11 Ways to be unremarkably average

Only guilty of no.9  
what irks me is how some people try to hard to be special.

hate to break it but sometimes you just aint.
Most people want to be the superstar. I'm happy being average, doing my (*#&$. :nthat:
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Sometimes I want to be average

sometimes I want to be savage

sometimes I want just a beverage
... i mean ... im no maverick .. but i'll try to step my game up cuz some of those points hitting too close to home...

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Nice to know that I was guilty of a few of these, but decided to finally not be "average"

Wonder what would've happened if I started this a few years ago.
Not everyone's is built to make the world change or live a notable life. It has to be something that was in you all along, burning desire to things against the grain . To those of you who feel it, embrace it. Don't try to conform and dive head first into what you really want to do.
Its unfortunate for me that a lot of those have applied in my life at some point. Since I am only 24 i hope i can do better, thats probably what any one says and then your 50 yo out of no where...life
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the moral of the story is, if you own a Rolex, you're no longer average
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They literally drew a picture of me and my life so far
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