2 black girls brutally beat 1 white girl *Video*

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality


at folks passing judgment without knowing the full story

even after it was reported that it was a man in the womens bathroom and dude had a fake seizure 

there is no telling what dude was trying to do and one of them being underage at that 

I would like to here their side before I pass judgment 
I'm kind of inclined to agree here. Now that I think about it you could easily change the storyline a bit and NT would react in a completely different manner. Say a man jumps out at these two in the womens bathroom and flashes them or tries to grab one of them. Then they proceed to beat his +*+. We would all be sitting here laughing at how these two chicks beat the brakes off dude. But that's purely hypothetical. I'd like both sides of the story before I judge.
As for what Truth had to say, while I wouldn't agree that that is the case here there HAS been an ugly undertone on NT for a while now. The whole "animals" thing has been glanced over as if its a harmless word, when really it is and has been a loaded term. I see what was done there, but this is NT where you're either abusing the race card or in denial of racial subversion. There's no middle ground.
Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality


at folks passing judgment without knowing the full story

even after it was reported that it was a man in the womens bathroom and dude had a fake seizure 

there is no telling what dude was trying to do and one of them being underage at that 

I would like to here their side before I pass judgment 
I'm kind of inclined to agree here. Now that I think about it you could easily change the storyline a bit and NT would react in a completely different manner. Say a man jumps out at these two in the womens bathroom and flashes them or tries to grab one of them. Then they proceed to beat his +*+. We would all be sitting here laughing at how these two chicks beat the brakes off dude. But that's purely hypothetical. I'd like both sides of the story before I judge.
As for what Truth had to say, while I wouldn't agree that that is the case here there HAS been an ugly undertone on NT for a while now. The whole "animals" thing has been glanced over as if its a harmless word, when really it is and has been a loaded term. I see what was done there, but this is NT where you're either abusing the race card or in denial of racial subversion. There's no middle ground.
Originally Posted by taymane23

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by taymane23

Well like i said that trans-sexual could have been threatening those two females lives so therefore they commenced to beat it senseless , yet we can't just automatically take sides on videos like this seeing as we have no backstory or info on the motives of both parties and if it was murdered for no reason then the two girls are murderers but if not they not its just the things we don't know on these situations.

but youre not getting what im saying though

the thought of that transgender person threatening them pre-video doesnt really matter, if those black chicks felt threatened then they could have left as the ****** was sitting against the wall in pain but we all know they didnt - they came back for more
so you're tellin me that if someone did something so aggravating to you that you get blinded by rage and you flat out go ham on the offender to the point that you won't stop ,that you would be having that thought like maybe i need to stop kickin this fools face in wouldn't even cross your mind.  mind you personalities are a factor here these are black women we are talking about here some of the most distorted uncontrollable personalities in existence i deal with this on a daily basis because most fights in the school i attend have been black females while all of us dudes haven't fought a single time this year, but thats gettin into the whole race thing.

depending on what was said pre-video, the actions of the black chicks could have been taken as either assault or self-defense depending on what how things went down - BUT thats all prior to the girl sitting against the wall

but all that changed when they decided to come back for more, especially if it really was just self defense, if the ****** is still alive then its just assault or whatever the legal term is, BUT if shes dead, then its man slaughteer
Originally Posted by taymane23

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by taymane23

Well like i said that trans-sexual could have been threatening those two females lives so therefore they commenced to beat it senseless , yet we can't just automatically take sides on videos like this seeing as we have no backstory or info on the motives of both parties and if it was murdered for no reason then the two girls are murderers but if not they not its just the things we don't know on these situations.

but youre not getting what im saying though

the thought of that transgender person threatening them pre-video doesnt really matter, if those black chicks felt threatened then they could have left as the ****** was sitting against the wall in pain but we all know they didnt - they came back for more
so you're tellin me that if someone did something so aggravating to you that you get blinded by rage and you flat out go ham on the offender to the point that you won't stop ,that you would be having that thought like maybe i need to stop kickin this fools face in wouldn't even cross your mind.  mind you personalities are a factor here these are black women we are talking about here some of the most distorted uncontrollable personalities in existence i deal with this on a daily basis because most fights in the school i attend have been black females while all of us dudes haven't fought a single time this year, but thats gettin into the whole race thing.

depending on what was said pre-video, the actions of the black chicks could have been taken as either assault or self-defense depending on what how things went down - BUT thats all prior to the girl sitting against the wall

but all that changed when they decided to come back for more, especially if it really was just self defense, if the ****** is still alive then its just assault or whatever the legal term is, BUT if shes dead, then its man slaughteer
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

YES! THANK YOU NT....more threads where black people are called beasts and animals! This is exactly what I love to see!  What's that another WSHH video? Thanks OP. 

