2012 Secret Santa Thread: Master lists posted PG1

so in your office or family SS, if you joined in, then when the exchange came and you told them you didn't have a gift there but you'd hit them up in the new year with a present they'd ok with it?

Funny you say this, office Secret Santa, her gift got delayed so we set a "date" to meet which was last night. Had dinner, drinks and got her gift on top. Wasn't "eeem" mad son, enjoyed the entire experience. If I had a local Elf, would've done the same. Don't mind going above and beyond, but my fam and friends know that punctuality isn't one of my "strengths".

You're telling me if I tell you, "Yo, your gift got delayed but I got you" that you are going to snicker and pout like a 5 year old. Please.

Btw, everyone in the office and fam love it when they get me, it may be delayed but they know I give no dambs about limits :wink:
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You don't need to participate in order to state your opinion, I really wanted to participate this year, but due to how I got played last year, stood out...with my luck I probably would have ended up with 2 DB in a row..lol

I'll participate next year though...hopefully I'm in the repeat Santa's list.

Once again things do happen, but this SS was never design to either break the bank or be a noticeable inconvenience, is supposed to be fun, affordable and easy....hence the deadlines and budgets....but whatever, **** happens...the way I feel is people who buy gifts on time are those that enjoy giving, those who hold off till the week before Xmas are those who really don't like the holidays and are just doing it to save face, which is the majority...lol that's why the malls are packed 2 days before Xmas.
Funny you say this, office Secret Santa, her gift got delayed so we set a "date" to meet which was last night. Had dinner, drinks and got her gift on top. Wasn't "eeem" mad son, enjoyed the entire experience. If I had a local Elf, would've done the same. Don't mind going above and beyond, but my fam and friends know that punctuality isn't one of my "strengths".
You're telling me if I tell you, "Yo, your gift got delayed but I got you" that you are going to snicker and pout like a 5 year old. Please.
Btw, everyone in the office and fam love it when they get me, it may be delayed but they know I give no dambs about limits :wink:

I would not pout and snicker like a 5 year old, but i would definitely feel a little left out during this party. Because your secret santa came through, and you're sitting there happy unwrapping your gift in front of all your co workers, your elf is sitting there with nothing but "promises"

Although what doesn't seem like a big deal to you can be to others, as you said punctuality isn't one of your strengths the world does not revolve around you and though you may be able to get away with it for awhile, it'll grow old fast. Being on time for things never goes out of style my friend. You may want to consider others ppl's feelings in situations like this, it is christmas and christmas isn't all about you.
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I would not pout and snicker like a 5 year old, but i would definitely feel a little left out during this party. Because your secret santa came through, and you're sitting there happy unwrapping your gift in front of all your co workers, your elf is sitting there with nothing but "promises"
Although what doesn't seem like a big deal to you can be to others, as you said punctuality isn't one of your strengths the world does not revolve around you and though you may be able to get away with it for awhile, it'll grow old fast. Being on time for things never goes out of style my friend. You may want to consider others ppl's feelings in situations like this, it is christmas and christmas isn't all about you.

Repped for 110% truth

People need to stop making excuses and just play by the rules
Oh look your still an *******, and no one cares.
"People like you..." , the problem with you and Steezy's stance is the condescending "holier than thou" tone to it.

Yes because I'd follow the rules, I'm in the wrong

Why even sign up if you don't care about the other person?
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Oh look your still an *******, and no one cares.
"People like you..." , the problem with you and Steezy's stance is the condescending "holier than thou" tone to it.

not for nothing, but wether we participated or not, those who say "well im late, deal with it" "im on vacation, ill ship by valentines day" and those type of excuses deserve all the condescending tone and heat they are getting....they deserve to be banned, thats really what they deserve....this "get over it" attitude will only add fuel to the fire, those who were late are supposed to be doing damage control, not trying to bicker back and forth, because at the end of the day, you are wrong no matter which way you put it...take a lesson from Knightlovesqueen my dude said his piece and eventhough things went sour on his end, he still admitted fault and did right by his elf to the point that his own elf defended him.....you really shouldnt get upset bro.
isnt it funny how when people in the wrong getting told they're wrong look at it like an "holier than thou" attitude.

if you wrong you wrong, no matter who it comes from.
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:lol: most that happened to ship out late have stated so, which is an admission of fault.

