2015-2016 NBA Regular Season - MDA to HOU - All-NBA - Harden snubbed - Anthony Davis is broke

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Guys sit what 10% of the games and it's an issue? Please. Plenty of entertainment going on. Winning a championship is what matters and if teams want to rest their players in meaningless games it's their prerogative.

Yes it's an issue. That 10% matters. I'd imagine that the average makes it out to maybe one game a year. Teams are members of the NBA, and again the NBA is an entertainment driven commodity. 

Winning a championship in this context, comes second to the fan. Like it or not, everything is driven by the fan in regards to the NBA. 

I feel what you're saying but i also think the teams who are sitting out their players aren't the ones hurting for fans to come to their games. plus going far in the playoffs and/or winning a ring will lead to higher ticket prices and more sell outs or people wanting to go to their games.
that fear in john wall eyes. that's what happens when a guy is busting your *** everytime they play. chalkin up Ls vs the warriors :smokin
Thinking about it, this could all be bogus. The way he says "thanks for telling my video" at the end seems suspect
I can only think of two theories on why DAngelo did what he did

1) Iggy paid him to snitch
2) Swaggy P tryna get out the engagement and had D'Angelo record him

Swaggy set this whole ish up to end it with Iggy and it blew up in DRuss' face. Nick probably told him it'd be on TMZ for a day and he'd be free and clear. I simply can't believe another man would just randomly record another dude speaking on his cheating on his fiance. I mean that just some foul/creepy ish.

If DLo did do this Swaggy gotta put them paws on the youngster...real talk. Byron Scott just needs to have the Lakers form a circle at center court and let these dudes trade blows until somebody taps out. Loser gets sent home for the rest of the season.

Seriously...there gotta be more to the story

Not defending DLo or anything, but I wouldn't admit to someone who asks me if I cheated on someone that I engaged to....unless I don't want to be engaged anymore. Just saying.
Dont be so technical man, yall know what I mean.

Even Kobe said it, Westbrook is the one new cat that reminds him of himself when he was younger.

Bro on god I don't know what you mean. Are you equating intensity to Westbrook's scowl or something?
**** that resting players **** man. This is the NBA. In case folks forgot, the NBA is an entertainment driven league, as are the other four major sports. You can't be making folks pay x amount of dollars and players not play because of "rest"
Coaches dont owe you anything. Boo freaking hoo a guy is resting. If you wanna see a player, go to a game early in the season when rest isn't an issue. No one cares about you and what you paid when teams are resting players to try and win a championship.

Heard a dude say -- the same respect Pop gives the people who interview him after the quarters is the same respect he has about people who come to games and the stars are resting.

Jalen Rose made a good point on his podcast the other day, when the technology wasn't there for recovery etc., (Jordan was playing all 82) among other players. Mindset was this may be the only chance to see him and people are spending their hard earned money. Surprised he said that being he said he wasn't a big fan after talking about the rap party situation.

It would be good if there was some type of way that it could be put into place where it was announced well in advance, if a player is not playing. So people won't waste their money, but you have people who buy tickets in August when the schedule comes out. But no idea how you would police that.

Several dudes I know have flew out to L.A. to see Kobe and he didn't play in any of the games that they attended. But you kind of know what you are getting with him at this point. But some of these other situations are just plain nonsense.
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nah, the teams dont owe the fans anything. if it's in their best interest to rest, so be it. you should know when purchasing the ticket a player may be injured, rest, etc.

Injury is one thing. That's understandable. But to sit a fully healthy star player who fans are paying their hard earned money to see play and only comes to town once a year is a bad look. Limit their minutes or something or like I said, do it during home games when the fans have 41 times a season to see the team play.

A team like the Pistons tend to market a home game against OKC as the one time Durant comes to down when selling ticket packages. Him sitting out while fully healthy Is a bad look.

At some point the league is going to crack down on this. The Spurs got fined 250k for resting all their starters when they played the heat in a november game a few seasons back. Yeah that's chump change to them, but at some point they're eventually going to draw the line.
look we've told a bunch of jokes at Byron Scott's expense, but this D'angelo mess has to validate him slightly, right?!

Byron is and idiot and a ****** basketball coach but he isn't a buster, it's clear to me he met D'angelo and could smell the snitch like arrogance off him and decided he needed to be taken down a peg. You can tell how Mike Wilbon (friends with Byron) talks about Dlo, like he the scum of the earth, clearly this isn't the first time Dangelo displayed snitch like tendencies. :smh:

No joke...I was thinking the same thing. Byron MAY have been on to something when he was yo-yo'ing Russell's minutes and with the comments he was giving to the media earlier on.

So, what exactly do the Lakers do from here?
or maybe the NBA could lower the number of games played? not saying that's what I'm suggesting.
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Yes it's an issue. That 10% matters. I'd imagine that the average makes it out to maybe one game a year. Teams are members of the NBA, and again the NBA is an entertainment driven commodity. 

