2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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hell why dont he just go all out and take the vet minimum since we playing 2k gm and what not.
So Dirk was going take 6 million? :lol:
Do either of you actually think Dirk wouldn't take $6M if it meant getting another frontline scorer in Dallas? 


Its about respect

Dirk would drop from the 2nd highest paid to like 120 in the NBA

Dirk is a nice guy but he aint that nice

Melo aint 14 million dollars better than Dirk
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The dude doesn't care about money. :lol: He's going to be taken care of for as long as he wishes to be part of the Mavericks organization, whether it's on the court or off. 

The Mavericks could've done whatever they wanted to with Carmelo's contract.
not gonna lie thats a pretty nice towel lol
The dude doesn't care about money. :lol: He's going to be taken care of for as long as he wishes to be part of the Mavericks organization, whether it's on the court or off. 

The Mavericks could've done whatever they wanted to with Carmelo's contract.

This aint the NFL you cant defer Dirks or Carmelos money

Carmelo's max actually starts at 22 million.

Theres a difference between 6 million and 10 million

Thats almost cutting Dirk's projected salary in half

And thats from the 22 million he's actually worth and made last year

Dirk would be ring chasing in his own damn city
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The dude doesn't care about money. :lol: He's going to be taken care of for as long as he wishes to be part of the Mavericks organization, whether it's on the court or off. 

The Mavericks could've done whatever they wanted to with Carmelo's contract.

This aint the NFL you cant defer Dirks or Carmelos money

Carmelo's max actually starts at 22 million.

Theres a difference between 6 million and 10 million

Thats almost cutting Dirk's projected salary in half

And thats from the 22 million he's actually worth and made last year

Dirk would be ring chasing in his own damn city

Tim Duncan
Manu Ginobili
Tony Parker

They ring chased in their own city.
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Nobody is talking about deferring anything. Try to keep up. 

Dirk wasn't leaving here REGARDLESS. He's going to retire here. And he's going to walk into a position within the organization in whatever capacity he chooses to pursue, when he's ready to pursue it. 

You really think if Cuban asked Dirk to take $6M per for 3 years in order to get Carmelo in here, he would've thrown his hands up, said **** it and left? :lol: No way in hell. He's had opportunities to leave. Several times. But asking him to take a larger cut on his final contract to give him a better shot at a championship? Yeah, I'm sure that would've pushed him over the edge.
Tim Duncan
Manu Ginobili
Tony Parker

They ring chased in their own city.
outside of tim and that was awhile ago...none of them ever had max contracts or anything close to max... them going from 12-14 million to like 10 isnt a significant as dirk being 22 or so million still playing great no constant injuries, the face of the franchise playing major minutes being asked to take a 65-70% discount on his worth. 
Nobody is talking about deferring anything. Try to keep up. 

Dirk wasn't leaving here REGARDLESS. He's going to retire here. And he's going to walk into a position within the organization in whatever capacity he chooses to pursue, when he's ready to pursue it. 

You really think if Cuban asked Dirk to take $6M per for 3 years in order to get Carmelo in here, he would've thrown his hands up, said **** it and left? :lol: No way in hell. He's had opportunities to leave. Several times. But asking him to take a larger cut on his final contract to give him a better shot at a championship? Yeah, I'm sure that would've pushed him over the edge.

You have to come back to reality dude

Cuban isn't dumb enough to disrespect Dirk by asking him to take that big of a pay cut

The same way Riley isnt going disrespect Wade by lowballing him

These players are cornerstones of your franchises, it isnt like bidding on some shoes on eBay :lol:

Every report has said the Mavericks cant offer Melo the max. I see Tom Penn talking about it every day but no Niketalk GMs say its possible :lol:
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Nobody is talking about deferring anything. Try to keep up. 

Dirk wasn't leaving here REGARDLESS. He's going to retire here. And he's going to walk into a position within the organization in whatever capacity he chooses to pursue, when he's ready to pursue it. 

You really think if Cuban asked Dirk to take $6M per for 3 years in order to get Carmelo in here, he would've thrown his hands up, said **** it and left? :lol: No way in hell. He's had opportunities to leave. Several times. But asking him to take a larger cut on his final contract to give him a better shot at a championship? Yeah, I'm sure that would've pushed him over the edge.
he wouldnt have because if he did he wouldve done it... didnt ask him to do it when trying to land dwight before he went to la, didnt ask to when trying to land deron, etc.... If he needed/wanted him to take a paycut to get a max player he wouldve already asked him to...

So what is he waiting on, lebron lol..... who is out there as far as max players, that could make the mavs a shoe in championship team? So much so that mark would ask dirk to take an additional 40% off his worth, after he already cut his pay in half...
Tom Penn? :lol: That's your guide to NBA contract brilliance?

