate it, after you pick up these. Afterwards, you can post a then, and now pic.

On the subject of Steel Toe 2014s, i threw my Carmines on the other day and they were pretty hard as well. Not as stiff as the Infrapinks though, i would assume its because the Carmines were partly leather as well.
No that’s just how they made all the 6 toes.

That’s the best thing about the current retro

The toe box is pliable

Dudes talking about color and material. That steel toe was gonna be the deal
Breaker for me
“Sneaker heads” never ceases to baffle me. I really don’t understand what drives hype at this point. People seem to be pretty excited about these and I honestly don’t see many clear cut differences outside of Nike Air between these and the ‘14 that everyone hates so much. Not one detail about this shoe looks to be dead on accurate. They changed the infra color I’m guessing to appease the folks that worship the varsity pair but this Salmon shade is further from the OG than the infra pink was. I’ve owned every infrared retro and my brother had the OG so I think I’m well versed enough in this shoe to know these ain’t it. I’m not saying they are trash but for the people that seem excited about these but hated the ‘14 please make me understand what y’all are seeing that’s so different other than Nike Air.
could go either way. You either missed the boat because the 2019 is way better or youll get more bites than you otherwise would because these are on people's radar right now...
I would hope buyers of the 2000 retro realize wearing them is not an option. Its a collectors piece at this point. Might as well pass on that and go for this release anyway. I could understand if its a 1991 original ds. But either way your not wearing them at this point.
I'm pretty sure these are fakes, too. However, in the sunlight, they favor the 2000's.

Watch on mute, for the sake of your ear drums.

Trust me, they'll explode if you don't.


this only confirms that fakes have the pink infrared problem. That dude only deals with fakes lol, he went to jail for it
Fineline just post a pair and you can clearly see the heel contrast. That other dude on Instagram was selling fakes obviously

This might be the first and only retail pair pictured o far

Those are not only beautiful but they highlight how much of a joke 2014’s were
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