2019-20 NFL thread: Thread's dead. Move into spacedoodoo's


In honor of the homie kdlittlebro’s new favorite player

Armada usually has 1 gif and sticks with it.

I see he's made the transition to the spice adams one :lol:

Big fan great gif that can apply to a lot of comments. Top of my depth chart right now.

Sidebar There’s literally no reason I have 100s of gifs in my phone :lol:
I miss when it uploaded on here and you could just click and pull it back up

But I purposely delete shh just so I can find sh on my phone between other shhh... WhatsApp groups are the worst with the amount of crap I get from those
thread finally moving again :pimp:

teams gonna have tape on Mahomes now...will be interesting to see how he (and the Chiefs offense) can adapt

i'm very interested to see how Watson plays this year in particular
You can gameplan around his decision making though which comes before every throw

He’ll still be good and still do those things you can’t gameplan around but I think we see an increase in mistakes
yeah there's always a way to game plan...make em take the underneath stuff. because these dudes will not take it everytime even if it's there. they'll take it a couple times but they'll force balls down field at some point. and while they'll make some plays, they're not going to do it drive after drive. you can limit their production and shut them down for a half or 3 quarters. Bill does it all the time to great QBs. he will make them drive the field with no less than 10-12 plays. and theyll miss a third down throw at some point. bend but don't break.

now that's one way you gameplan for QBs like that, but can you execute that plan with your personnel? that's a whole other thing :lol:

some of y'all give Brady **** for the short passing game, but if it's there, why not take it? he cut the Seahawks 100 times in the Super Bowl. same with the Falcons. death by 100 cuts :lol:
If Tyreek ain't there and Damien Williams the lead back......that O gonna be real interesting.

They were God level last year with all parts healthy. Losing Hunt/Reek could be somethin else.
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