2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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It's laughable at thinning Cleveland can win the chip when they probably won't even make the offs with the current roster.
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If I'm Bron or Melo I want to play in a great location and in a huge market. It doesn't get any bigger or better than LA. I think y'all put wayyyyyyy too much stock in these dudes 1) being shook of the west and 2) caring about getting multiple rings. If Bron reeeeeally wanted those rings he would have played with more heart most recent finals. These dudes want to be reeeeeeeally popular, live a dope lifestyle and make an obscene amount of money. Wade and Bron don't have the hunger anymore and Melo prob never did to be honest.

Cleveland is miserable unless you're a boring surgeon and Miami is tacky and full of sketchy rich people. Lala wants to kick it with Kardashians in LA, it is obvious.
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Meh. They gonna live in a great location no matter where they go
For real. 
Bosh to Indy would be crazy but if they don't get an above average point guard I still think they fall short.
Meh. They gonna live in a great location no matter where they go

It's literally impossible to spend those Ms in a place like Cleveland. Most famous restaurant in Cleveland is known for their grilled cheese. I mean for real.
Bron has stated before he would like to play with Melo....My thing is why hasnt Pat Riley met with Melo yet? and is all this Strategic?...
OK, now you're a Bulls fan saying 'Bron to Cleveland.'

I'm not going to waste my time asking a Heat fan why they predict Bron will stay, because it's obvious.

And I'm not going to waste my time asking a Cleveland mod fan why they're predicting Bron will return, because it's obvious.

But you? You don't care, you're a Bulls fan.

So I'm legit asking: WHY? Why do you predict Bron returns to CLE? What on EARTH makes you think this?

For real asking.

As another Bulls fan, I believe Bron is going back also. He has his rings now. His only goal is to bring the city a chip. He's got a damn good pg and strong potential wing players in Waiters and Wiggins. TT looked good after switching hands. Plus Bron strikes me as a family guy. I'm sure him and the wife want to be closer to home. Plus he had just built the palace prior to leaving.
It's laughable at thinning Cleveland can win the chip when they probably won't even make the offs with the current roster.

If they get lebron anything is possible

All that young talent in cleveland lebron would be dumb not to sign there.

He could be magic johnson with all that talent there

And i dont give a **** how bad you all say cleveland is as a city. You act like these millionaires dont have jets to go anywhere as they please when not on the clock
i dont see whats so funny, trade bosh for a bench and stay loyal to wade/bron

i think if anyone is going to see the grimy side of pat its gonna be bosh first at least

The funny part is:

Bynum was cut by Indiana and has no knees.
Lance is unrestricted
Turner is unrestricted

Those other players are not that good. Why do you think Indiana lost?
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