2013 College Football Thread (Realer than Real Deal Holyfield -->S/O Craftsy)

2016 4 star athlete Ahmmon Richards commits to the U.  
 Liking the 2016 class so far
Christian Ponder said his little girl's name is Bowden Sainte-Claire. Yes, she's named after Bobby.

Right up until he gets hit the first time and snags another concussion...

Tyrone Swoopes here we go!
I'm paraphrasing what he said but Saban was interviewed and asked about the Big 12 commish's comments on cheating, "I think with social media there's enough policing because everything's out in the public", "Why would a coach cheat and risk his career for what, 1 extra win?" "I think because the SEC is so strong people from the outside automatically assume the whole league must be cheating to accomplish what we have."

Charlie Strong Drops The Banhammer: 4 Longhorn Players Exiled

Strong has banned at least four players from team activities inside the Moncrief-Neuhaus Athletic Center this summer.
Strong was candid about discussing why players would be banned from Moncrief, but he would not say which players he was referring to. And a source told the American-Statesman that all players who have been banned previously are expected to be back with the team for August training camp.
"When you’re talking about guys being barred from Moncrief," Strong told the American-Statesman, "it’s guys that…if you don’t do what you’re supposed to do and you’re constantly going to be a problem, then there’s going to be repercussions and something’s going to be done about it."
When players are "banned," Strong said they have special workouts with strength coach Pat Moorer. Players are also expected to maintain their grades and, if the coaches want, subject themselves to random drug tests and dorm checks.

...and how in hell is ash named starter? dude just got cleared to practice yesterday. lol
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That's definitely something to be proud of. He's still gonna catch this slander until that day though.
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