2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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Because unlike in baseball one guy can be the difference in a team being good or great in basketball.

We're you asleep during the 2011 lockout? There was a reason small market teams were & eventually did try to dig into the pockets of the Lakers & Knicks. The Lakers literally print money. As someone alluded to in this thread earlier the teams who spend the most usually win and to compete you have to spend. A lot of teams in this league don't want to do that. That's a big reason why there's a salary cap in place, so teams can police each other.
Because unlike in baseball one guy can be the difference in a team being good or great in basketball.

We're you asleep during the 2011 lockout? There was a reason small market teams were & eventually did try to dig into the pockets of the Lakers & Knicks. The Lakers literally print money. As someone alluded to in this thread earlier the teams who spend the most usually win and to compete you have to spend. A lot of teams in this league don't want to do that. That's a big reason why there's a salary cap in place, so teams can police each other.

Well...I call BS. That's not the reason a cap is in place.
And in baseball, just like any sport, 1 player CAN make all the difference. No different than basketball, which still needs a full roster to get the Trophy. Lebron didn't win it in Cleveland did he. This logic is seriously flawed. But the BIGGEST point is, like anything in life, is misdirection. The owners agree to a Cap to "police" each other, BS. It's because a cap means more money for the owners. They just wrap the "policing the league" in a pretty red bow, sing it from the mountain top, and everyone believe a it.
It's like making the argument that baseball is different than Basketball because of "too many variables".
While I did agree that it takes a 1 or two more pieces in Baseball on a 9 person on the field team as opposed to 5, that is the only difference, so you need one extra player that's badass "in theory" to make a team then.

BS all over the place and y'all" bought in.
Not a-friend a-friend though, not I
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I can't speak on the NFL salary cap for good or for bad because I don't know enough about it, but I'd have to (in pure comparison) say no cap for any sport. Once the market is set for a particular player, or position the market itself will police the league. You will have a few occasions where teams will exploit this and stack talent, but again, any billionaire can stack talent, it doesn't equal championships, it just doesn't man
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Lets say without a salary cap, Durant's price tag goes up to 50 million

That price tag would have the "relative" same cost as it would to the Lakers as it would to the Thunder?
No salary cap, small market teams cant compete with big money teams, having the salary cap small market teams have to shell out large amounts of money for better than average players who are RFA's it's a lose lose for the small market
Lets say without a salary cap, Durant's price tag goes up to 50 million

That price tag would have the "relative" same cost as it would to the Lakers as it would to the Thunder?

I see your point, and no it would be significantly different, however, it wouldn't be that big of a a spike, and even if it was that significant, adding Durant to the Lakers does what exactly? I know you're just using t as an example so let's not tackle that question, it was redundant, but let's say he did go there, with Kobe, and a few other stars, it still doesn't mean a trophy, it just means that they've spent a **** load of money.
Reason why baseball doesn't have a cap is because 1 player only brings so much to the table. The best starting pitcher can get $30million, but only plays 25-33 games in a regular season. The other 80% is 4 SPs minimum. You can have the best #1 Starter, but if #2-5 are mediocre, you'll miss the playoffs. Could have the best hitter, but he gets roughly 11% of the at-bats (1/9). $50mil right there and it makes only a slight difference.

NBA, a couple players can change you from a 25 win team to a 60 win team. If the 2013-14 Lakers team had KD & LeBron replacing Jodie Meeks & Wes Johnson, Lakers win 65 games, and are favorites for the title. Lakers had their worst season, and still made the biggest profit in the NBA, so they could high ball on those 2, and just dumpster dive, and get a mid-tier guy or two, and teams like Milwaukee, Cleveland, Utah, etc. would go in the red just to put a bad team on the court.
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The price difference between big and small market teams is drastically different right now and we have a cap. Whether it be 2 mill or 20 mill, it affects Spurs differently than LA or NY. NY stacked talent and Brooklyn did too, they just stacked it wrong. And no cap isn't going to make rich owners smarter, they will still make the same dumb *** decisions from time to time
And the Lakers are a contender for the title every single year (dont take this too literal please) even under the cap.
Not that big of a spike? The guys just won freaking MVP of the league. :lol: This guy has to be trolling.

Is Miami's 4 straight finals appearances not enough proof that stacking the deck in ones favor works?
From 2010-12 most small market teams lost their superstar player & instantly became one of the worst teams in the league.

Red Sox trade off all of their high dollar guys & win a World Series a year later.

2 totally different sports vastly different in structure.
Not that big of a spike? The guys just won freaking MVP of the league. :lol: This guy has to be trolling.

Is Miami's 4 straight finals appearances not enough proof that stacking the deck in ones favor works?

