2014 NBA Draft Thread

With Kobe's age and lack of speed, yes.

Klay is 6'7 himself, so he could play SF with little to no issues.

But please, don't let this trade happen.

Because then Love would be a Warrior or because you think you'll be drafting someone better than Klay at 7?
Both, but not necessarily someone better at #7 (but of course I want this happen). I would keep #7 because of cost control. Klay is slated to be a free agent next summer if he doesn't sign an extension by this fall. He's probably going to ask for at least $12 million per considering the dearth of shooting guards in the league, his elite three point shooting and defensive acumen.
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Klay does nothing for LA or any of these scenarios involving their pick that doesn't give them two picks. Lakers don't need dudes making 9mill plus a year. They need young players on cheap contracts. Maintain that flexibility and build intelligently through the draft and key signings.

why would they need young players on cheap contracts just to stay mediocre & hope for them to reach their potential? with the clippers taking over the city, the lakers cant afford to miss the playoffs another season especially with kobe, they have to get the best players they can possibly get
Then why would you not want him? I don't get it....it's like you Laker fans think that great young players are supposed to come there for free. He'll sign the extension and you'll atleast have someone outside of Kobe to sell to potential free agents.
Lakers make the playoffs lose in the first round or Lakers miss the playoffs and get a lottery pick? This isn't about Kobe or which band wagoners are gonna root for in LA it's about building your team for the future. Who cares about Kobe. Let's be real.
Lakers make the playoffs lose in the first round or Lakers miss the playoffs and get a lottery pick? This isn't about Kobe or which band wagoners are gonna root for in LA it's about building your team for the future. Who cares about Kobe. Let's be real.

Yeah keep striving for lottery picks like the kings havent been doing that for the last 6 years, okc got people naive thinking the lottery is the way to go for building a team, especially in the west, if the lakers were in the east then building through the lottery would be a better decision but they arent
The idea is to not rush into rebuilding again. Next years draft is really good as well as its free agency class. Draft someone talented this year, pick up someone talented in next year's draft and then spend in free agency. Lakers shouldn't be in a rush to bring in vets just to make the playoffs. You could build a contender this year go for it, but is making the 7th seed and a first round exit worth it? The answer is no.
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The Lakers will not just try to suck for the next two years and build on top 10 picks. It's not happening whether that's what they should do or not. They want stars and you're not selling any of them with two years of Kobe and the #7 pick.
Hell of a plan

*BOOM* Title contenders

**** making the playoffs first and lets just compete for titles.

Must be nice
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Let's throw logic out of the window for a second.

History has shown us that the Lakers will somehow someway engineer a roster that can compete with the elite...within the very near future. 

They have never...and will never have to rely on lottery luck and front office personnel like the average NBA team.

It's all jokes when people say **** like the Lakers are going to get Bron, Melo, Love, etc...but we all know its inevitable that they are going to end up with some combination of young superstars that people never saw coming. It's been happing for decades...why would it end now? 

Who would have guessed their 2008-2010 years back in 2006?
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Exactly, Kobe was carrying teams with Smush Parker then suddenly gets Pau/Bynum/LO.

I never count the Lakers out, maybe for a few years but they always find a way.

Then again, that was when the Dr.Buss was alive though, not a fan of a lot of the moves his son been making.
I was going to say... it seems like LA's fortune could be changing with Jim Buss settling into place.. moves aren't turning to gold like they were before (both coaching and personnel decisions).. pretty sure he's incompetent and/or cursed. LA will always be an attractive option to players and coaches but at the same time look what happened to the Knicks and the Celtics (both supposed attractive organizations) with poor management. I predict that as long as Buss is in charge the Lakers will suffer
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Let's throw logic out of the window for a second.

History has shown us that the Lakers will somehow someway engineer a roster that can compete with the elite...within the very near future. 

They have never...and will never have to rely on lottery luck and front office personnel like the average NBA team.

It's all jokes when people say **** like the Lakers are going to get Bron, Melo, Love, etc...but we all know its inevitable that they are going to end up with some combination of young superstars that people never saw coming. It's been happing for decades...why would it end now? 

Who would have guessed their 2008-2010 years back in 2006?

Easy to say when they had kobe for 18 years, lakers are gonna be mediocre for the near future, its always gonna be a free agents destination but will kobe be able to put his ego aside & be the sidekick to a young superstar, because i doubt kobes done after these 2 years, he just signed short term to see what moves they will make imo
There's no way in hell Kobe is retiring in two years unless he wants to be like Jordan so bad he's even gonna come out of retirement a few times.
Non Laker fans trying to tell Laker fans what needs to happen is always funny. :lol:

Use Klay Thompson and his large salary to attract other free agents. :rofl: :rofl:


Take #7, try to make him a star for 2 million a year, like saaaaay, Kawhi Leonard's impact.

Wait out one last year of Nash at 9.7 million.

We have no pick next year unless it's in the top 5.

Maybe you land a decent young guy, say Lance, or maybe Bledsoe, maybe Monroe. Nothin too pricey, just a decent deal to pair with #7 goin forward.

Then a year later, Kobe's 25 million comes off and you have 50-60 mil in cap space, as long as you don't hand out large contracts to Thad ******* Young or Klay Thompson.

Maybe even buy a mid-late first this year or next for an extra young guy. A Fisher, Ibaka, Tony Parker late round type attempt. If you miss, no harm no foul.

As for Clippers taking over the city........... :lol: We run the city for 50+ years, and it's over in 3 while the Clippers do what, lose in the second round each year? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Come on folks. At least try to think things thru before you type.
srsly, Laker fans are the worst

nobody cares about who runs the city

Do you even live here? (In Los Angeles)
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And lastly, Kobe will be 38 after his deal, with 20 seasons on his odometer and multiple knee/ankle issues over time.

Even if he still wanted to play, you're talkin one year, maybe. Not like he'll be on the 2020 roster or some ****.
Klay does nothing for LA or any of these scenarios involving their pick that doesn't give them two picks. Lakers don't need dudes making 9mill plus a year. They need young players on cheap contracts. Maintain that flexibility and build intelligently through the draft and key signings.

why would they need young players on cheap contracts just to stay mediocre & hope for them to reach their potential? with the clippers taking over the city, the lakers cant afford to miss the playoffs another season especially with kobe, they have to get the best players they can possibly get

Here you go.
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