Hmmm it's funny nobody on this board runs to post other races committing crimes...maybe because all you guys go to WSHH and it's your only source of news.  I'm not defending anything in that video because it's 2 humans beating up 1 human.  But all this thread and all the others turn into are black people bashing.  It's like every race including blacks enjoy posting these videos and saying how terrible blacks are.  It's like instead of going to the batting cage or driving range you post this garbage. 

If every race commits crimes then why are the only ones posted on NT are of blacks?  Hey I bet somebody will find these girls mugshots and then people can post
 on how ugly they are too.  I can't be the only one that sees an ugly underlying trend on here.  We have the smartest, most worldly mods but they don't see a problem?  They rather ban dudes for saying "didn't read" but let this "animals" trend keep going.  I guess it's not their problem since it's not them.....

Like the video of that white girl killing the puppies or the video of the white guy telling his kids to brutally beat a raccoon with the stick. Those are examples of inhumane behaviors committed by white people that are posted on NT.

Yea let's ignore the video because of the insecurities of some.

-We don't know the whole story
-We don't know what she told her

Are yall serious? A video of someone getting brutally beaten is all i need to pass judgment. I guarantee if it were another race, certain people in here wouldn't be asking about what the ****** told the 2 girls.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

YES! THANK YOU NT....more threads where black people are called beasts and animals! This is exactly what I love to see!  What's that another WSHH video? Thanks OP. 

Hmmm it's funny nobody on this board runs to post other races committing crimes...maybe because all you guys go to WSHH and it's your only source of news.  I'm not defending anything in that video because it's 2 humans beating up 1 human.  But all this thread and all the others turn into are black people bashing.  It's like every race including blacks enjoy posting these videos and saying how terrible blacks are.  It's like instead of going to the batting cage or driving range you post this garbage. 

If every race commits crimes then why are the only ones posted on NT are of blacks?  Hey I bet somebody will find these girls mugshots and then people can post
 on how ugly they are too.  I can't be the only one that sees an ugly underlying trend on here.  We have the smartest, most worldly mods but they don't see a problem?  They rather ban dudes for saying "didn't read" but let this "animals" trend keep going.  I guess it's not their problem since it's not them.....

Like the video of that white girl killing the puppies or the video of the white guy telling his kids to brutally beat a raccoon with the stick. Those are examples of inhumane behaviors committed by white people that are posted on NT.

Yea let's ignore the video because of the insecurities of some.

-We don't know the whole story
-We don't know what she told her

Are yall serious? A video of someone getting brutally beaten is all i need to pass judgment. I guarantee if it were another race, certain people in here wouldn't be asking about what the ****** told the 2 girls.
im kinda new so "animal" is the new N word? if so thats still pretty hateful and shouldnt be use to describe a race.
im kinda new so "animal" is the new N word? if so thats still pretty hateful and shouldnt be use to describe a race.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

YES! THANK YOU NT....more threads where black people are called beasts and animals! This is exactly what I love to see!  What's that another WSHH video? Thanks OP. 

Hmmm it's funny nobody on this board runs to post other races committing crimes...maybe because all you guys go to WSHH and it's your only source of news.  I'm not defending anything in that video because it's 2 humans beating up 1 human.  But all this thread and all the others turn into are black people bashing.  It's like every race including blacks enjoy posting these videos and saying how terrible blacks are.  It's like instead of going to the batting cage or driving range you post this garbage. 

If every race commits crimes then why are the only ones posted on NT are of blacks?  Hey I bet somebody will find these girls mugshots and then people can post
 on how ugly they are too.  I can't be the only one that sees an ugly underlying trend on here.  We have the smartest, most worldly mods but they don't see a problem?  They rather ban dudes for saying "didn't read" but let this "animals" trend keep going.  I guess it's not their problem since it's not them.....

Like the video of that white girl killing the puppies or the video of the white guy telling his kids to brutally beat a raccoon with the stick. Those are examples of inhumane behaviors committed by white people that are posted on NT.

Yea let's ignore the video because of the insecurities of some.

-We don't know the whole story
-We don't know what she told her

Are yall serious? A video of someone getting brutally beaten is all i need to pass judgment. I guarantee if it were another race, certain people in here wouldn't be asking about what the ****** told the 2 girls.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

YES! THANK YOU NT....more threads where black people are called beasts and animals! This is exactly what I love to see!  What's that another WSHH video? Thanks OP. 

Hmmm it's funny nobody on this board runs to post other races committing crimes...maybe because all you guys go to WSHH and it's your only source of news.  I'm not defending anything in that video because it's 2 humans beating up 1 human.  But all this thread and all the others turn into are black people bashing.  It's like every race including blacks enjoy posting these videos and saying how terrible blacks are.  It's like instead of going to the batting cage or driving range you post this garbage. 

