[::2009 Champion LAKERS OFF-SEASON THREAD Vol. Boring Non-News Days Causing In-Thread Tension::]

Originally Posted by Matt Barkley Heisman Number 8



Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Mamba MVP:
Where is CP? Someone needs to check up on him to make sure he hasn't done it...
Nah, he's done it (word to S4L and galen).

Think about it: he has always maintained that Amare Stoudemire (sp?) and Artest are overrated losers who contribute nothing to their teams, and he hates the Blazers.

Artest has verbally committed to the Lakers, and the Blazers got a verbal commitment from the second most important person on a team from the Finals a few weeks ago.

Hell yeah...CP has talked $$%! about Artest for hella long now.

I ain't thrilled about Artest, but as long as he plays hard, I'm cool with it. No doubt an upgrade to Ariza.
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

If he messes up chemistry, I have no worries about Kupchak trading him like his name was Scottie Pippen.
Speaking of Scottie Pippen, that moron Ric Bucher just said it wasn't a smart move by the Lakers and that Ariza was the closest thing toScottie Pippen that Kobe had ever had...seriously?
Just to reply to any "nay to Ron" or the "why would you mess with a title winning formula" arguments:

1. I'm sorry but LA was lucky as crap to be up 3-1 on ORL. It should have been the other way around. The missed layup by Lee. The absolute CHOKE job byDwight and others from the FT line causing them to lose a 5 point lead with under a minute left.

2. LA looked like absolute trash at times against HOU. A HOU team without two of their best players, without a backup center.. forcing LA to win in 7 games

3. LA looked undersized at times against DEN. Melo made Kobe and Trev look like children at times under the basket. LA would go through stretches where theydisplayed 0% toughness.

It's not as if LA dominated their way to a title. They did well with not messing around and inking Ron, not waiting around for Trevor to make up his mind.
Originally Posted by Long Beach Vincey

Just to reply to any "nay to Ron" or the "why would you mess with a title winning formula" arguments:

1. I'm sorry but LA was lucky as crap to be up 3-1 on ORL. It should have been the other way around. The missed layup by Lee. The absolute CHOKE job by Dwight and others from the FT line causing them to lose a 5 point lead with under a minute left.

saying this team or that team should be up 3-1 or down 3-1 or tied 2-2 or already been swept is flawed logic. that argument is assuming "all things otherthings being equal" which is impossible to assume or duplicate. as if game 3 of the LA-ORL series was guaranteed to go down the exact same way if courtneylee made that layup at the end of game 2. what was the one thing LA did consistently throughout the playoffs? win the games they had to, or more specificallywin after every game they lost. im sorry but LA would have put the hammer down in game 3 if lee hit that layup
and like i said, if you want to go with allthese hypotheticals, you could just as easily say LA should have swept ORL 4-0.
Lee wanted a deal in the $50 million range and took offense to the team's stance that Trevor should test the market first for that level of compensation.

Like I said, if dudes were asking for more than the MLE, let him walk.

Lee is an idiot
Lee thought he could get another over on the Lakers like he did with Bynum, but he failed.
Originally Posted by Long Beach Vincey

Just to reply to any "nay to Ron" or the "why would you mess with a title winning formula" arguments:

1. I'm sorry but LA was lucky as crap to be up 3-1 on ORL. It should have been the other way around. The missed layup by Lee. The absolute CHOKE job by Dwight and others from the FT line causing them to lose a 5 point lead with under a minute left.

2. LA looked like absolute trash at times against HOU. A HOU team without two of their best players, without a backup center.. forcing LA to win in 7 games

3. LA looked undersized at times against DEN. Melo made Kobe and Trev look like children at times under the basket. LA would go through stretches where they displayed 0% toughness.

It's not as if LA dominated their way to a title. They did well with not messing around and inking Ron, not waiting around for Trevor to make up his mind.
i don't agree with the Finals logic but signing Artest over Ariza is an upgrade for the Lakers .
Man after Turk backed out of that Blazers deal...i'm a bit nervous now...signing period can't come soon enough!!!
No need to worry, Hedo got punked by his wife.

Phil's first priority was to get Ron's wife on-board ... and he did.

She's ready for HOLLYHOOD.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

No need to worry, Hedo got punked by his wife.

Phil's first priority was to get Ron's wife on-board ... and he did.

She's ready for HOLLYHOOD.
Yup. Ron even mentioned that in the interview...
Originally Posted by Long Beach Vincey

Just to reply to any "nay to Ron" or the "why would you mess with a title winning formula" arguments:

1. I'm sorry but LA was lucky as crap to be up 3-1 on ORL. It should have been the other way around. The missed layup by Lee. The absolute CHOKE job by Dwight and others from the FT line causing them to lose a 5 point lead with under a minute left.

2. LA looked like absolute trash at times against HOU. A HOU team without two of their best players, without a backup center.. forcing LA to win in 7 games

3. LA looked undersized at times against DEN. Melo made Kobe and Trev look like children at times under the basket. LA would go through stretches where they displayed 0% toughness.

It's not as if LA dominated their way to a title. They did well with not messing around and inking Ron, not waiting around for Trevor to make up his mind.

Okay well we werent 'lucky as crap'
... however we got a little lucky yes. A little bit of luck is always involved in sports, its not allskill all the time.

With that being said...im going to have agree with everything else. I know this might be surprising to some but i mean hes right, we did look very soft attimes. We struggled with a YAO-Less rockets team. Just think if we had a bad night on game 7 night against houston, we wouldnt even be in the finals or in thisconvorsation today. We still won and we still deserved to win the title. However, i wasnt too ecstatic about keeping the exact same team and expecting the sametype of results next year.

Ginobli being healthy. Spurs getting jefferson. They are a major threat, they wont just roll over like they did this year.
Nuggets will still be the nuggets, and assuming they will hopefully try to mature and control their emotions they will be just as dangerous.

But basically what im trying to say is...I love Ariza, but things work out for the better now especially if we can keep lamar as well.
Ron may have been chucking it a little too much in the playoffs but the truth is he was a problem and he was definetly one of the reasons the rockets gave usso much trouble to begin with. Im very happy about his aquisition [Ska] IF he signs with us because he still HASNT signed [/Ska].
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ Exactly!!

Good to see I'm not the only one still holding his breath.

Man...unless the sig is on the dotted line technically, there is nothing "done". This is a business...i've seen far too many instances of verbalcommitments gone wrong.

Regarding this, I'm pretty confident, but I can't really breathe until it's "official". Similar to how I felt when the clock was windingdown in game 5...i know we were gonna win, but i could't breathe easy until i saw zeros on the clock.
Originally Posted by travman24

Could someone please PS my avy purple/gold?
Like the Obama pic


aren't you the guy that works at 24 hour and looks like carl crawford and mike singletary?

can't wait until the first laker rocket home game. the fans better not be soft and boo benitict arizas punk %!@ out the building every time he comesback.
What the hell are we doig with Lamar?

[h2]Lakers Still Want Odom Back[/h2]
Jul 04, 2009 8:49 AM EST

The Lakers still want Lamar Odom back, but the free-agent forward will have to lower this asking price.

Odom is believed to be looking for $10 million annually, but the Lakers are already about $10 million into the luxury tax.

Luxury tax is paid for in a dollar-for-dollar penalty, so signing Odom for $10 million next season would result in a bill of $20 million.

The Los Angeles Times suggested a compromise on Friday night. The Lakers can sign Odom to a one-year deal worth $7.5 million, allowing him to test free agency again next summer.

Via Los Angeles Times

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We are ing up right now! We need to lock lamar up for at least 3 years. We are killing ourselfs.
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