2013-2014 NBA Thread - IND @ WAS and OKC @ LAC on ESPN

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Was just mentioning last night while watching the Bad Boys 30 for 30 that there should be one on the basket brawl.

Ben Wallace is the realest Bad Boy of All time :smokin
where in the hell in that post did he say or came off as being scared 

Just cause your scared doesn't meant it shouldn't be shown.

Durant played as a sonic, it's a unnecessary evil.
They could air it in June so the Knicks have something during the post season to talk about.

Scared how? The OKC thunder aren't the Sonics... It's that simple. Would be like having the Ravens in a Browns documentary.

In terms of the story of the Sonics, it ended with the last season they played in Seattle.
30 for 30 on 04 Olympic Team could be classic.

AI had Bron, Wade, Melo, and Stat showing up late to practices hung over lol
Every team claims accolades of history of their organization from prior to moves that have them in their current city and name changes. See Los Angeles/ Minneapolis Lakers, or the Philadelphia 76ers claiming their title the Syracuse Nationals won in the 50s

Bucks Ray Allen was the best version, not counting Jesus Shuttlesworth. Remember him dunking on TMac for the game winner and hanging on the rim?
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Actually they did on a football life.

It's part of the story.

Why tell a story if your not gonna hit all points.
I just don't get what you are going for.  I mean if you are constructing a narrative, wouldn't the natural end point of a 2 hour movie be the Sonics leaving?  With the past history of the team before that, whether you included the '79 Championship or just the 90s teams or not?  

What's the end of the story if you just lead into the team still playing in a different city?  Doesn't make sense to me as a story.  
Ray Allen in Seatlle was my favorite player growing up
He was incredible on the Sonics.

I also own a Rashard Lewis authentic, my only authentic NBA jersey 

Every team claims accolades of history of their organization from prior to moves that have them in their current city and name changes. See Los Angeles/ Minneapolis Lakers, or the Philadelphia 76ers claiming their title the Syracuse Nationals won in the 50s

Bucks Ray Allen was the best version, not counting Jesus Shuttlesworth. Remember him dunking on TMac for the game winner and hanging on the rim?
Please.  OKC will never own the history of the Sonics.  Gary Payton already refused to have his number retired there.  
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Sounds like a good narrative to fuel your salt, but nothing Sonics is hanging in our arena and nobody wanted to retire his number in the Ford Center (now Chesapeake Energy Center).
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Sounds like a good narrative to fuel your salt, but nothing Sonics is hanging in our arena and nobody wanted to retire his number in the Ford Center (now Chesapeake Energy Center).
You'd be salty too if your basketball team moved to the most backward city in professional sports.  Every time you go to a Thunder game you make a personal contribution to the next Newt Gingrich for President campaign.  
I do equally hate the est. 1967 Thunder gear though. They make both, some say 1967 and some say 2008 and the convoluting of the 2 with regards to records although it still isn't a big deal since they put an asterisk and footnote explaining if one happened with the Sonics plus anyone with some common sense knows anyways. But if you're doing a documentary on KD, it'd be stupid to skip his rookie season.
You'd be salty too if your basketball team moved to the most backward city in professional sports. Every time you go to a Thunder game you make a personal contribution to the next Newt Gingrich for President campaign.

Blah blah blah. Wish we could be as diverse as you guys and your whopping 8% black population.
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I do equally hate the est. 1967 Thunder gear though. They make both, some say 1967 and some say 2008 and the convoluting of the 2 with regards to records although it still isn't a big deal since they put an asterisk and footnote explaining if one happened with the Sonics plus anyone with some common sense knows anyways. But if you're doing a documentary on KD, it'd be stupid to skip his rookie season.
Blah blah blah. Wish we could be as diverse as you guys and your whopping 7% black population.
I live in NYC, but even though Seattle is white you can't compare it to Oklahoma politically, come on.  

Look at your owners who you give money to.  Bennett and McClendon make their buddy George W. look like Barack Obama.
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