2014-15 Official Lakers Season Thread, Vol: We Love Each Other

How Many Wins This Season?

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Laker fans "believe it when they see it" when it comes to Nash but:
I think Byron will start him over Lin if he actually looks the part.

It always bugs me that nash doesnt wear a protective sleeve on his leg,  I mean the slightest touch irritates the nerve...I would think they would require him to wear a brace or some sort of protection.  I love watching nash play,  Would be nice to see him ball out in a Lakers uniform before he retires.
Tupac, I'm a little confused what you want.

You are unclear on why someone like me would want to lose, cuz keeping that top five pick might not even help later on?

Well, is "trying" to win, but ultimately failing and getting the 8th pick, to then hand over to the Suns, then giving away our 2017 first round pick to the Magic, more helpful to our cause?????

Is it simply the fear of the unknown that has you unsure of what to do next?

Why is hoping for Randle to be good, and hoping for free agency to work out is optimistic, but hoping to tank to keep our own draft picks is negativity?????

I'm hoping to save something that we need. Multiple first round picks. How is that, a negative?

I'm not asking a really good team to tank a season, I'm asking a team we already know isn't very good to tank. That's all. A team everyone in here knows isn't winning a title. At least if they were to save our 2015-2017 picks, this lost year would help us going forward.

What did 2013 do for us? Swept round 1, killed Kobe, lost Dwight, no draft pick.
2014 we got Randle, maybe Clarkson, and maybe, just maybe, we can save 2 more future assets.

Which year would be more beneficial? Me? I say 2014. I don't see how that's being negative.

I want the Lakers to win. Winning cures everything. I doubt we could win this year...but how many folks were picking the pistons in 04? Not many.

Not saying that we are the 04 Pistons. Just saying a lot of unknowns. We don't know if that top 5 pick would be what we need. Don't know for sure if giving those picks up later will hurt.

But i understand your logic. I truly do.

Just can't root like you can. I can't watch the lakers play, cheer for them all while wanting them to lose in hopes that we keep a pick. It's just me.

Saw something about Clarkson dominating some OVO turny...really hope that kid is our steal.

To hear us talk about comparing us to the Cowboys or radiers....After 4 years...can't do it. Too much for me. I get the logic as to why some of you would feel that. Not for me...

We haven't even played 10 games...yet we talk tank. Can't do it...

And when it comes down to which year I want...I wouldn't want 2013 or 2014. I understand those years happening. Takes first round losses to get to second round losses to get to conference final losses...you continue to bulid. Things don't always work out like that. But i never want another year like last year. Logical or not.

This year can very well end up like last year...but i won't root for that. I'll root for wins.

Just me. You have to have logical folks which is why I respect you and your views. Just can't do all of it.
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When you can build an entire offense around a soon to be 36 year old shooting guard coming off two major lower leg injuries who's entering his 19th year in the league, you have to do it.
At least from the NBA rap album, we know Boozer looks back and trusts God so he's gonna hit the paint hard :

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Kinda thought me and Tupac was havin a convo.

But no worries, all you have to do is click my name, block me, and you're good money.
If by having a conversation you mean you telling him all the reasons he is wrong for having a different opinion than yours, then yes, you were having a conversation
Don't be offended CP but junglejim has me in tears bro :rofl: :rofl:

Tanking the bible for rebuilding :lol:
10 page post :rofl:

Jungle stick around man and post more you're hilarious. :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Kinda thought me and Tupac was havin a convo.

But no worries, all you have to do is click my name, block me, and you're good money. :smokin

If by having a conversation you mean you telling him all the reasons he is wrong for having a different opinion than yours, then yes, you were having a conversation:lol:

Yeah, see, that's not even close to what I did. I asked him questions, I gave my view, he gave me his. Not a single flap on either of our parts.

You, you come in with

This thread is unbearable. Either you root for this team to tank or you get lambasted for cheering wrong. Jesus...

But I haven't seen anyone lambasted, roasted, toasted, or mosted (I ran out, best I could do 1/8 on my part, sue me)

So again, by all means, I offend you, click that block button. You will enjoy this thread more, and won't have to post nonsense like this

This thread is unbearable. Either you root for this team to tank or you get lambasted for cheering wrong. Jesus...

Anymore. :wink:
Now only if the block button prevented 10 pages of thread derailment due to someone not wanting their team to tank

I swear this thread inadvertently hits the repeat button every day because every day were in here talking about the same ****

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The thread hasn't been derailed one bit. It is the offseason. The roster is set. Summer league is over. Players are on vacation.

Laker fans, which, frankly, I've never heard of you, are in here, daily, discussing the team. What they want to happen, what they don't want to have happen, etc.

Both sides of the equation. Some want to tank, some don't. Some want to talk about Kobe, some Nash, some Randle, some trades, next year's free agents, drafts, former glory, etc.

None of that, is derailment. So please, join in on the convo, or quit with the whining. There is no other option. You want to speak on the Lakers, speak on the Lakers, not the thread itself. Very simple.
Now only if the block button prevented 10 pages of thread derailment due to someone not wanting their team to tank:pimp:

I swear this thread inadvertently hits the repeat button every day because every day were in here talking about the same ****


Then talk about something else man :lol:

Like here, this vid was posted a few days ago. I remember having to leave for dinner in the 4th and mad about missing the end... but it was still going by the time I got back

They couldn't put this wack *** Suns team away though, a bad sign of things to come
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Laker fans, which, frankly, I've never heard of you, are in here, daily, discussing the team. What they want to happen, what they don't want to have happen, etc.
I apologize for having a job.  Will try to check in more often so I can prove to you how much of a fan I am

You want to speak on the Lakers, speak on the Lakers, not the thread itself. Very simple.
I'll play your game.  Out of your 379 pages of absolutely insisting we tank so we don't give the Suns our pick next year you never address what happens if when finish 6th or worse?  Isn't that inherently far worse than barely missing the playoffs or making the playoffs next year and getting swept first round?

We won 27 games last year without Kobe and got the 7th pick.   Does anybody honestly believe we will lose more games next year than last year after adding Kobe, Lin, Davis, and Randle?
He has a point though. Being 6-10 in the lottery is far worse than just barely missing playoffs or even making the playoffs and losing.

*kanye shrug*

These are some of the things some of us point out. But not very often agreed with.
I have a job too fam. :lol:

you never address what happens if when finish 6th or worse?

Isn't that inherently far worse than barely missing the playoffs or making the playoffs next year and getting swept first round?

No. 6th pick, or 14th pick, we didn't win the title. There is no "worse". If you refer to giving the Suns the better pick, sure, that absolutely changes 6 thru 14. Hence, we have to do better protecting ourselves than we did last year. For instance, Mitch should sell everything this time, as opposed to last year only dealing Blake. Something that cost us from finishing in the 3-4-5 slot, instead of the 6 slot.

Does anybody honestly believe we will lose more games next year than last year after adding Kobe, Lin, Davis, and Randle?

Yes, a few people do, because Lin isn't very good, and Davis isn't a game changer. And Kobe may not be the Kobe you or I remember. Kobe and Lin is also the worst defensive backcourt in the NBA. They might be very good offensively, but defensively, they are a terrible duo. And Nash wouldn't change that either.

Randle is the wildcard/unknown. We'll see what we get out of him. Or even how much he gets to play. My hope, is a lot. Like 38 minutes a night alot. We need to see that kid playing all the time, and see how he learns, how quick he grows, etc. Then we'll have a better feel for what we have in him.
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