2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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Abdur-rahim kept it one hunnit in regards to the hawks.

Shareef Abdur-Rahim: "As an Atlanta native, former Atlanta Hawk and African-American, remaining voiceless on the recent statements distributed by Atlanta Hawks management discounts the sacrifices so many have made to provide a voice for injustice. As a child growing up in Atlanta and before hip-hop music was played at the arena or even accepted by the masses in America, the Hawks had an attendance problem. I recall countless games blacked out in the 1980s and early 90s due to low attendance in the arena. Neither African-American cheerleaders nor the African-American community were the cause of low attendance back then and they are not the cause now." Yahoo! Sports
Atlanta Hawks, Danny Ferry, Shareef Abdur-Rahim, Bruce Levenson
- See more at: http://hoopshype.com/rumors.htm#sthash.MT7j29Av.dpuf
Everyone just taking L's all over the sports world right now
Was just thinking this earlier.

Ray Rice, most likely done for good
Adrian Peterson, we'll see what happens there
Pistorious (or however it's spelled): murder
that Oriole that got caught, suspended
Sterling (I mean, this has been on ongoing thing, but throw it in there)

Hell, Ferry and Sterling got Cuban and Gilbert looking like good guys.

you forgot Goodell :lol:
If you listened to that audio and still think baldie was reading words from a piece of paper, then you're either just as much of a dumb *** as he is or have an obvious agenda at play.

Let's assume the latest report is correct. So does that now make it OK that he digested the words and spit them back out in his own way WITH the original message left intact? :lol: @ anyone that believes it somehow absolves him from this ****.

The writer of the report implied Africans were bad people and also made a point about them being deceitful. The audio of Ferry reiterates the same exact thing in slightly different terms. There is no wiggle room here or excuse making for how terrible his comments were...ESPECIALLY since it came out his mouth in a business setting regarding a potential future employee.

The owner who outed him also alluded to diversity in management taking a drastic turn for the worse after Ferry took over. We don't need to get into that one, right? >D

There's nothing to "assume" about that report. It's a thing that exists.

Also, you're combining two different things into one: Ferry's comments (which nobody is defending him on) and what Ferry has maintained all along about the origin of those comments.

The only thing people are defending Danny Ferry on is the fact that he said he took the comments off a scouting report from another team. Everyone called BS (assuming he was passing blame onto someone else, who probably would never be identified), especially after the audio leaked. Well, whaddaya know, there's a scouting report from another team that backs up what Ferry has said all along. Again, this isn't about the content of the message, it's about what Ferry has said from the beginning about where the comments were derived from.

At no point has anyone defended what Ferry actually said on that phone call (at least to my knowledge). But he did tell the truth regarding where it came from.
What's crazy about the Hawks situation is that basketball wise Danny Ferry was the best thing to happen to the Hawks in a looong time. He was really turning that team around for the better.
What's crazy about the Hawks situation is that basketball wise Danny Ferry was the best thing to happen to the Hawks in a looong time. He was really turning that team around for the better.
They will just hire another former Spur and keep the ship moving. Just dont let it be Chip Engelland, if hes going to flourish anywhere, I want it to be with us
Scouting report or not you don't repeat that **** while being in the position he's in. He had to paraphrasing from a "report" and if so couldn't he have said what you see isn't always what you get with Deng. To say but he his some African in him is fuc**** stupid. If he doesn't know a way to get that info out without saying that he shouldnt be a gm. 
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