2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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Who Exactly did he "Make" a defensive nightmare

The same D-Wade who has always been a defensive nightmare while carrying the Heat? Shane Battier who was known for his smothering Defense?

I honestly feel that the Heats defense was extremely overated because anytime they went up against a high scoring team guys consistently found a way to get their shots. Don't get me wrong they were good but this def isn't one of the best defenses ever as some people wanna make it out to be.

B2b finals with bosh as a center

Let that marinate
So Chalmers, Wade, Battier, and Bron are bad defenders now?

Bosh (whose not a bad defender) was at the 5 with that lineup with Ray in there sometimes.
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I find it hilarious KD is leaving Nike right after they released that garbage shoe for him a month or two ago. Good current shoe is SO ugly lmao. At least in Ua they'll let him design his own shoe
^^Exactly... All of a sudden kyrie and love are going to turn into great defenders.
I don't buy it.
ill believe it when I see it.....
Spurs form big 3.....



Yet, they've never repeated and that Big 3 went seven years before they won again.
^^Exactly... All of a sudden kyrie and love are going to turn into great defenders.
I don't buy it.
ill believe it when I see it.....

Who said they would become great defenders?

Its no doubt lebron will have them up the intensity on that end which is what defense is mostly about
At the end of the day, Nike not going to cry because they lost Durant. The 2 athletes they currently have (Lebron and Kobe) own a bigger market share than KD, so I don't expect for them to beg KD to come back.

Durant sells 3 times as many shoes as Kobe. Kobe was out last year so that hurt.

Nike won't pay 30mil to KD, but they already pay him 10+, they'd probably do 20 with his brand continuing to gain popularity.
^^Center position sucks. What's your point ....

That LeBron's defensive versatility and ability as a help defender allowed the Heat to play Bosh at C to begin with. That's the point. Miami had several good defenders but their system was predicated on athleticism and ability to recover. LeBron was the hub of that. Doesn't mean that will be replicated in Cleveland, Bosh was very good to great on defense in his own right.

My guess is Cleveland's offense will flow much better than what the Heat's did when they first came together (Blatt more advanced than 2011 Spo on offense) but defensively I don't expect them to be close - Love is not in the same ballpark with Bosh and LeBron won't be going 100MPH like he was then on defense.

The Cavs aren't ready to be what the Big 3 was in 2011 or what the entire Heat became in '12, '13 but last year? Uh, yeah. They can be that. Wade played 54 games. Battier and Haslem had completely eroded. Beasley and Oden were FA busts, Rashard Lewis was their 5th best player in the ECF And Finals. Chalmers turned in a postseason (not just the Finals) for the ages. I would say they'll be better than the 2014 Heat just by having more capable bodies especially if Marion and/or Allen join but they may not make the Finals because if things break right for the Bulls (Rose) - the Bulls just might flat out be better and the Cavs will have growing pains in the playoffs.
Nike has a bottom line and that's why they're Nike.

No way they are paying KD 50 milli a season.

They walked away from Manchester United because of the amount of money they wanted, then Adidas signed Man U for something wild like 60 Millie pounds a season, and their stock took a hit.

Idk if UA can afford to realistically pay 30 milli a year.

under armor bout to go bankrupt if they sign kd lol

doubt kd leaves nike. its probably just a negotiating tactic
It's just been tweeted apparently KD has signed with UA. (KD 7 thread breaking news).
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Nike has a bottom line and that's why they're Nike.

No way they are paying KD 50 milli a season.

They walked away from Manchester United because of the amount of money they wanted, then Adidas signed Man U for something wild like 60 Millie pounds a season, and their stock took a hit.

Idk if UA can afford to realistically pay 30 milli a year.

under armor bout to go bankrupt if they sign kd lol

doubt kd leaves nike. its probably just a negotiating tactic

UA is a huge company now. they are everywhere..

that contract doesnt eve affect them finacially. it only helps them more since they will land pretty much the biggest name in all sports

come on now
^^^ I guess Its hard to say no to $ 30 mil. Interested to see what UA comes up with for him.
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