If every race commits crimes then why are the only ones posted on NT are of blacks?  Hey I bet somebody will find these girls mugshots and then people can post
 on how ugly they are too.  I can't be the only one that sees an ugly underlying trend on here.  We have the smartest, most worldly mods but they don't see a problem?  They rather ban dudes for saying "didn't read" but let this "animals" trend keep going.  I guess it's not their problem since it's not them.....

Like the video of that white girl killing the puppies or the video of the white guy telling his kids to brutally beat a raccoon with the stick. Those are examples of inhumane behaviors committed by white people that are posted on NT.

Yea let's ignore the video because of the insecurities of some.

-We don't know the whole story
-We don't know what she told her

Are yall serious? A video of someone getting brutally beaten is all i need to pass judgment. I guarantee if it were another race, certain people in here wouldn't be asking about what the ****** told the 2 girls.
^if anything i believe the whole "animals
" thing has become more of a satirical statement and someone ALWAYS has to say it in these threads. "animals
" for us is kind of along the lines of "Cool story bro" for others. people look too far into it because the phrase is often associated with blacks in certain WSHH videos that get posted up. the issue with this is such a large majority of WSHH videos feature blacks.
Originally Posted by Guskillah

im kinda new so "animal" is the new N word? if so thats still pretty hateful and shouldnt be use to describe a race.
No but it is a loaded term. Carries a lot of ugly racial history.
^if anything i believe the whole "animals
" thing has become more of a satirical statement and someone ALWAYS has to say it in these threads. "animals
" for us is kind of along the lines of "Cool story bro" for others. people look too far into it because the phrase is often associated with blacks in certain WSHH videos that get posted up. the issue with this is such a large majority of WSHH videos feature blacks.
Originally Posted by Guskillah

im kinda new so "animal" is the new N word? if so thats still pretty hateful and shouldnt be use to describe a race.
No but it is a loaded term. Carries a lot of ugly racial history.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by Guskillah

 people lets not make this about race. We all know that all the races have good and bad characteristic and we are all equal. This one example should not make us believe all black people commit racial crimes. This 2 girls are wrong cause they resolve to violence. Beating a person 2 against 1 its wrong and it shows what kind of person this 2 girls are. btw im not black and im not defending this black chicks actions in any way.

Not at all man, 99% (except for Wayne Washington) of those commenting on this are condemning their actions; not their race. You could be Caucasian, Asian, Mexican, European, Antarctician... doesn't matter 
I think this is a crock. You find me one thread that doesn't pertain to African Americans, when the word "animal" is used. (Of course in the context of individuals doing ignorant things.) Besides OP obviously came into this thread with an agenda (if mentioning Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton didn't give it away) and obviously did no research on the video before posting it. And I love how whenever someone points out the racist overtones in these types of threads they're somehow condoning the acts.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by Guskillah

 people lets not make this about race. We all know that all the races have good and bad characteristic and we are all equal. This one example should not make us believe all black people commit racial crimes. This 2 girls are wrong cause they resolve to violence. Beating a person 2 against 1 its wrong and it shows what kind of person this 2 girls are. btw im not black and im not defending this black chicks actions in any way.

Not at all man, 99% (except for Wayne Washington) of those commenting on this are condemning their actions; not their race. You could be Caucasian, Asian, Mexican, European, Antarctician... doesn't matter 
I think this is a crock. You find me one thread that doesn't pertain to African Americans, when the word "animal" is used. (Of course in the context of individuals doing ignorant things.) Besides OP obviously came into this thread with an agenda (if mentioning Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton didn't give it away) and obviously did no research on the video before posting it. And I love how whenever someone points out the racist overtones in these types of threads they're somehow condoning the acts.
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by taymane23

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

but youre not getting what im saying though

the thought of that transgender person threatening them pre-video doesnt really matter, if those black chicks felt threatened then they could have left as the ****** was sitting against the wall in pain but we all know they didnt - they came back for more
so you're tellin me that if someone did something so aggravating to you that you get blinded by rage and you flat out go ham on the offender to the point that you won't stop ,that you would be having that thought like maybe i need to stop kickin this fools face in wouldn't even cross your mind.  mind you personalities are a factor here these are black women we are talking about here some of the most distorted uncontrollable personalities in existence i deal with this on a daily basis because most fights in the school i attend have been black females while all of us dudes haven't fought a single time this year, but thats gettin into the whole race thing.

depending on what was said pre-video, the actions of the black chicks could have been taken as either assault or self-defense depending on what how things went down - BUT thats all prior to the girl sitting against the wall

but all that changed when they decided to come back for more, especially if it really was just self defense, if the ****** is still alive then its just assault or whatever the legal term is, BUT if shes dead, then its man slaughter.
true but tha thing is it isn't dead tha thing was faking a seizure which is possibly why they came back they they probably knew that it was faking yet I can't point any fingers as to who is in tha wrong in this though all I kknow is it must have been somethin pretty bad to get them females that worked up to make them keep coming back to  beat on tha damned thing like that..
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by taymane23

Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

but youre not getting what im saying though

the thought of that transgender person threatening them pre-video doesnt really matter, if those black chicks felt threatened then they could have left as the ****** was sitting against the wall in pain but we all know they didnt - they came back for more
so you're tellin me that if someone did something so aggravating to you that you get blinded by rage and you flat out go ham on the offender to the point that you won't stop ,that you would be having that thought like maybe i need to stop kickin this fools face in wouldn't even cross your mind.  mind you personalities are a factor here these are black women we are talking about here some of the most distorted uncontrollable personalities in existence i deal with this on a daily basis because most fights in the school i attend have been black females while all of us dudes haven't fought a single time this year, but thats gettin into the whole race thing.

depending on what was said pre-video, the actions of the black chicks could have been taken as either assault or self-defense depending on what how things went down - BUT thats all prior to the girl sitting against the wall

but all that changed when they decided to come back for more, especially if it really was just self defense, if the ****** is still alive then its just assault or whatever the legal term is, BUT if shes dead, then its man slaughter.
true but tha thing is it isn't dead tha thing was faking a seizure which is possibly why they came back they they probably knew that it was faking yet I can't point any fingers as to who is in tha wrong in this though all I kknow is it must have been somethin pretty bad to get them females that worked up to make them keep coming back to  beat on tha damned thing like that..
Originally Posted by Guskillah

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

Originally Posted by HankMoody

What could justify a beating to near death?

##%% this. Goodnight NT.
but how is he beaten to near death if its reported dude faked his seizure 
are you really defending this 2 girls for beating ONE person? if she faked the seizure was because she was getting beat the f up.
not really Im just saying its two sides to the story
I wasnt one of the ones that was too quick to post a response I actually read the comment in the thread

and it was reported that it was a guy inside the womens restroom(no cameras in the womens restroom)

so then I thought to myself there is no telling what he did to them chicks to make them act like that

now say if old boy grind up on one of those chick (one of them was 14) and your in the women bathroom and all of a sudden 

some dude is all up on you sexually assaulting you if I was a chick and I know we outnumber you im not thinking about nothing else but knocking you head off its that simple
Originally Posted by Guskillah

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

Originally Posted by HankMoody

What could justify a beating to near death?

##%% this. Goodnight NT.
but how is he beaten to near death if its reported dude faked his seizure 
are you really defending this 2 girls for beating ONE person? if she faked the seizure was because she was getting beat the f up.
not really Im just saying its two sides to the story
I wasnt one of the ones that was too quick to post a response I actually read the comment in the thread

and it was reported that it was a guy inside the womens restroom(no cameras in the womens restroom)

so then I thought to myself there is no telling what he did to them chicks to make them act like that

now say if old boy grind up on one of those chick (one of them was 14) and your in the women bathroom and all of a sudden 

some dude is all up on you sexually assaulting you if I was a chick and I know we outnumber you im not thinking about nothing else but knocking you head off its that simple
Originally Posted by superflyinchopstickninja

^if anything i believe the whole "animals
" thing has become more of a satirical statement and someone ALWAYS has to say it in these threads. "animals
" for us is kind of along the lines of "Cool story bro" for others. people look too far into it because the phrase is often associated with blacks in certain WSHH videos that get posted up. the issue with this is such a large majority of WSHH videos feature blacks.
It did not start off here as satire though. It was only when people began to take exception to the constant use of the term in threads involving black people did it become a satirical thing spreading into other threads for the lulz.
Originally Posted by superflyinchopstickninja

^if anything i believe the whole "animals
" thing has become more of a satirical statement and someone ALWAYS has to say it in these threads. "animals
" for us is kind of along the lines of "Cool story bro" for others. people look too far into it because the phrase is often associated with blacks in certain WSHH videos that get posted up. the issue with this is such a large majority of WSHH videos feature blacks.
It did not start off here as satire though. It was only when people began to take exception to the constant use of the term in threads involving black people did it become a satirical thing spreading into other threads for the lulz.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by Guskillah

im kinda new so "animal" is the new N word? if so thats still pretty hateful and shouldnt be use to describe a race.
No but it is a loaded term. Carries a lot of ugly racial history.

Pretty much. 
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by Guskillah

im kinda new so "animal" is the new N word? if so thats still pretty hateful and shouldnt be use to describe a race.
No but it is a loaded term. Carries a lot of ugly racial history.

Pretty much. 
Originally Posted by JaeEvolution

Is it not normal to help someone who is literally being beaten into a coma?

almost 100% of cats aint trying to get involved.
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