11 Ways to be unremarkably average

As someone that can't relate to any of the 11 examples and by all intents and purposes followed their dreams no matter the cost I think it would actually be funny to make one about "how to live a completely unordinary while being a slave to your dreams". It's so funny how people paint a painless picture about being true to yourself and your ambitions wherein reality at first your broker then all your friends that went to college. You have to sacrifice everything from meals to your sex life and everyone thinks your crazy. That payoff is priceless tho.........its not about the money its about doing something that you love so much that getting paid for it almost feels dirty. Like I literally started to feel guilty the first time I got paid a large sum of because I had so much ******g fun doing what I love and i always have the immense pain and sacrifice I experienced to keep me grounded. I think every man should experience that but most aren't willing to make the literal life altering sacrifices needed to achieve a life they choose. It's way easier and safe to live the way presented in that comic and there isnt anything wrong with that if that's what you want. Personally I've always been an extremist so I want to have an extremely gratifying earth experience. No risk, no big rewards
As someone that can't relate to any of the 11 examples and by all intents and purposes followed their dreams no matter the cost I think it would actually be funny to make one about "how to live a completely unordinary while being a slave to your dreams". It's so funny how people paint a painless picture about being true to yourself and your ambitions wherein reality at first your broker then all your friends that went to college. You have to sacrifice everything from meals to your sex life and everyone thinks your crazy. That payoff is priceless tho.........its not about the money its about doing something that you love so much that getting paid for it almost feels dirty. Like I literally started to feel guilty the first time I got paid a large sum of because I had so much ******g fun doing what I love and i always have the immense pain and sacrifice I experienced to keep me grounded. I think every man should experience that but most aren't willing to make the literal life altering sacrifices needed to achieve a life they choose. It's way easier and safe to live the way presented in that comic and there isnt anything wrong with that if that's what you want. Personally I've always been an extremist so I want to have an extremely gratifying earth experience. No risk, no big rewards

dude what the heck do you do? haha

you always drop knowledge... and you always talk about how you chasing your dream...

ive always wondered what you do... im sure youve mentioned it, but i must have missed it...

one of my many mysterys of NT...
What I do really doesnt matter. I think a better question would have been how did I put myself in the position to get paid to do what I love. Always be mindful of the questions you ask so that the answer benefits you. Me telling you what i do doesn't benefit you in anyway but me telling you how I did it could benefit you greatly. Thats a common mistake I find amongst my peers. We are far to intrigued by the outcome and not the process of "success" (whatever that is). Goodnight
I find this pretty stupid
So a person is average if they dont wanna learn a new language or for going to college with nothing in mind? C'mon son

Or for not starting their own business or not learning another language?

Stupid list.
if that is average, then a lot of people are struggling and working hard just to be average.
if that is average, then a lot of people are struggling and working hard just to be average.

being middle class "average" isnt bad at all the average american household makes 50k a year
i guarantee that nobody in this thread will make it in the 1%
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if that is average, then a lot of people are struggling and working hard just to be average.

being middle class "average" isnt bad at all the average american household makes 50k a year
i guarantee that nobody in this thread will make it in the 1%

There we go again with the money discussion.

Average ain't just about money. It's about thought, it's about your skills and education, and most importantly, it's about your mindset.
if that is average, then a lot of people are struggling and working hard just to be average.

being middle class "average" isnt bad at all the average american household makes 50k a year
i guarantee that nobody in this thread will make it in the 1%

The convo wasn't even about how much money you'll be making, but man I take offense to narrow minded comments like this

Who are you to say what anybody else will be able to do fam?

Why do you feel like you need to put a "guaranteed" ceiling over others?

Do you know how much you need to make to be in that category? Look it up.. im srs.. look it up
What would be your best advice to someone who is trying to follow their dreams wisepharoh??
if that is average, then a lot of people are struggling and working hard just to be average.

being middle class "average" isnt bad at all the average american household makes 50k a year
i guarantee that nobody in this thread will make it in the 1%

The convo wasn't even about how much money you'll be making, but man I take offense to narrow minded comments like this

Who are you to say what anybody else will be able to do fam?

Why do you feel like you need to put a "guaranteed" ceiling over others?

Do you know how much you need to make to be in that category? Look it up.. im srs.. look it up

im just being real so calm down

350k = 1%

thats around 30k a month about 10 times more than the average income :lol:
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350k/year is a lot of money? Hm.

you cant be serious :rofl:

being in the 1% is the new minimum wage my bad donald trump :rofl:

everyone out here driving raris and rovas at 17 what was i thinking :rofl:

if 350k/year aint a lot of money i guess doctors on that poverty time then :rofl:
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350k is a pretty penny....the hell you talkin about?....I make less than half of that and live very comfy, you don't h e to be rich to live good.
Ferrari's are for people with self esteem issues and Range's tend to die out @ around 50k miles, so, I tend to stay away from both.

