2014 NBA Draft Thread

You missed the point of my post.

I was pointing out that just because GMs say "Wiggins is gonna be the next blah blah" doesn't mean he's going to pan out that way. You think Wiggins is going to be the next LBJ? Because there have been GMs quoted as saying that before.
Please show me this quote.

****** been running with this "next LBJ" nonsense for 2 years now and NO gm or scout has been quoted as saying that. Places like GQ and Worldstar and said that ****. The only quotes I've seen from basketball officials said stuff like "best prospect SINCE LBJ". That's a huge difference from "next Lebron James".

And again...when's the last time there was a miss on prospects with THIS level of hype?
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Wiggins tape is out.

this one?

His athleticism is :wow: but that's all I took away from the vid. His handles need to be tightened, he has no left hand. Jumper is decent though he gets little elevation, you'd think someone with his hops would have a really high unblockable release.

Wiggins physical gifts are undeniable, but you know how people talk about "So and so is an athlete, not a basketball player"? Wiggins is the prototype of that guy. I can't remember the last #1 pick who had a greater disparity between athleticism and skill. Kenyon Martin maybe? AW is basically being drafted #1 on sheer athleticism alone, there isn't a very long list of basketball (not athleticism, BASKETBALL) skills he is above average in.

An article I read linked this video that compiles all of his attempts at the rim in his freshman season. It's kind of worrisome that Wiggins bricks layups when college defenders breath on him:

He doesn't have that natural 'touch' around the rim.. that's not something you develop when you're already in the NBA, you learn it from a young age on the playground. What basketball skills is he elite in? He has sloppy handles in the halfcourt and dribbles way too high, looks stiff when he tries to do basketball moves. He's provides 0 in the passing department. I'll concede that he should be a good defender at the next level purely based on athleticism (However defense in the NBA is more about effort/focus than athleticism).

This dude is not a ballplayer man, he's an athlete. I don't see a generational basketball talent with this dude. Just my opinion.

1. That is definitely something that can be developed.
2. College is 95% zone while nba is 95% man. What I saw from that vid was everytime he beat somebody, he was going straight into a big waiting for him, very seldom will it be like that in the NBA. He'll be going against a guy helping and more times than not finish because of his athleticism alone, or be able to draw the foul. Sit back and let him cook in the NBA :smokin

Give me an example of someone who developed elite touch around the rim, after they had already come into the league with poor touch?

All the great finishers in the NBA were like that from day 1. Wade, Rose, LBJ, etc were superior finishers going back to their HS days. Someone did a study showing that rim finishing % generally doesn't improve a whole lot throughout a player's career, I will try to find it.

The man vs zone stuff is a reach, most of those layups he missed had nothing to do with the way the defense was playing him. He just blew the layups
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You missed the point of my post.

I was pointing out that just because GMs say "Wiggins is gonna be the next blah blah" doesn't mean he's going to pan out that way. You think Wiggins is going to be the next LBJ? Because there have been GMs quoted as saying that before.

Please show me this quote.

****** been running with this "next LBJ" nonsense for 2 years now and NO gm or scout has been quoted as saying that. Places like GQ and Worldstar and said that ****. The only quotes I've seen from basketball officials said stuff like "best prospect SINCE LBJ". That's a huge difference from "next Lebron James".

And again...when's the last time there was a miss on prospects with THIS level of hype?
So you agree that he's the best prospect since Lebron James? You agree with that statement? Because that in and of itself is ridiculous, Kevin Durant who was drafted in '07 is heads and shoulders above any other prospect since.
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For once we agree. I don't get the love affair tbh. I mean, sure, nice solid player...

I wouldn't even say that yet, he's 19 and he was really all over this place this year, played on the worst team in the league and mustered seven points. He might develop to be the greatest player ever but he literally hasn't done anything except to warrant the next great thing label that some media types throw on him.

And I actually like him. But god damn, he's like 19, who the **** knows what he'll turn into?
So you agree that he's the best prospect since Lebron James? You agree with that statement?
You gonna have to pick a point and stick to it.

You went from GM's being caught in the hype and using dudes like Derrick Williams and Evan Turner to back that up...to GM's being quoted as saying he's the next LBJ...to what I think.

Show me the GM's quoted as saying he's the next LBJ and i'll let you know what I think.
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Bro, I don't even think even you really believes that.

Halfway do actually :lol: he isn't as bad as he showed last year. I think his work in the NBA thus far proves that he isn't that bad. That was an uncharacteristically bad year for him. But I could see him doing something like 16 3 and 4 next year. He had to plummet in Dallas to get to those numbers so he should be able to achieve that.

