Right, wrong, indifferent, it don't matter.
People abuse money. Is what it is. When Lamar got together with his wife, she was astonished to hear he was paying literally 20+ cell phone bills for various hanger ons. It may not be smart on his end, but when you have dozens of family members come out the woodwork lookin for some help, and you makin money like that, you think of it as an easy thing to help with.
Then reality kicks in, and next thing ya know, your career is almost over, and you don't have as much money as you expected to have.
Not to even mention some of the guys out there that have 6-7-8-9 kids with various women, child support, and they don't pay child support like you or I would, they pay out the damn nose. MEGA money for those kids.
Add that all up, and you get a lot of athletes living "well", but also living on credit, worth, future earnings, and when that well runs dry, like during a lockout, they are tapped, quick.
It's easy to say we could do it better, or handle it better, but think how many times you might have loaned a family member 20 bucks, or picked up a tab for them. Now imagine that when it's 100 family members, and those tabs aren't at Appelbee's or some ****, but some fancy restaurant in NY, or LA and instead of 20 bucks, they need car money, or cell phone, or the heat turned on, etc. Gets harder to say no now, don't it? And when you say yes, it's a lot more expensive than that 20 bucks, or a taco bell run for the fam.