2013-2014 NBA Season Thread - Congrats to the Spurs, DBD is still a buster

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What is this rose IS this and rose IS that? Throw a WAS in there.
Thank you. Rose was amazing for two seasons, no denying that. Now he's a *****. No mental toughness to try and come back. Just flat out disrespecting his team.

da both of ya
Until he proves me wrong I stand by my statement. I'm not denying he was great, but it honestly looks like he's not ever going to mentally get over those injuries and that shows me more than what he's done in the past.
Whichever team comes out of the west OKC or SAS, you think either of them have a chance at winning it all?

Dudes have a lot of nerve throwing slander around because his body is failing him as if its his fault. Rose is one of the most athletically gifted players to ever play the game, you can look at tape of him at 16 and he's more explosive than most pro's.

All I hope is that he can stay healthy, even earlier this year dude was as explosive as ever.
Chuck is up there with Shaq for me as the most athletic fat guys I've ever seen, ironic that they're co-workers now.
Why is Rose any different than a Brandon Roy who showed flashes of greatness, yet his body failed him as well. No need to put the cape on for him, I'm a Rose fan, but until he proves that he can stay healthy for an entire season and return to close to an All-Star or MVP level, then you guys really don't have a leg to stand on, no pun intended. Until we see it with our own eyes, his athleticism at this point is an unknown and Russ is running the league.
How is he different then B. Roy?

Uh... Roy was an all-star caliber dude and all but at no moment did anyone view him as being on his way to being top 5 ever at his position/"greatness" nor was Roy someone that was re-defining his position like Rose was.

An it's not about throwing a cape on or anything of that nature, I mean you LA fans still think Kobe's going to be a God when he comes back and he's 60 years old, we're just being realistic to the fact D.Rose is still extremely young so there's zero reason to write him off or dub him as "done" despite the injuires.
Whichever team comes out of the west OKC or SAS, you think either of them have a chance at winning it all?
The western conference winner will win the championship, there's no doubt in my mind about that.

Both would win in at least 6, a healthy Thunder squad could beat the Heat in 5.
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How is he different then B. Roy?

Uh... Roy was an all-star caliber dude and all but at no moment did anyone view him as being on his way to being top 5 ever at his position/"greatness" nor was Roy someone that was re-defining his position like Rose was.

An it's not about throwing a cape on or anything of that nature, I mean you LA fans still think Kobe's going to be a God when he comes back and he's 60 years old, we're just being realistic to the fact D.Rose is still extremely young so there's zero reason to write him off or dub him as "done" despite the injuires.

How about his whole game is based on his athleticism and he's torn up both of his knees in the past two seasons? :x
Yea man. I think the Rose slander in here is heartless. Like he wants bum legs or something. Luck of the draw, same with Roy and same with Grant Hill. Grant would have been one of the greatest ever if not for his injuries.

Get off ROSE for real, that's wack
Why is Rose any different than a Brandon Roy who showed flashes of greatness, yet his body failed him as well. No need to put the cape on for him, I'm a Rose fan, but until he proves that he can stay healthy for an entire season and return to close to an All-Star or MVP level, then you guys really don't have a leg to stand on, no pun intended. Until we see it with our own eyes, his athleticism at this point is an unknown and Russ is running the league.
How is he different then B. Roy?

Uh... Roy was an all-star caliber dude and all but at no moment did anyone view him as being on his way to being top 5 ever at his position/"greatness" nor was Roy someone that was re-defining his position like Rose was.

