2014-15 Official Lakers Season Thread, Vol: We Love Each Other

How Many Wins This Season?

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Man this is unbearable. Aint even August yet and we got dudes talking about how garbage we are in 2018. All of a sudden randle is a bust and we struck out on every free agent for the next 4 years

cp posts so often with such long posts talking about the same thing everyday that it can't help but rub off on people. People just stream his words into their brain and forget how to think for themselves. It's disgusting b. it's like living with a nagging woman. That's the best comparison I can come up with
Why don't you provide plausible scenarios where the Lakers become elite again?

Your blind faith is just as annoying.
:lol: :pimp:

Edit - Galaxy you want a scenario? I could easily make up something like randle becomes the best player in his class, Kelly and clarkson prove to be late round steals like ginobili and Parker, Lin returns to linsanity under the mentorship of Nash, young lottery picks like Xavier Wes davis and hill continue to improve, our bench depth carries us thru the regular season, we land a marquee free agent the next two years etc etc and on and on

Or we could just let everything play out instead of hoping for the worst
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Swear I thought I said IF Randle doesn't hit.

And IF we give up our 2015 and 2017 picks.

And if we miss on the next batch of stars that include Love, Durant, Russ, then it would be 2018.

Guess those points got twisted around a bit.
CBA set to hinder our strengths
Jerry Buss passing
Dwight left
Melo turned us down
Pau took less money to leave
Passing on Phil in either capacity, which also cost us a look at Fisher

Mike Brown, to MDA, to Byron Scott

Paying old guys like Nash and Kobe

Lack of draft picks 2 of the next 3 years if we don't get lucky this year.

The trend is noticeably one direction. Down.

So having faith in a FA simply thinking they can be the one to flip it all around, without any assets already in place.......... Iono man, you askin for a rather large miracle.

We are in bad, bad shape right now. You can fight it Tupac, but at some point, accept what's going on in front of our eyes.

Shaq left

Phil left

We traded for Kwame

Smush was our starting Point Guard....

Yeah bad stuff happens. But if you just want to believe we are going to suck forever then don't be a fan. Jump ship. Do whatever makes you feel better.

But why stick around if you don't believe it will ever get better?

You don't think I know things are bad? Duh we all see that. But I am a LAKER FAN!!! I believe it will get better....
Why be a fan of a team if you don't believe in them?

Why just sit around and say we are going to suck forever?

Kinda stupid to be a FAN of a team if you think they are going to suck forever....
So it's better to just be positive even if the team makes idiotic decision after idiotic decision? 

I'm not saying you're right, but that's like saying if you work for a company and they're bleeding money you should just keep cheering them on.

Being able to examine things critically with a logical lens can be seen as a debbie downer but let's be honest, sometimes being positive is just a way to hide or ignore reality.

Again, I'm aware that Randle, Lin, etc. could suddenly develop into all-star players and all this negativity becomes a moot point - but what are the odds of that? 

I'm not saying hey let's all mirror CP and become super critical because I think balance helps (especially on a message board lol) but to sit here and say 'we're fine, it's all good' is a copout. 
I never said forever. And I thought I'd typed out plenty of hopeful posts for how we can get back on top.

Point is, I'm lookin at both ends of the spectrum.

I'd LOVE to pull Marc Gasol and Durant and be just fine within 2 years. My question, if we miss........?

Suddenly we a long ways from 2010, aren't we?
Being able to examine things critically with a logical lens can be seen as a debbie downer but let's be honest, sometimes being positive is just a way to hide or ignore reality.

"If everything goes wrong we are gonna suck. You're an idiot if you think otherwise". Repeat all day everyday, 500 word minimum. Critical thinking.

Again, I'm aware that Randle, Lin, etc. could suddenly develop into all-star players and all this negativity becomes a moot point - but what are the odds of that?

Randle was a top 2 prospect before the season. You've seen his skillset, not far fetched for him. Lin was only a couple thousand votes from being an all star over Chris Paul last season.

I know that last part is twisting your words but on a serious note if Lin is ever going to come close to what he was in New York, these are pretty good circumstances.

Basically it's a glass half full situation and could go either way, nothing is certain at this point. But all this hyper negativity is for the birds
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CBA set to hinder our strengths
Jerry Buss passing
Dwight left
Melo turned us down
Pau took less money to leave
Passing on Phil in either capacity, which also cost us a look at Fisher

Mike Brown, to MDA, to Byron Scott

Paying old guys like Nash and Kobe

Lack of draft picks 2 of the next 3 years if we don't get lucky this year.

The trend is noticeably one direction. Down.

So having faith in a FA simply thinking they can be the one to flip it all around, without any assets already in place.......... Iono man, you askin for a rather large miracle.

We are in bad, bad shape right now. You can fight it Tupac, but at some point, accept what's going on in front of our eyes.

Shaq left

Phil left

We traded for Kwame

Smush was our starting Point Guard....