I also wouldn't be surprised to see him either repeat the year he had this year or get moved or something. It doesn't look like he's going to be a part of Milwaukee's rebuild moving forward, which means he may not play much, shorter minutes, etc. Would love to see his scoring help a contender off the bench or something like that.
Wiggins tape is out.

this one?

His athleticism is :wow: but that's all I took away from the vid. His handles need to be tightened, he has no left hand. Jumper is decent though he gets little elevation, you'd think someone with his hops would have a really high unblockable release.

Wiggins physical gifts are undeniable, but you know how people talk about "So and so is an athlete, not a basketball player"? Wiggins is the prototype of that guy. I can't remember the last #1 pick who had a greater disparity between athleticism and skill. Kenyon Martin maybe? AW is basically being drafted #1 on sheer athleticism alone, there isn't a very long list of basketball (not athleticism, BASKETBALL) skills he is above average in.

An article I read linked this video that compiles all of his attempts at the rim in his freshman season. It's kind of worrisome that Wiggins bricks layups when college defenders breath on him:

He doesn't have that natural 'touch' around the rim.. that's not something you develop when you're already in the NBA, you learn it from a young age on the playground. What basketball skills is he elite in? He has sloppy handles in the halfcourt and dribbles way too high, looks stiff when he tries to do basketball moves. He's provides 0 in the passing department. I'll concede that he should be a good defender at the next level purely based on athleticism (However defense in the NBA is more about effort/focus than athleticism).

This dude is not a ballplayer man, he's an athlete. I don't see a generational basketball talent with this dude. Just my opinion.

1. That is definitely something that can be developed.
2. College is 95% zone while nba is 95% man. What I saw from that vid was everytime he beat somebody, he was going straight into a big waiting for him, very seldom will it be like that in the NBA. He'll be going against a guy helping and more times than not finish because of his athleticism alone, or be able to draw the foul. Sit back and let him cook in the NBA :smokin

Give me an example of someone who developed elite touch around the rim, after they had already come into the league with poor touch?

All the great finishers in the NBA were like that from day 1. Wade, Rose, LBJ, etc were superior finishers going back to their HS days. Someone did a study showing that rim finishing % generally doesn't improve a whole lot throughout a player's career, I will try to find it.

The man vs zone stuff is a reach, most of those layups he missed had nothing to do with the way the defense was playing him. He just blew the layups

wiggins was a great finisher in highschool, he'll put on strength and will get to the line even more in the league.
So you agree that he's the best prospect since Lebron James? You agree with that statement?

You gonna have to pick a point and stick to it.

You went from GM's being caught in the hype and using dudes like Derrick Williams and Evan Turner to back that up...to GM's being quoted as saying he's the next LBJ...to what I think.

Show me the GM's quoted as saying he's the next LBJ and i'll let you know what I think.
My point is that the hype surrounding a prospect isn't always what they pan out to be. How is that hard to understand?

You're just nitpicking right now
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Guys serious question.

When does the draft actually start? Not the pre show.

What actual time is Silver gonna walk his wimpy *** up there?

need to know for work purposes.
My dude, it's a workout vid...with HIMSELF :lol:

I'm surprised you of all people are suckered into this workout vid.

:lol: I know I'm ashamed of myself. That pull up jumper was giving me a half chub though.

Agreed at him sucking at finishing at the rim at Kansas though. Even though he was the most athletic player on the floor it wasn't always apparent. You'd think he'd go in there and yam it on somebody once a game but I rarely ever saw him getting even close to doing that. Even on one on none fast breaks he would put in these snoozefest two handed soft dunks.

Don't get me started on Wiggins though. Trying to be optimistic about all prospects with the draft basically a day away.
Wiggins, said a Western Conference assistant GM, "isn't quite a LeBron talent, but he's right behind him," a mouth-watering thought for the teams craving a franchise player.

Wiggins definitely has the upside to become a franchise player. The tools are there; it'll take hard work to get that elite level. 

My only concern is how little impact he could have in games at the NCAA-level. His athleticism is crazy though, and I'm so ready to see him in highlight reels for years to come.
Where the hell were all of you Wiggins-criticizers months ago while I was getting crapped on for saying these same things about him?
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wiggins was a great finisher in highschool, he'll put on strength and will get to the line even more in the league.
Every nba player was a great finisher in hs

Every NBA player was averaging crazy numbers in HS. Even the D League players and D1 players.

LOL @ bringing up HS.
Where the hell were all of you months ago while I was getting crapped on for saying these same things about Wiggins?
Dude I was here the whole time lol. It's been a debate with support on both sides for the past 6 months. The discussion has so many different subtopics it's almost not even worth talking about it no more. People coming from way too many different stances and then thinking we're all discussing the topic from the same vantage point when in reality everyone is operating on perception
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