An it's not about throwing a cape on or anything of that nature, I mean you LA fans still think Kobe's going to be a God when he comes back and he's 60 years old, we're just being realistic to the fact D.Rose is still extremely young so there's zero reason to write him off or dub him as "done" despite the injuires.
b. roy slander 
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To be honest, if the heat win the chip they probably shouldn't pay bosh any money and go out and get lebron a legit big man and some more "beef" than over pay for bosh. Yes bosh sacrificed his numbers to join the heat but why pay a college grad a lot of money to flip burger and work drive thru when you can get 2 younger people out of highschool to pull the same load. If I was Riley I would let Bosh test free agency.
To be honest, if the heat win the chip they probably shouldn't pay bosh any money and go out and get lebron a legit big man and some more "beef" than over pay for bosh. Yes bosh sacrificed his numbers to join the heat but why pay a college grad a lot of money to flip burger and work drive thru when you can get 2 younger people out of highschool to pull the same load. If I was Riley I would let Bosh test free agency.

Stay out of the general forum. :tongue:
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Who can you go out and just replace bosh with?

david west

Monroe doesnt have the Jumper Bosh has but the Heat could still win with him.

any of these guys could replace him.
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How about his whole game is based on his athleticism and he's torn up both of his knees in the past two seasons? :x

This. It's not like Rose was a great all around player. His game was 90%+ based on his athleticism. He hasn't been able to get back on the court for a full season and you assume he's going to be the same guy when he comes back.

At least in Kobe's case he has a much more well rounded game that should allow him to be effective when he comes back, he's not relied solely on his athleticism since the mid early 2000s, he's always had other ways to score and be effective. B. Roy was the same way. D. Rose hasn't proven to be that player yet.
It all depends on the money, in 2013 Bosh is getting paid close to Durant money. If Riley pays him close to that again it's going to come back and bite the heat. Depending on this pay cut he is talking about taking, around 17mil a year for bosh is a no go if I'm Riley.
Ahh the raw look at numbers but you simply can't do that.

Kevin Garnett played 17 years and Barkley played 16.

Through Kevin Garnett's first 12 years he averaged more rebounds and assists.

Him still trying to struggle along in his twilight years is hurting his overall numbers.

Good try though
Ahh the raw look at numbers but you simply can't do that.

Kevin Garnett played 17 years and Barkley played 16.

Through Kevin Garnett's first 12 years he averaged more rebounds and assists.

Him still trying to struggle along in his twilight years is hurting his overall numbers.

Good try though

Throw all the stats out, I just know by watching basketball that Barkley was a better player. And, rebounding I know for a fact he was better.

Obviously, this is my opinion. You can argue all you want; I watched them both play their whole careers and didnt care about stats as a little kid.
david west

Monroe doesnt have the Jumper Bosh has but the Heat could still win with him.

any of these guys could replace him.

West/Horford/Milsap. :wow: :lol:

You're joking right?

I'm not even going to mention Boozer.

Love/Blake/LA could replicate him offensively but Bosh is a better defender than all 3 of them combined.
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To be honest, if the heat win the chip they probably shouldn't pay bosh any money and go out and get lebron a legit big man and some more "beef" than over pay for bosh. Yes bosh sacrificed his numbers to join the heat but why pay a college grad a lot of money to flip burger and work drive thru when you can get 2 younger people out of highschool to pull the same load. If I was Riley I would let Bosh test free agency.
Who is this mythical player you're referring to?
If Carmelo were to sign on with the Heat, they would have 4 of the top 5 picks in arguably the best NBA draft ever
Realistically this summer the only people that Miami could "replace" Bosh with are Monroe and Melo if they want him at the 4. It'd be intriguing and I'd actually like to see how Bron/Melo would work, but don't know if Riles is going to shake the apple cart that drastically if he doesn't have to. It depends on how Miami finishes out this run and subsequently how Bosh shows himself to be an integral piece again. Cause Wade ain't giving up a cent.
West/Horford/Milsap. :wow: :lol:

You're joking right?

Love/Blake/LA could replicate him offensively but Bosh is a better defender than all 3 of them combined.

ummm horford locks up homeboy idk if you really watched him and he can knock down the J all day.

west and Millsap could easliy replace Bosh, only thing bosh has over them is now he settles for trey balls. West and Millsap give you the heart and gritty Bosh is scared of.
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