And we had a 26 year old super-megastar.

And Jerry Buss.

And Phil was back within a year.

This situation isn't like that one. Not even close.
So it's better to just be positive even if the team makes idiotic decision after idiotic decision? 

I'm not saying you're right, but that's like saying if you work for a company and they're bleeding money you should just keep cheering them on.

Being able to examine things critically with a logical lens can be seen as a debbie downer but let's be honest, sometimes being positive is just a way to hide or ignore reality.

Again, I'm aware that Randle, Lin, etc. could suddenly develop into all-star players and all this negativity becomes a moot point - but what are the odds of that? 

I'm not saying hey let's all mirror CP and become super critical because I think balance helps (especially on a message board lol) but to sit here and say 'we're fine, it's all good' is a copout. 

But this isn't a company we work for...

Lord Jesus I have said myself things are bad...and thing will be bad for a bit.

But i know eventually things have turn. And even if they don't then what? I'm still gonna be a fan, support my team and hope it gets better.

I couldn't support something I didn't believe in.

What were the odd's that Kobe would be Kobe?

Yes terrible decisions have been made, Yes bad things have happened.

But how long do we sit in it? If you just want to sit in negativity, be a fan of the bucks....
And we had a 26 year old super-megastar.

And Jerry Buss.

And Phil was back within a year.

This situation isn't like that one. Not even close.

Doesn't matter things still weren't peachy.

Missed the playoffs, blah blah blah.

I get its not the same situation....

But things can turn around. This franchise has always been able to turn things around.

This time around it won't be as fast as what we all want.
I agree, things will turn around, eventually.

Kinda like, the Cowboys. :nerd: :lol:

(You didn't like the Raiders comp, so I chose another successful franchise of the NFL variety). :lol:

You wanna compare us to the cowboys go ahead. I guess it makes you feel better.

I guess the one thing I seem to understand is I am a FAN. A FAN.

Not a GM, not the coach a FAN.

A fan supports his team and doesn't compare them to other teams in other leagues.

I also have the right to talk crap about my team which I do when i see fit.

But I also understand that as a fan I'm going to root and cheer for my team and hope things turns out for the best instead of living in our mistakes....

But that's just me....

A stupid lil fan.
No one is asking you not to be a fan.

Nor do I plan on not being one. I don't expect any one of us in here to stop being a fan.

Cept maybe Jbone. :lol:
Are we that entitled and spoiled as a fanbase ?

All it takes is 4/5 years after multiple championships for us to turn on our entire team and front office and demand their immediate departure, not to mention 7 Finals Trips in 15 years but we're acting like we haven't won since the 70's. We haven't paid enough dues for all this complaining plain and simple, couple bad years and some of are forgetting every thing that ever happened.

Can we please be bad with some dignity instead of freaking out like a junior high school chic with a pimple on the first day of school ?
Are we that entitled and spoiled as a fanbase ?

All it takes is 4/5 years after multiple championships for us to turn on our entire team and front office and demand their immediate departure, not to mention 7 Finals Trips in 15 years but we're acting like we haven't won since the 70's. We haven't paid enough dues for all this complaining plain and simple, couple bad years and some of are forgetting every thing that ever happened.

Can we please be bad with some dignity instead of freaking out like a junior high school chic with a pimple on the first day of school ?

No! we have to stay in our mistakes!

Continue to complain over spilled milk.

Never moving on.

No!!! No!!!! Blow everything up!

(I agree with everything you said...please don't mistake it) :lol:

You wanna compare us to the cowboys go ahead. I guess it makes you feel better.

I guess the one thing I seem to understand is I am a FAN. A FAN.

Not a GM, not the coach a FAN.

A fan supports his team and doesn't compare them to other teams in other leagues.

I also have the right to talk crap about my team which I do when i see fit.

But I also understand that as a fan I'm going to root and cheer for my team and hope things turns out for the best instead of living in our mistakes....

But that's just me....

A stupid lil fan.

I love you, man.

Do I not have that right?

CP yes of course you do.

I personally feel that you live in mistakes.

Just me. Comparing us to the cowboys or Raiders? Just a bit much to me.

But like I said before this thread would be boring without you.

Me and you want the same thing. Lakers on top winning chips again.

Just different views and outlooks on it.

I have a friend like you...we go back and fourth all day on this. End of they day we watch games, cheer, throw stuff and enjoy watching this franchise that has been apart of our lives for years. :smokin

Lakers forever....

Do I not have that right?

CP yes of course you do.

I personally feel that you live in mistakes.

Just me. Comparing us to the cowboys or Raiders? Just a bit much to me.

But like I said before this thread would be boring without you.

Me and you want the same thing. Lakers on top winning chips again.

Just different views and outlooks on it.

I have a friend like you...we go back and fourth all day on this. End of they day we watch games, cheer, throw stuff and enjoy watching this franchise that has been apart of our lives for years. :smokin

Lakers forever....

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