2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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That court looks so much like the Bullets its not even funny

What is funny is how they can change the name from Bullets to Wizards in one season but we're still going on about this ******** thing
Is the full scouting report posted? Or his other comments?

Greeny made it seem like it was stuff he couldn't even say on air.

An exclusive look at Hawks GM Danny Ferry’s fateful phone call
Adrian Wojnarowski By Adrian Wojnarowski
42 minutes ago
Yahoo Sports

Atlanta Hawks general manager Danny Ferry had been cornered where no NBA executive wants to be: a late afternoon, Friday conference call with the limited ownership partners. For all the contract language that dictated that Ferry had only to report to owner Bruce Levenson, these information calls remained an obligation of his duties.

One of the owners on the line in June, Michael Gearon Jr., had once been a far greater power player within the franchise. No more. Levenson and Ferry had neutralized him, and Gearon's days of input into basketball decisions had been long gone. He disdained Ferry, and told people often inside and outside the organization: He longed for Ferry's ouster as GM.

So now, Gearon had a notoriously impatient general manager on a conference call on a Friday afternoon, with owners whom sources say he didn't respect or like; or in some cases, both. As it turned out, Gearon had the perfect storm for the beginning of the end for the Atlanta Hawks’ two most powerful figures: Levenson and Ferry.

The call proceeded with Ferry hustling through free agent names, a list that included Carmelo Anthony: "He can shoot the [expletive] out of it, but he screws you up in other ways," Ferry said, according to a transcript obtained by Yahoo Sports.
Ferry would go on to say of Anthony: "So is he really worth the 20 million dollars? … I would argue if he plays the right way, absolutely."

The Hawks never had a chance to get Anthony, but free agent Luol Deng had been a distinct possibility. Eventually, the Hawks made two offers to Deng – two years, $20 million, or one year, $10 million – league sources told Yahoo Sports. Around the discussions between the Hawks and Deng, several sources told Yahoo that within the basketball operations, Ferry was Atlanta's biggest proponent to sign Deng.

Ferry never did persuade Deng to take the offer, and yet still he'll forever be connected to him. Once he started talking on the call about Deng, it wasn't long before Ferry marched himself directly into a foolish, ignorant riff of African stereotypes. On and on, Ferry started about how Deng "has got some African in him" and proceeded to make a comparison to Africans with phony facades selling counterfeit goods.

As soon as those words left Ferry's mouth on the call, Gearon responded in a dramatic way in the background of the tape recording, according to a partial transcript of the call obtained by Yahoo Sports.

"Oh my God, that comment sounds like Sterling on TMZ," Gearon said.

Gearon didn't stop Ferry. He let him keep talking. In the transcript, Ferry detailed the information he'd gathered on Deng. Ferry attributes those characterizations – and inappropriate phrasing – to outside sources.

On Deng, Ferry said: "… For example, he can come out and be an unnamed source for a story and two days later come out and say, 'That absolutely was not me. I can't believe someone said that.'

"But talking to reporters, you know they can [believe it]."

Ferry kept going on Deng: "… Good guy in Chicago. They will tell you he was good for their culture, but not a culture setter. He played hard and all those things, but he was very worried about his bobble-head being the last one given away that year, or there was not enough stuff of him in the [team] store … kind of a complex guy."

Ferry's clinging to the story that the racially charged words belonged to someone else – that a riff connecting Africans to a con man stereotype weren't his words at all. In context of the transcripts, it appears that those had been Ferry's own interjections on the call, somehow supporting the intel culled outside of the Hawks.

Ferry's supporters within Atlanta's hierarchy say that they've chosen to believe him, but it's been a tougher sell in the real world.
Pau didn't play in 2010.

Ahh my mistake. But 2012 still applies. He was ridiculous then meh.

The Olympics was the last time I saw him play with any kind of fire, urgency, or whatever you wanna call it. And before that was shaky as well.

I sorta figured it's because his skills are declining (there's such a difference when watching old clips) and he doesn't know how to adapt, so he ends up looking lost. But Spain is such a comfort zone for him, he can still play well with them.
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I don't think it's his skills, as much as his lost of athleticism and mobility. He just can't move like before.

And he's been a victim of uncontrollable situations; 2012 - the Lakers make Bynum a focal point on offense, 2013 - Dwight is prioritized over him (and rightfullyt so), 2014 - not the best offense for him, but had plenty of chances.
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I don't think it's his skills, as much as his lost of athleticism and mobility. He just can't move like before.

And he's been a victim of uncontrollable situations; 2012 - the Lakers make Bynum a focal point on offense, 2013 - Dwight is prioritized over him (and rightfullyt so), 2014 - not the best offense for him, but had plenty of chances.

Yeah, that's probably more accurate way of wording it. He can still do many of the same moves, just a step slower and less gracefully. Looking back, it feels like he never bothered trying to adjust to the slower step or loss of athleticism - he just let it suck him down.

Part of me thinks he was always frustrated with his lessened roles, trade rumors, injuries, and/or coach, so he just said eff it and let it be. His effort level/fire was like a two-year-long shoulder shrug.

I hope to see him reverse course in Chicago a little. The WC shows maybe he can when he's comfortable and motivated |I

:lol: at the mad owner.

Looks like we know where Woj's story came from
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And there ya have it. Spain lost to France. So its France-Serbia, USA-Lithuania
**** Spain crowning yourself before the tournament yall couldnt even make the finals

I went to about 5 Hawks games last year. The crowd has always been majority white where I was sitting and while attendance was at times shakey that's because Atlanta folks don't like the Hawks seemingly because they never give people championship hope. The games are packed with transplant fans including myself cheering the loudest for Cleveland, Miami, Los Angeles... it's crazy. I liked that article tho thank u for sharing. I like the last line too.
When I go to Hawks games if I'm not there to cheer the Spurs and Steph Curry and friends, then I'm booing the Hawks every possession.

Not once has any "hawk fan" addressed me
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