2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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Was anyone else under as much scrutiny for a glorified exhibition tournament?

Let D.Rose ******* breath.
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Crazy thing is i'm fully expecting Kyrie to play like this during the regular season too. He's perfect as the #2 or #3 option. With all that attention Lebron is gonna get, Kyrie is gonna be unstoppable :smh:
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Are those gold medals real gold?

Figured they at least give the dudes real Fold since the are making all that dough and paying the players zero
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Most likely. I wonder if they get taxed too like Olympians when they win medals.

Also wonder how long FIBA can go hosting these tournaments without paying the teams. I mean most players play due to being patriotic but when that passion runs low...there's really no benefit of competing hard.

I can understand US, Spain, France not worried about compensation but the smaller countries who make it once in a blue moon don't really get anything out of this tournament besides getting a chance to say they competed against NBA players.

FIBA should adopt the FIFA structure for compensating these teams. The smaller countries have a tough time already developing their home grown players. If you make it to the World Cup why not get paid for having your team do well? FIBA could make teams use that money to further train and develop the youth or the players currently on the roster to develop the game internationally with their money.

Will only make them more money in the long run IMO. I mean it won't be on the FIFA World Cup level but I believe the ceiling for International Basketball and Basketball in general can go as high as FIBA and Adam Silver take it.
I figured it is built into their shoe contracts, specifically Nike since they kind of control Team USA.
Not to hijack, but Iggy's popularity baffles me a bit. Wouldn't say she's untalented, just that her music sounds terrible IMO. Guess its the novelty of a girl who looks like that rapping the way she does
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