2013-2014 NBA Thread - IND @ WAS and OKC @ LAC on ESPN

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By God Jerry, He's Back!

I'm gonna go ahead and say Portland wins tonight. I gotta believe they'll show some heart today.

I'll revisit the stat when the series is over.

id need to see the makeup of those teams that lost first. like, if theres a common thread each losing team had. like GTB said stats like that are meh, but when you go deeper into them, start asking "why" and making conclusions then they become worthwhile.

for example the last time i saw a 4th quarter comeback like that in the playoffs (with my own two eyes) was LAL/POR in the 2000 WCF when POR absolutely self-destructed. But of course that POR team was also absolutely insane :lol: the team chemistry/dynamic was so off. Is there a link/list of these teams that blew it?
Someone clear this up for me or don't. At which point did 90sera 90sera become a "troll". I don't know what he's said this time to irk folks, I'm not going back to read all the posts it's moved 2000 posts today, and I'm not defending him, BUT I have seen him post what I'd call very very very valid info, and also some things I wouldn't agree with. This doesn't make him a troll does it?
I believe 90s said tony is te best pg in the league and I agree with him he's no troll in my book :smokin
...and nobody cares about this Sterling interview tonight?

What's to care about? He is who he is and whatever he says on the interview isn't going to change that. I've been a Clippers fan for more than 25 years and I don't think I've ever seen Sterling interviewed on TV before. I have to think there's a reason for that. I doubt this interview will do anything other than make him look worse. Don't see the point in watching an old D-bag, who's approaching senility, try to cover his racist tracks.
That back and forth earlier has been resolved through PMs. I apologize for my part in disrupting the thread. Trolling isn't my intent if my post come off that way at times. I respect your opinions even if we disagree at times bros.
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This will forever be :pimp:

Portland has to show some sort of heart tonight

cant believe LA plays 4 bad games in a row

I mean when your whole game is midrange jumpers going against two great defenders plus a defensive savant of a coach.....

Big Game Dame though, what a shot. :pimp:
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