Don't take me saying "not that big if a spike" out of context and try to start another conversation. The comment was I. Reference to him saying "what if Durants worth goes to 50million and the lakers can pay it"
I'm saying his salary is not going to spoke like that.
It truly is very hard to try and debate something small or big in this thread because of you or any other poster doing small things like this.
I'm done with this convo, you guys got me
And the Heat stacked the deck, and yes it's proof that it works, but 2 out of those 4 years they lost to small market teams so it works but, it doesn't work in the fashion you guys think.
I have proof that it doesn't work.
Heat 2011, 14
Knicks last 2 years
Outside of these teams recently, who else stacked the deck and won.
Lakers with Kobe and Shaq but they didn't win every year, and they also had problems keeping stars together.
Heat are having issues as well. You can buy the names and stack the deck, it's another thing altogether to get them to stay together, play together, and above all WIN together.

If there was no cap and all big 3 in Miami wanted max money, you think Heat would pay it, if they had the option. I don't, they'd find another way man
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Reason why baseball doesn't have a cap is because 1 player only brings so much to the table. The best starting pitcher can get $30million, but only plays 25-33 games in a regular season. The other 80% is 4 SPs minimum. You can have the best #1 Starter, but if #2-5 are mediocre, you'll miss the playoffs. Could have the best hitter, but he gets roughly 11% of the at-bats (1/9). $50mil right there and it makes only a slight difference.

NBA, a couple players can change you from a 25 win team to a 60 win team. If the 2013-14 Lakers team had KD & LeBron replacing Jodie Meeks & Wes Johnson, Lakers win 65 games, and are favorites for the title. Lakers had their worst season, and still made the biggest profit in the NBA, so they could high ball on those 2, and just dumpster dive, and get a mid-tier guy or two, and teams like Milwaukee, Cleveland, Utah, etc. would go in the red just to put a bad team on the court.

A batter taking 11% of the attempts that bats 300 with 100 RBI and 35 home runs makes a huge huge huge impact. A pitcher that plays 25-30 games with a 1.5 era makes a huge huge difference, if the rest of the team is just average, they can still win the Penant. When you say it out loud or drop percentage stats like that it looks and sounds like a good argument, it's just not a valid one, at all.
We're really doing baseball vs. basketball comparisons?

What has this thread some to? We need July 10th here, stat. Then FIBA, so we actually have stuff to talk about.
Nobody was doing a basketball vs baseball comparison. If you didn't notice we were discussing the NBA salary cap and that came up as a side point. Big difference. You have something to add? Or just spewing the same rhetorical, God this thread sucks we need something to talk about, therefore adding nothing of value to the actual "sports comversation" that is actually taking place right now
A guy like Durant would absolutely command a 50 million dollar salary on the open market if the NBA didn't have a salary cap or maxed earning

NBA Superstars are vastly underpaid relative to their true value to their team

In regards to the Heat and Nets "stacking" the deck

The Nets got a bunch of past their prime players and they had to pay for those players with draft picks

The Heat stacked the deal with prime talent but they couldn't build a complete team because of salary cap restraints

The baseball stuff you are talking about is just simply illogical

35 Home Runs and 100 RBIS on a bad team doesn't have a huge impact at all,

The league leader in runs has been around 115 a year, thats less than a run a game, you cant win the pennant with that nor can you win it with one great pitcher on a poor team
Not that big of a spike? The guys just won freaking MVP of the league. :lol: This guy has to be trolling.

Is Miami's 4 straight finals appearances not enough proof that stacking the deck in ones favor works?

Don't take me saying "not that big if a spike" out of context and try to start another conversation. The comment was I. Reference to him saying "what if Durants worth goes to 50million and the lakers can pay it"
I'm saying his salary is not going to spoke like that.
It truly is very hard to try and debate something small or big in this thread because of you or any other poster doing small things like this.
I'm done with this convo, you guys got me

What difference would it make if his salary wouldn't spike to that amount, point is a team like LA could offer a deal to Durant that OKC wouldn't be able to match. And we have firsthand proof that OKC won't pay it seeing how the Harden situation played out.

Maybe you haven't been paying attention the what's been going on in the nba the past 4 years.
A guy like Durant would absolutely command a 50 million dollar salary on the open market if the NBA didn't have a salary cap or maxed earning

NBA Superstars are vastly underpaid relative to their true value to their team

In regards to the Heat and Nets "stacking" the deck

The Nets got a bunch of past their prime players and they had to pay for those players with draft picks

The Heat stacked the deal with prime talent but they couldn't build a complete team because of salary cap restraints

The baseball stuff you are talking about is just simply illogical

35 Home Runs and 100 RBIS on a bad team doesn't have a huge impact at all,

The league leader in runs has been around 115 a year, thats less than a run a game, you cant win the pennant with that nor can you win it with one great pitcher on a poor team

50 mill a year? Lol
Coupé It Coupé It and I'd like you to explain to me how Basketball and Baseball are different. Tell me what these "too many variables" are that you so eloquently mention. I bet you don't know, you just heard it and thought it sounded good.

Yea, sure, i heard it and it sounded good. I keep it in my quote book.

Essentially you just need someone to teach you the difference between Baseball and. Basketball because obviously - you just don't get it. No way will I waste my time doing so - with someone like you, it's just too sad :lol:
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