The Mavs play-by-play guy and EVERYONE close to the organization down here said the plan all along was for Dirk to sit in on the Melo stuff, find out what Carmelo wanted, and go from there. If he felt it was going to happen, he would've signed for whatever. 

But sure, Tom Penn probably knows more about the Mavericks' cap situation and what Dirk is willing to sign a contract for better than people who know the ins and outs of the organization.
Did any see  this evening on ESPN where they did the financial guage/breakdown on LeBron's worth to Miami.

Composed of ticket sales, merchandise, TV contracts, sponsorships and all commitments.

LeBron worth 150 million plus over the next 3 years. Salary on a max deal puts Lebron around 3/50.

Heats nut to the bottom line. 1oo million

Think he's selfish for wanting a MAX, nah.

Based on the same scale, Is any player tripping for wanting the MAX, nah.

It's one thing to do it for the team or the Love of the game. 

But I'm not sleeping well at night knowing that the CBA and owners have me in a position to cash out on me, and leave me pocketless on a portion of those earnings.

No no no no no.
Tim Duncan
Manu Ginobili
Tony Parker

They ring chased in their own city.
also manu was making 9 a yr now makes 7 or 7.5... parker was making 10 now he makes 12.5 and tim duncan... he isnt in the same condition nor is asked to do, mean as much in terms of game play as dirk does to the mavs... 

I still dont see how you compare manu making about 1.5-2 million less and parker actually getting a pay raise the same as dirk going from 22.5 to 6 million and especially seeing as he contributes/does more for his team then those guys do
"Hey Dirk, you can take $10M and we'll get you Luol Deng and Devin Harris. Or you can make $6M and we'll sign Carmelo."

But sure, if there was a real shot at Carmelo coming here after that meeting, Dirk wouldn't have done it.

Either way, it doesn't matter. Carmelo wasn't coming here because he's staying in New York and not walking away from the extra year and dollars. If he was going to leave, Chicago was his best bet. 
I trust Tom Penn and other other NBA insiders more than a play by play announcer who has Maverick Blue colored sunglasses on

If Dirk doesn't care about money anymore than why didn't he just take 4 million and tell Cuban to try and get Parsons, Bledsoe, Gasol or load up on other value free agents?

Its the same difference, if you're just about the team improving and don't care about money anymore

But Dirk does care about money like everybody else heres his quote " Mark and I will hopefully find a good deal for both parties."

Notice he didn't say I'll do anything for the organization, he said a good deal for both parties
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Shoutout to Lionel Hollins too :pimp:

I'm happy to see him get the Nets position and he should do well there. He never took a fully healthy Grizz team into the playoffs until his last year, but he had a wing rotation of Allen and Prince :lol: . Even then, Marc was still hurt. Never had a healthy Rudy and Zbo in the playoffs :smh:
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I personally don't believe Dirk would've taken anything in the six million ballpark range. I was always under the impression it'd be around 10-13. 8-9 at the very least. Maybe his first year is in the eight million ballpark though.
I don't think it was ever going to come to that either, but the original assertion was that the Mavericks weren't capable of offering a max deal. Which was dead *** wrong.

I don't think anybody within the organization expected to get Carmelo or LeBron. Like <1% chance. But you've got to at least listen. And if the guy says this is where I wanna be but I've gotta have the max, I think Dirk absolutely considers taking less to play with BY MILES the best player he'd have ever played with, and close his career with at least a reasonable shot at title contention. 

But if it's not a LeBron or a Carmelo, this thing wasn't going to be in title contention anyways. 
The dude doesn't care about money. :lol: He's going to be taken care of for as long as he wishes to be part of the Mavericks organization, whether it's on the court or off. 

The Mavericks could've done whatever they wanted to with Carmelo's contract.

This aint the NFL you cant defer Dirks or Carmelos money

Carmelo's max actually starts at 22 million.

Theres a difference between 6 million and 10 million

Thats almost cutting Dirk's projected salary in half

And thats from the 22 million he's actually worth and made last year

Dirk would be ring chasing in his own damn city

Tim Duncan
Manu Ginobili
Tony Parker

They ring chased in their own city.

I don't think it was ever going to come to that either, but the original assertion was that the Mavericks weren't capable of offering a max deal. Which was dead *** wrong.

In a NBA 2K GM world, yes the Mavs could offer Melo the max :rolleyes

But here in reality its true that they couldn't really give Melo the max

They couldve only offered 15-17 million

The same way the Heat couldve afforded Melo if Big 3 took pay cuts :smh:
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