350k is a pretty penny....the hell you talkin about?....I make less than half of that and live very comfy, you don't h e to be rich to live good.

To YOU its a pretty penny.

I don't care about average income and neither should anybody else.
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Ferrari's are for people with self esteem issues and Range's tend to die out @ around 50k miles, so, I tend to stay away from both.

350k is a pretty penny....the hell you talkin about?....I make less than half of that and live very comfy, you don't h e to be rich to live good.

To YOU its a pretty penny.

I don't care about average income and neither should anybody else.

settle down bill gates :rofl:
Bill Gates is too nerdy, can I be Warren Buffett instead?
Ferrari's are for people with self esteem issues and Range's tend to die out @ around 50k miles, so, I tend to stay away from both.
To YOU its a pretty penny.
I don't care about average income and neither should anybody else.

Man shut up, troll :lol:

350k is a good penny to anyone making less than that, which is the majority, with 350k you can have a nice house, at least two cars in a decent neighborhood and raise a family comfortably.

Chances are you probably live in a hut and browse NT from the public library.
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Can some one PS the opposite of how we are supposed to not be average?

1. Don't accept anything people tell you? (ok enjoy being that guy that everyone hates because you always have to challenge info? Googling that because i don't believe you)
2. Always question authority? (enjoy Prison)
3. Go to college because you are supposed to (um college is tons of fun....yes just go you will figure out what you want to do while you are there its a time of self exploration)
4. Sit at a desk 40 hours a week with 10 hours of productive work. (manage your time better?)

You get the point. No one can tell you how to be happy. And if this is what you do to maintain a happy lifestyle for you and your family then i honestly don't see a problem with it.
4. Sit at a desk 40 hours a week with 10 hours of productive work. (manage your time better?)
i dont really have much of a problem with the mediocre/average list but this is what a lot of the issue comes down to though in my opinion.

American corporate culture is horrible. from stupid dress codes to rediculous work schedules. European and Asian countries are much more productive per hour that they work as opposed to Americans. Americans only pose high #s because of the amount of hours they work. truth is most jobs aren't going to give a person 40 hours of meaningful/productive work per week so they just end up sitting there and rotting. if people weren't force to sit at work for so long, of course they'd fill it more meaningful things like being with family or persuing hobbies/interests.
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i dont really have much of a problem with the mediocre/average list but this is what a lot of the issue comes down to though in my opinion.

American corporate culture is horrible. from stupid dress codes to rediculous work schedules. European and Asian countries are much more productive per hour that they work as opposed to Americans. Americans only pose high #s because of the amount of hours they work. truth is most jobs aren't going to give a person 40 hours of meaningful/productive work per week so they just end up sitting there and rotting. if people weren't force to sit at work for so long, of course they'd fill it more meaningful things like being with family or persuing hobbies/interests.

Truth be told.

My girl goes to work from 9-5 on the average day she does about 4 -5 hours of actual work, the rest is spent texting on Facebook or people.com she can easily work from 9-1pm get everything done and have the rest of the day off, but we all know a coorporation is not about to pay people 40 hours a week pay, for only 20 hours, they pay you for your time, not really the amount of actual work you put in....quality of life would be better if they cut the scheduled hours in half and pay the same, I'm sure people will enjoy their jobs more ad be more productive and happy.
@ y2b answer these questions honestly
1. Do you without a shadow of a doubt know your passion or passions?

2.Are you willing to sacrifice everything to chase your passions?

3.Do you care about others opinions of you and your choices?

4.Are you confident and self motivated?

5.Do you have the focus and self control to curb your desires?

6. Are you aware of your weaknesses and do you consciously work on mastering them?

7. Are you willing to accept that to be a master you must first be a slave? Meaning that you must eliminate the ego and approach your passions like a child with the mindset that you know nothing and you are just a sponge.

8. Are you wise enough to realize that money is an illusion and no matter how much you acquire your souls true nourishment will not take place just because you have "the finer things"?

9.Do you know what true empowerment is?

10. Are you strong enough to not give up after failure after failure with the wisdom of knowing in ultimate reality there is no such thing as success or failure only experience and consequence and your reaction to both?

11. What do you define as success?

12. Are you consciously everyday working on being a better rounded and open minded human being?

Answer these questions truthfully to yourself and then we can just scratch the surface of this conversation.
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