11 Ways to be unremarkably average


Jan 2, 2011


guilty of a few of these :smh:
home ownership scares the **** outta me because i feel it would tie me to an area that i wouldnt want to stay in. i know everybody always talks about the benefits and such but i really dont ever see myself owning.

id only buy if it was in a place i could see people renting so i wouldnt be stuck but that only appears to be in certain spots in certain cities.
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Damn. I can't wait till my money starts coming in the way I want so that I could not have to do some of these things
OP your post title is misleading. change it to UNremarkably average. When I read your title, I thought it was about how great it was to be average. :lol:
sure some of these apply to me as well, but what are the other options? i may be average but i'm happy with my life as it is. it doesn't take into account being happily married, having kids, or have loving family and friends.
home ownership scares the **** outta me because i feel it would tie me to an area that i wouldnt want to stay in. i know everybody always talks about the benefits and such but i really dont ever see myself owning.

id only buy if it was in a place i could see people renting so i wouldnt be stuck but that only appears to be in certain spots in certain cities.

It's not like you have to pay the whole mortgage - you can sell it and then pay off what you owe with the proceeds (which after a few years anyway will be enough).

The only situation that doesn't account for is what happened in the last few years - people getting big mortgages for houses that weren't worth that - and you get left where you can't sell the house or even if you do you can't pay off the mortgage.

So, if you can see yourself living somewhere for at least a few years ownership makes sense (you need to read the small print of your mortgage to see what the minimum term for payments is - if you sell before then you need to pay a penalty for the interest you would have paid to them).
Only guilty of #7..

That's not my reason why..I don't know a different language though..
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Its always funny seeing what people have to say when they read stuff like this. Measuring yourself up and pretending that you are not just average because its hard to admit it to yourself. We're all pretty average and not that special at all...

Edit: I just realized how awful that sounded ha! I guess what I really mean is be humble with what you can accomplish and where you stand in this world and it is ok to just be average just as long as you're happy. 
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my attention span is blah

these motivational things make me productive at most a week.

thats too bad. i know about a lot of **** to make life better but i dont do them.
im convinced stupid people get motivated by stupid **** like this.

so your goal is to draw attention to yourself? lmao have fun with that, how about you live your life how you want and whether it draws attention or not is a roll of the dice.

literally everyone learns to question authority, people, and things at an early age. You come to learn how to balance respect and the environment you do it at.

"This is america and we speak american here"

:lol: at any keyboard warriors who miss the joke and correct this statement

And who the hell goes to college with their major in mind at age 18. If you know what you want to do for the rest of your life at age 18 you've lived a very dull childhood, or you've been force fed ********.
Psshh, I seen James Bond.

Son got his own problems, bet he wishes he'd be average from time to time.

I know you were joking, but I legit look at someone like Kanye West, who any of us would die to switch positions with him ( Kim
), but he always seems depressed and angry deep down. As hard as it is to fathom, I'm sure he wishes he was average sometimes.
im convinced stupid people get motivated by stupid **** like this.

so your goal is to draw attention to yourself? lmao have fun with that, how about you live your life how you want and whether it draws attention or not is a roll of the dice.
da end goal of a human being is to leave a legacy.

everyone wants to be remembered, thats why people keep records, thats why statues are built of people, this is why

some guys are hard wired to smash as many women as possible, this is people write books, make albums, make movies, etc.

we're all chasing immortality and at da very least, immortalization.

why would you wanna die and be a nobody? that gallery of pictures is probably one of da worst fears realized for many folks.
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