2014 NBA Off-Season; Paul George suffers a double-compund-fracture, likely out for season. Speedy re

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Yup.  That's his X-Ray.

Absolutely disgusting.

Statement from Larry Bird

“Our first thoughts are with Paul and his family. It is way too early to speculate on his return as the No. 1 priority for everyone will be his recovery. Our initial discussions with our doctors and the doctors in Las Vegas have us very optimistic. We are hopeful at some point next week Paul will return to Indianapolis to continue his recovery.

“There is no question about the impact on our team but our goal is to be as strong-willed and determined as Paul will be in coming back. Our franchise has had setbacks in its history but has demonstrated the abilities to recover. Paul will provide the example of that off the court and it is up to the rest of us to provide that example on the court. Any discussion regarding the future of our team would be inappropriate at this time. Our focus is solely on Paul and doing whatever we can to help.

”We still support USA Basketball and believe in the NBA's goals of exposing our game, our teams and players worldwide. This is an extremely unfortunate injury that occurred on a highly-visible stage, but could also have occurred anytime, anywhere.

“Finally, the Pacers would like to thank our fans and the NBA community for their outreach of support in the brief amount of time since the injury occurred. It has been overwhelming and it is what makes Indiana and the NBA special.”
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 @ that x-ray

I assume thats similar to the injury Kevin Ware got. I still think his is the most gruesome ive ever seen. If i can stomach that...i can stomach seeing any injury.
That x-Ray looks worse then it really is, if you gonna break a bone, that was the best possible one cause it was a clean break....the bones will fuse and actually become stronger then pre-injury
Probable Paul George timetable:

3-4 months:cast.

Walk: 6mos.

Run: 9mos.


Bball activities: 12mos.

Mental return? No timetable.

Stanchions and photographers need to clear way ASAP.

It wasn't long ago would be #1 pick Nerlens Noel was taken out before his career began.

There was outcry then that fell upon deaf ears, and people forewarned it would take a severe injury to an NBA star before anything would ever be done about it.  Well...here we are.
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Probable Paul George timetable:

3-4 months:cast.

Walk: 6mos.

Run: 9mos.


Bball activities: 12mos.

Mental return? No timetable.

Stanchions and photographers need to clear way ASAP.

It wasn't long ago would be #1 pick Nerlens Noel was taken out before his career began.

There was outcry then that fell upon deaf ears, and people forewarned it would take a severe injury to an NBA star before anything would ever be done about it.  Well...here we are.
i feel for him on a personal level similiar injury for me with a ied and i still to this day 2 yrs later dont feel the same when walking/running...... but im sure he will get better care then va and grady
He's going to come back strictly a 3-point shooter

All that dunkin he was doin on Birdman and Bron is a wrap.
maybe he will o hope he will i could dunk...im only 6'1 but i wouldnt even try now.... but he will get the best of best care plus hes what 6'8 or so..... i hope he bonce back better then ever
:x that X Ray

Said it last year it's gonna take a superstar injury for them to move people away from that area
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