2013 College Football Thread (Realer than Real Deal Holyfield -->S/O Craftsy)

Kris Boyd says his top 2 are texas and FSU

Because they're recruiting his 2016 brother. :lol:
REYNOLDS, Ga. -- Auburn quarterback Nick Marshall has been cited for possession of a small amount of marijuana in Georgia.

Reynolds Police Chief Lonnie Holder said he and another officer detected the odor of marijuana after pulling Marshall over at 12:45 p.m. ET Friday for a window tint violation. Holder said they found 8-10 grams of marijuana under the passenger-side visor.

Because it was less than an ounce, they didn't arrest Marshall.

The Tigers quarterback, who will be a senior this season, was cited for violations of two city ordinances. He doesn't have to appear for a Sept. 10 court date if he pays fines of $1,000 for marijuana possession and $100 for the window tint violation.

According to AL.com, the Auburn athletic department has yet to comment on the citations.

The website also reported that the school's athletic department drug policy says a student-athlete involved in an alcohol- or drug-related incident must report it "immediately" to the head coach and "failure to report the incident is itself a violation and subject to sanctions."

Marshall, who is from Pineview, Georgia, helped lead Auburn to a Southeastern Conference title and into the VIZIO BCS National Championship last season.

Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.
Small amount of marijuana...meh.

Only thing that says to me is that Marshall is gonna win the Heisman next year.

An insider was talking about this issue and brought up some really good points about the matter. It's a bit long so I'll put it in a spoiler and highlight what I think are the most interesting bits.

I've gotten to know Josh pretty well over the last 3 years and know Trent Dilfer pretty well too from my days at Student Sports. There was no chance this relationship was going to work. These are two strong willed personalities and at times, Josh doesn't do himself any favors with his body language and how he carries himself. Saying that, I put this on Dilfer and his raging, out of control ego.

The Elite 11 has definitely changed quite a bit since I was a part of it, it's now a TV reality show and although there is still some great things about it, there are many things I don't agree with. Picking the final Elite 11 and basing it on how the players do in 7v7 is incredible flawed. For one, these teams have 3 QBs with each playing one half, so there are times when one QB won't play at all in a game. In thursday's elimination round, teams can go with one QB and a few did, but Rosen's team continued to alternate all 3 guys.

Just about everyone I talked to who watched the QBs felt Rosen was the best guy there and he was my No. 1 as well. He looked great and was throwing with touch, zip, accuracy and making it look effortless. Unfortunately for Josh, his team was eliminated early Thursday in a game they led at halftime when he played but he sat the 2nd half and his team lost.

Josh is a very interesting kid, in fact probably one of the most unique players I've ever covered. I sat next to Jason Negro (Bosco head coach) on my flight home last night and we basically talked about Josh the whole 2 hour flight. He gave me some new, interesting perspective on Josh as a QB and a person, on and off the field.

I've said this many times here before- I like Josh as a person, I think he's a good kid but doesn't always portray himself in the best way. He comes across as an aloof, arrogant know it all and that rubs people the wrong way. The other QBs didn't like him much and the coaches I talked to thought he was unwilling to listen and learn from them.

The thing with Josh and Negro endorsed this, is he's so smart and intellectual, that it's hard for him to sit down in a group with his peers and talk about 'regular stuff. His mind doesn't work that way, he wasn't raised that way. His dad is a neuro surgeon, mom is Ivy League educated, both are actually and Negro said talking to them or trying to is 'just weird.' I've met both and it was definitely interesting trying to carry a conversation, that's what Josh was raised on and how he is. I think at his core, Josh has a good heart. He'll never turn down a kid asking for an autograph and even gave one his game jersey who jokingly asked if he could have it.

Negro said he's a great teammate/leader who cares about the guys on the team. He's genuinely happy when they succeed and is a lot more coachable than given credit for. Dilfer was quoted as saying in regards to Josh, 'it's not about knowing more than the coach, it's about doing it the coaches' way.' I talked to Josh after several games last year and I know he wasn't happy with offense, he wanted to throw it more, down the field especially. Negro said he never complained to them though, never audibled out of a play he wasn't allowed to and never tried to be bigger than the team. He may have wanted to be more of the focal point but at the same time, I know he was genuinely thrilled with the success Sean McGrew had last season and went out of his way to hype him to every media person out there in order to increase his exposure.

Josh can get in to trouble because he doesn't have a filter and Negro told a funny story about that. The Elite 11 QBs got a ridiculous playbook with over 100 plays they were supposed to memorize before arriving. Way over the top for me since there's no way they're going to run that many plays but I think that's just Dilfer being Dilfer.

Anyway, Josh studied those plays so thoroughly, that he found 17 errors in the play design and terminology. Negro said he kept coming to him saying, 'look at this play design, there's no way you can run this play this way because.....' I asked Jason if Josh planned to go in and point those out, in a constructive way, to Dilfer and he said, 'no, we told him not to, Josh doesn't have that chromosome that allows him to say anything constructively so we said don't even bring it up.' That made a ton of sense for me, in some ways, Josh is too smart and too honest for his own good at times. I knew that would clash with Dilfer, ironically, I think they're pretty alike in that way- both see the world through a pretty narrow lens where their way is right and don't try and correct them on it.

I hope Josh has great success in college, I really think his upside is off the charts. I still have some concerns- I don't like that he passed on spring ball to play tennis for the first time in H.S because he was 'burned out' on football. As a senior leader coming back to a team that lost all 11 defensive starters, it would be good for him to show up and lead. I have concerns about his toughness and willingness to stand in and take a hit over and over as is required at the next level. I want him to LOVE the game so much that he'll do anything to succeed at it. He's so good in other areas of his life that football and sports in general were never a top priority for him growing up. I could just as easily see him owning his own NFL team as I could see him playing for one.

But I do like him and after talking to Negro, I definitely feel like I understand him a lot better and how he ticks. He has a chance to be a very special player and hopefully it happens for him. It may take him having to get humbled in some way, he has never really struggled at anything in his life. I mentioned the tennis thing earlier, the kid went out and won the league championship despite not playing since he was a young prodigy before H.S. I think that first year for him at UCLA will be fascinating to watch. How will he handle it when things don't go his way, right away because even the greatest of all time like Marino/Elway/Montana, etc struggled, I have always felt playing QB and excelling, is the hardest thing to do in any sport. Should be interesting for sure.
If he's ready to accept getting one crack at QB then be moved if it don't work, I think he's wearing Orange & white.

I underestimated Butch Jones recruiting ability. Just figured bearcats were pulling question mark guys, but he is more than doing work. Very impressed
Never thought I'd say this but I'm ready for Tennessee to get their **** right...weird seeing them as a scrub
If he's ready to accept getting one crack at QB then be moved if it don't work, I think he's wearing Orange & white.

I underestimated Butch Jones recruiting ability. Just figured bearcats were pulling question mark guys, but he is more than doing work. Very impressed
Yea, he did work at Cincy. He's definitely one of the hardest working HCs in terms of recruiting. Really hands on. Kids all love him and those slogans.
"I’ve been talking to Larry Pryor, Kris Boyd, Kyler Murray - guys that are going to A&M."
One of Boyd's buddies talking about an upcoming trip to College Station. :lol:
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