Just the judgemental statements are funny, upset, nah far from it. Keep it 100, you like to judge but don't like to be judged. Funny stance, IMO.

Assumptions have been tossed, and so have accusations, that's where the line is drawn. Then it turns out that those with the torches didn't even participate, makes it even more laughable.

Vet- do some reading, these folks are doing more than just pointing the finger.
You can keep saying the same thing over and over but it's still the same thing

I bet if you ordered a gift from a store with an arrival by Christmas deadline and it got there after you wouldn't just say "oh well they shipped it late", you'd be on the phone complaining with the quickness

Move along now and next year show a little more care for the next man, following rules set forth by a NTer who put a lot of effort into this isn't that difficult
:lol: most that happened to ship out late have stated so, which is an admission of fault.
Just the judgemental statements are funny, upset, nah far from it. Keep it 100, you like to judge but don't like to be judged. Funny stance, IMO.
Assumptions have been tossed, and so have accusations, that's where the line is drawn. Then it turns out that those with the torches didn't even participate, makes it even more laughable.
Vet- do some reading, these folks are doing more than just pointing the finger.

what exactly rubbed you the wrong way about anything that ive said?....

you, yourself said, its a personality trait you have which is to be late, but that people that know you dont mind....well thats the problem, it seems youve grown used to this, you gotta realize the world doesnt revolve around your clock....you had a deadline, you meet that deadline, end of story.....dont see whats so hard to comprehend.
you know what bruhs, nevermind....i dont need to keep repeating myself...carry on.
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Good looks to USABasketball08 for the gift
Sorry for being vague next time I'll be on point
If there is one next year


see what im saying.

"NTer claims gift is late because he is being thoughtful, sends 25$ giftcard 6 days after xmas"

i cant wit ya :rofl:
:rolleyes 4 days after CHRISTMAS still nothing I will officially throw in the towel in 1 week's time and consider my SS a deadbeat :smh: still keeping up hope though don't let me down SS :x
Some of you should examine your situation well before signing up for this, you have over a month...it's inexcusable that an elf doesn't receive his/her gift for Xmas, THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT.

Let the *****ing begin... way before x-mas, just for reference.

There is NO EXCUSE...unless you die or end up in a hospital or something of that nature, in which case your elf should be notified...otherwise you have over a month, it's a very very low maintanence gift, NOBODY FORCED YOUR TO SIGN UP...of you had any doubt you can place this as a priority, then why sign up?...getting a gift post-Xmas defeats the purpose, it really does...I mean some dude shipped from Hawaii and his elf got his gift about a week or so ago...THERE IS NO EXCUSE, once again think twice before signing up, be fair to others.

Let the condescending responses begin. "THERE IS NO EXCUSE", my apologies NT God.

Listen man...you all had over a month to get a gift out, is really not that hard to grasp, specially with all the resources, you can even order online directly from Amazon and have them ship it to your elf, you can spit that Good Samaritan story till your lips are blue, if I wanted to give a gift and not expect anything in return, that's what I have my family for...these secret santas the whole point is to give and receive.

Definitely *****ing, think your lips are blue by now.

It's a different scenerio, it's simple...it's not about being an adult or not, it's about participating the right way, nobody is forced to signed up, but if you do...you take on the responsability to get your elf his gift in time, which is plenty, yeah it's the thought that counts, that's the whole point...the thought of receiving something by Xmas day, even if its a scarf.
You guys keep on feeding excuses to make it seem like its ok, when it really isn't.

Most are not even stating excuses, but who needs facts right?

Sure will, apologize for the last 2 pages of ranting...glad for those who got a gift, I'm willing to take on a deadbeat's elf Cinco...so shoot me one of their info but don't tell them.

This was before Christmas, for those who keep track of menstruation cycles.

Dudes sending gifts post Xmas?...what is it?...ya were waiting to see which gift ya liked least to re-gift?...disgusting b, I got a deadbeat last year, had he sent anything post Xmas I'd burn that ****...call it what ya want.

