2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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random: Steve Nash and a bunch of guys off the street finished in 4th place in the 2000 olympics.

So i think we should bare minimum get a medal in 2020.
How does the landscape look in 2020? I think they should medal but I also have no clue about the other countries lol
Good to see Noel out there 
Lebron back home

Melo to.chicago

Won't happen but should
Makes too much sense
So it won't happen

Why block dude when yall can just ignore his posts??

Stop stunnin
OK, now you're a Bulls fan saying 'Bron to Cleveland.'

I'm not going to waste my time asking a Heat fan why they predict Bron will stay, because it's obvious.

And I'm not going to waste my time asking a Cleveland mod fan why they're predicting Bron will return, because it's obvious.

But you? You don't care, you're a Bulls fan.

So I'm legit asking: WHY? Why do you predict Bron returns to CLE? What on EARTH makes you think this?

For real asking.
It's a win win if Bron goes back to Cleveland, he'd be an NBA darling overnight again if that happens.

Win or lose it'd look like the right thing to do and if he somehow pulled it off and won a chip his immortality would be bulletproof.
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