Winning a championship in this context, comes second to the fan. Like it or not, everything is driven by the fan in regards to the NBA. 

Definitely entertainment driven but these players aren't just resting for the sake of it.

What's worse for the fan - LBJ sitting out Game 67 of the regular season or LBJ missing the Finals from a wear and tear injury? Or a more conservative example - the product will be worse in the playoffs cause every player goes hard for 82 games.

It sucks if you drop a lot of money but that's just how it is with sports and long seasons.
look we've told a bunch of jokes at Byron Scott's expense, but this D'angelo mess has to validate him slightly, right?!

Byron is and idiot and a ****** basketball coach but he isn't a buster, it's clear to me he met D'angelo and could smell the snitch like arrogance off him and decided he needed to be taken down a peg. You can tell how Mike Wilbon (friends with Byron) talks about Dlo, like he the scum of the earth, clearly this isn't the first time Dangelo displayed snitch like tendencies. :smh:

Quote from the ESPN article:

Scott, on countless occasions this season, has publicly questioned Russell's maturity.

"He's such a kid," Scott said in February. "I told him the other day, 'You're 19, but sometimes I think you're 14.'"
Definitely entertainment driven but these players aren't just resting for the sake of it.

What's worse for the fan - LBJ sitting out Game 67 of the regular season or LBJ missing the Finals from a wear and tear injury? Or a more conservative example - the product will be worse in the playoffs cause every player goes hard for 82 games.

It sucks if you drop a lot of money but that's just how it is with sports and long seasons.
Honestly, game 67 is guaranteed. LBJ in the finals isn't. So him sitting out game 67 is w/o a doubt worse. Not to mention the average fan can't afford to go to a finals game anyway. 

You're right the NBA is a long season. But the Players and teams and coaches "signed up" to be a part of this. If you're injured then that's one thing, but I'm personally opposed to the rest thing. You signed up for 82 games + possible playoffs. *shrugs* The fans shouldn't suffer because you can't hold up your end of the deal. 
I think the main difference is John Wall plays basketball and Westbrook terroizes japan.

I don't mind resting players at all. Donyou guys also hate the warriors for resting Steph every 4th quarter? Or are you cool with being shortchanged?

Too many people using illegal streams to watch games for me to feel bad for the fans.
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If the players signed up for the long season then the fans signed up for not seeing players play. What happens when you buy tickets to see Derrick Rose in September and January rolls around and he's hurt. Or when a player sits out a game with flu-like symptoms. Or a migraine. Who gives a ****. Players and coaches are allowed to do what they want, they don't owe fans a damn thing.
look we've told a bunch of jokes at Byron Scott's expense, but this D'angelo mess has to validate him slightly, right?!

Byron is and idiot and a ****** basketball coach but he isn't a buster, it's clear to me he met D'angelo and could smell the snitch like arrogance off him and decided he needed to be taken down a peg. You can tell how Mike Wilbon (friends with Byron) talks about Dlo, like he the scum of the earth, clearly this isn't the first time Dangelo displayed snitch like tendencies.
Bruh. Excellent point. I didn't 'eem think of that.

Byron is a known hard *** and this doesn't absolve him from mishandling his duties, but you won't see me criticizing him for the D'Angelo shenanigans after this. Nope.

You right, that stench coming off D'Lo probably made him cross those arms tighter than usual.

And even though Wilbon's basically reached the "get off my lawn" stage, I can't fault him anymore for all the hating **** he said about dude. I really believe now there's more to it. That rat *** **** boy ain't getting the benefit of doubt any more.
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I think the main difference is John Wall plays basketball and Westbrook terroizes japan.

I don't mind resting players at all. Donyou guys also hate the warriors for resting Steph every 4th quarter? Or are you cool with being shortchanged?

At least you get 30 mins of Steph draining threes.

You get 0 minutes of Lebbywinks bricking threes.
If the players signed up for the long season then the fans signed up for not seeing players play. What happens when you buy tickets to see Derrick Rose in September and January rolls around and he's hurt. Or when a player sits out a game with flu-like symptoms. Or a migraine. Who gives a ****. Players and coaches are allowed to do what they want, they don't owe fans a damn thing.
Rest and Injury are not the same thing.

Yes they do owe the fans something wth they fund the NBA. 
They eventually will crack down on it when enough fans raise big enough of a stink how they spent all this money on tix, only for the star player to sit out even though they were healthy.

The NBA markets the hell out of individual players and superstars, they've even acknowledged that fans spend the big money to see star players play. At some point they're going to crack down on it when teams like the Spurs make a mockery of the system by sitting their entire starting lineup in an early season November game.
I think the main difference is John Wall plays basketball and Westbrook terroizes japan.

I don't mind resting players at all. Donyou guys also hate the warriors for resting Steph every 4th quarter? Or are you cool with being shortchanged?

Too many people using illegal streams to watch games for me to feel bad for the fans.
Player playing 20 to 25 minutes =/ Player sitting out because of rest.
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