Clearly an assumption, with an emotional follow up. 8)

hectic schedule or not, you knew this going into it man, not trying to call you and i guess is cool your elf got something, but you should know better.....next time be thoughtful before signing up for this....an amazon giftcard on xmas >>>>> is better than nothing on xmas.
its a christmas game, not a new years eve gift exchange....is crazy how ya claim hectic schedule but magically your schedule opens up to mail on xmas day when you had almost a whole month, i swear some of ya really waiting to re-gift :lol:
pathetic to say the least.

Easy there dad, why do you feel it's your place to personally scold someone in this manner?

That would have been the best gift you could have possibly sent me post Xmas :lol:
As ya can see I take this quite personal......I'm just the type to get excited to shop for family and even NTers I don't know, to find out some can be so careless about others when no one is forced to join this, just irks the **** out of me.
PS...doesn't seem like Cinco would even want to deal with this anymore, my offer for elf adoption still in, once the organizers get hold of all the dudes left hanging, give me one.


Speak for yourself, I also work nights...however nowadays we have tooooo many options to say we couldn't find the right gift, or my schedule is too hectic....I can go on Etsy.com and have someone customize a gift for my elf from my computer chair and in less than a week, I did that last year, you can do online shopping from work in the middle of the night from your smart phone, etc etc.
I'm not going hard at all, I'm being extremely honest and blunt and if you are offended then be it....know that your responsability when you willingly signed up for this was to get your elf a gift by Xmas, not New Years or valentines day, you fail to do that, you failed your elf, period, you had way to many options to come in here and tell me "well is in my nature to be late" that had to be the most "DEAL WITH IT, ELF" reason ive heard on here...least you are honest.

[ksteezy] Forget personal touch, just order something online and send it. One size fits all, why doesn't everyone think like I do. [ksteezy]

That's the same bulls** excuse that keeps getting thrown around.
Understand NOONE is actually affected, is the idea that a bunch of dudes who don't really know each other, trust this empty sense of community blindly and join on this game to send a complete stranger a gift and get one in return, some abide by the requirements, do their work and make sure their elf is taken care of by the date of XMAS...for God's sake we had an elf receive his gift from Hawaii and I believe some that even had to clear customs, yet you have others who live in the same damb state as their elf and still wait till 2 days after Xmas to ship, it's a joke and its wrong, instead of coming up with bull**** excuses and reasons to why you believe you did nothing wrong, OWN UP TO IT, say you effed up and do the rest of the board a favor and blacklist yourself from participating next year, since obviously this is a time sensitive event and it just happens to be in you nature to be late to everything, good luck with life bruh...keep thinking the world moves on your clock.

More illogical punishment suggestions...

It's funny ain't it?....at least I'm not a ****in cheap stake that waits till the day after Xmas to see what gift he can spare in order to not spend 25$ on someone, GTHO I'll monitor whatever the **** I want, don't get rustled up cause you get called out on something so petty and try and make a million ad one excuses as to why you didn't come through in time....dudes acting like this is rocket science, you get 3 weeks to spend at least 25$ on someone and ya can't even do that?...
Lame NTer is Lame.
Don't argue or fight when you know you are wrong, just own up to it, you'll look less like a fool.

Holier than thou response...

Don't sign up next year.
Although upsetting, if you sent the gift sometime last week, watever....you messed up, but those of you sending **** out, not even paying for expedited shipping on December 26th....ya some clowns :lol: deadbeats in my book.

Reason why "bans" wont work, too emotional. I'll send you a box of tissues via amazon. I'm a prime member they'll get there in two days, my treat.

You don't need to participate in order to state your opinion, I really wanted to participate this year, but due to how I got played last year, stood out...with my luck I probably would have ended up with 2 DB in a row..lol
I'll participate next year though...hopefully I'm in the repeat Santa's list.
Once again things do happen, but this SS was never design to either break the bank or be a noticeable inconvenience, is supposed to be fun, affordable and easy....hence the deadlines and budgets....but whatever, **** happens...the way I feel is people who buy gifts on time are those that enjoy giving, those who hold off till the week before Xmas are those who really don't like the holidays and are just doing it to save face, which is the majority...lol that's why the malls are packed 2 days before Xmas.

