2013 NBA Trade Deadline Thread: February 21

steph got extended the day before the season started
oh ok.
still like someone stated 2 small guards in 1 backcourt dont work. its like b.diddy/monta/monta/steph all over again

At no point with Baron Davis, was the backcourt considered too small. First of all, Monta came off the bench back then. The starting backcourt was Baron and Jason Richardson (hardly a small backcourt). And when Baron DID play in the backcourt with Monta, it didnt play that small anyways. Baron was strong enough to guard the 2s, and it worked just fine.

I am not sure I would be in love with trading Klay for Gordon, but it has nothing to do with the resulting small backcourtl. Curry and Klay play zero defense anyways, so Curry and Gordon being small wouldnt make things any worse in that regard.
Having two guys in your backcourt that are 6'3 is NEVER going to work out. Especially two guys that can drop and be out for the season at any minute.

For the most part I agree. Which is why I asked this before. Is Monta Ellis one of the biggest cancers in the league due to this? Is there a situation where it could work? Or is Monta only worth anything if you put him at PG. I will say he's much better at point that I initially thought he was so I don't see why a team couldn't try it out. He's also no where near as good of a shooter as I initially thought he was for a 2 guard. He excels at getting in the paint, finishing, and creating for others. Honestly I think the best fit for him would be to be a 6th man somewhere but his ego may not let that happen.
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The last time I checked we traded our under sized 2 guard to try something new this year, and it has been working aside from this recent slide. Dubs need to calm down and stay put, an undersized backcourt didn't work before. Ask the same team 2 years ago.

The team 2 years ago didnt have an interior presence like Bogut on it. If you have a big frontcourt, a small backcourt could work just fine.

For the record, I am not saying that I am in favor of the trade.....I just think the "small backcourt" is being completely overblown here.
Having two guys in your backcourt that are 6'3 is NEVER going to work out. Especially two guys that can drop and be out for the season at any minute.

For the most part I agree. Which is why I asked this before. Is Monta Ellis one of the biggest cancers in the league due to this? Is there a situation where it could work? Or is Monta only worth anything if you put him at PG. I will say he's much better at point that I initially thought he was so I don't see why a team couldn't try it out. He's also no where near as good of a shooter as I initially thought he was for a 2 guard. He excels at getting in the paint, finishing, and creating for others. Honestly I think the best fit for him would be to be a 6th man somewhere but his ego may not let that happen.
Read this and you'll understand why it's difficult to build around Monta.
The Heat have a small back court, (6'2 and 6'4) but it works because Wade plays bigger than 6'4 and his off the ball defense is so good. And I guess it also helps to have a 6'9 freight train that can play every position on the court.
The team 2 years ago didnt have an interior presence like Bogut on it. If you have a big frontcourt, a small backcourt could work just fine.

For the record, I am not saying that I am in favor of the trade.....I just think the "small backcourt" is being completely overblown here.
Given the circumstances of Currys right ankle the only reason I could see management considering this trade is to dump off a bad contract like Jefferson or Biedrins. I don't like his injury history or his attitude I feel like he can disrupt the team chemistry.
dont know why some are reluctant to trade Lamb. hes done nothing so far, even in the d-league.

sure he might be a decent player but its not gonna happen on the Thunder.

Gortat>>>>>>Perkins and Lamb
The Heat have a small back court, (6'2 and 6'4) but it works because Wade plays bigger than 6'4 and his off the ball defense is so good. And I guess it also helps to have a 6'9 freight train that can play every position on the court.
I love how u answered ur own argument lol
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You just named two of the better defensive 2 guards in the league who play much bigger than their size tho. (Wade and Allen).
The Heat have a small back court, (6'2 and 6'4) but it works because Wade plays bigger than 6'4 and his off the ball defense is so good. And I guess it also helps to have a 6'9 freight train that can play every position on the court.
I love how u answered ur own argument lol

Its the same argument that I made with Bogut and the Warriors. Now, obviously, I am not comparing LeBron James to Andrew Bogut....but the point remains. An undersized backcourt could work fine, assuming that the other 3 positions can make up for this deficiency in size.

Problem is, most of the time that we have seen an undersized backcourt in the NBA, it hasnt been paired up with other players that could make it a non-issue. Thats why everyone has the opinion that an undersized backcourt would never work. It absolutely could work. You just need the correct pieces around it.
Memphis is making the small back court work also.
Mike Conley can get bullied, but him and Tony Allen are good defenders to begin with, plus the Grizzlies have Marc Gasol behind them to erase mistakes.
You just named two of the better defensive 2 guards in the league who play much bigger than their size tho. (Wade and Allen).
Ok .........?

People keep saying it can "never work".  I'm saying, yes, it can and has worked.... just depends on the players.
I really just wanna see Josh Smith on the Celtics. When Rondo gets healthy next season that would be a crazy combo.
Also has anyone heard the rumor the the Celtics are thinking about Allen Iverson? I heard a rumor, but no truth behind the story.
Dallas made it work during their Championship season. Carlisle played Kidd and that runt J.J. together. Kidd was checking Kobe at the end of games in that thrashing they gave LA.
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I dont think the question is CAN it work. But are Gordon and Steph the type of players who could make it work. And I dont think that they are.

Klay has a better upside, and I wouldnt fear a season ending injury every year like I do with Gordon if I were the Warriors. Having a backcourt made of glass prolly wouldnt be what I would be striving for.

All the examples your giving are lock down defenders for their position. Or they have a lockdown defender who can come over and help. Bogut is no lockdown defender and neither is anyone else on the Ws right now. Bogut isnt even the Shot blocker he used to be. Hes a little slower than when he was with the Bucks.

Add to the fact that hes injured almost every year also. The Ws would be almost like a ticking time bomb with all their star players being injury prone.
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I'd try my best if I was a coach to convince undersize, inefficient 2 guards to embrace the role of the 6th man/instant offense.
Dallas made it work during their Championship season. Carlisle played Kidd and that runt J.J. together. Kidd was checking Kobe at the end of games in that thrashing they gave LA.
Kidd and Deshawn Stevenson started most of the games that season. That Stevenson and Barea (he started a whopping two games in the regular season) switch didn't occur until the Finals when Carlise realized Mike Bibby couldn't guard Barea and to bring more size off the bench with Stevenson.
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