It is a bit more valid coming from someone that actually participated.

not for nothing, but wether we participated or not, those who say "well im late, deal with it" "im on vacation, ill ship by valentines day" and those type of excuses deserve all the condescending tone and heat they are getting....they deserve to be banned, thats really what they deserve....this "get over it" attitude will only add fuel to the fire, those who were late are supposed to be doing damage control, not trying to bicker back and forth, because at the end of the day, you are wrong no matter which way you put it...take a lesson from Knightlovesqueen my dude said his piece and eventhough things went sour on his end, he still admitted fault and did right by his elf to the point that his own elf defended him.....you really shouldnt get upset bro.

I don't think people are saying that, some got delayed, they stated that and you jumped on them with not so subtle attacks. At this point it has become more than what it should have, but that is what happens when someone is emotionally invested, like yourself.

what exactly rubbed you the wrong way about anything that ive said?....
you, yourself said, its a personality trait you have which is to be late, but that people that know you dont mind....well thats the problem, it seems youve grown used to this, you gotta realize the world doesnt revolve around your clock....you had a deadline, you meet that deadline, end of story.....dont see whats so hard to comprehend.

Nothing, I stated that a couple of items got delayed a page or two before you started your rants. It wasn't enough for you, since you clearly are the judge of morality, ethics and rules for this type of thing. Sometimes things do happen, even someone having a death in the family wasn't enough for you. "My mom passed", "Sorry for your loss, you could've still sent a gift card", :lol:

you know what bruhs, nevermind....i dont need to keep repeating myself...carry on.

Yet you keep coming in here to do the internet version of screaming at the top of your lungs.

No the world doesn't revolve around my clock, just like the world doesn't revolve around your opinion. It is why it is constantly dismissed. It is easier to make an argument with valid points, but frankly I don't think your emotional state allows you too. I don't take it personal, I'm just a little annoyed, and it got worse when your bandwagon gained passengers that can't formulate their own opinion.

I only shared personal, real life experiences because someone asked, so I shared. You took it and molded something in order to push your agenda.

Maybe we should hand out assignments during the Summer and the gifts can be there around Thanksgiving. Sure, a tree wont go up until a couple of weeks later, but it'll be the first gift there. Remember there is NO EXCUSE, not the countless life events that happen from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Which is a compressed period of time with a lot going on, it's NO EXCUSE. If a company emails you that your item will be delayed or backordered, it's NO EXCUSE. You should know the inventory and shipping logistics of said company.

Should've taken the advice of others when they told you to chill. Ego is a mother ******.
you call it *****ing, when in reality im burning the truth of the matter through you, thats what really irks you.....3 weeks is PLENTY of time no matter which way you put it.....so cut it out, you sent your gift late, you missed the deadline, if this was a midterm paper in college you probably failed, the life of a responsible adult is full of deadlines and consequences that come when you dont meet those deadlines, if you are having trouble meeting a simple deadline for an online SS you have bigger issues than this, dont get your Jimmies Rustled because no matter how im coming accross, IM RIGHT....is not an opinion, its a fact.

it annoys you that much, ignore me, there is an ignore button right under my username, put it to use.
"offers to send me a box of tissues in 2 days, cant eem send his elf a gift within 4 weeks"


cant be serious.
anyhow, who's in charge of the list?? that can pull up orphan elf's so that who ever wants to volunteer can take over and adopt?

havent really seen Cinco post in a while....i think is time to do some damage control
"offers to send me a box of tissues in 2 days, cant eem send his elf a gift within 4 weeks"
cant be serious.

I'd know you put it to good use, from what I see, my elf isn't as emotionally needy.

I got nothing against you, it's just that you've been a little unbearable in this thread. You're heavily opinionated, and it shows, take offense when the tables are flipped. That is your MO.

Unfortunately I put a package together, wrapped it and sent it. The last item was ordered on the 12th, guaranteed to arrive way before Christmas. Got delayed and got it on the 26th. I posted in this thread immediately, go check... it's there. It's on page 37, I think.

Like I said, facts don't matter. It's like arguing with a female. I don't mean that as an insult, it just really feels that way.
Still unsure who my elf is by username, but they emailed me the other day saying my gift is on the way and should arrive in the next few days.
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