11 Ways to be unremarkably average

I'm not even trying to do the humble brag thing but I'm not guilty of anything on that list.

I may be guilty of some later in life, I don't think I'll write a book and I'll probably pay for a mortgage.

Besides that, compared to that list - I'm not average. However, in this society that can hurt you as well.
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sure some of these apply to me as well, but what are the other options? i may be average but i'm happy with my life as it is. it doesn't take into account being happily married, having kids, or have loving family and friends.

good counterpoint.

I feel like the pictures from the op lead you to believe that if you are "average" you automatically qualify for a miserable existence.

It fails to take into account that people tend to fall on a continuum and these categories don't even apply to a lot of people. I believe that people should use their talents and gifts they naturally have and work off of that and see where that gets them rather than subscribe to a belief that your losing at life if you don't write a book, or you have a computer job that your good at but people fool you into believing that it's the worst **** to do in the world.

what it all boils down to is whether your intrinsically motivated based on your own aspirations for your life or extrinsically motivated based on other people's wishes/desires and competition.

****, i'm happy just to find my single lane and work on making it the entire road by some point in my life. You don't get on my road unless I let you.
great this apply to 98% of American

You know only 2% of American are consider wealthy: celebrities, athletes, ceo etc only make up 2%
Most of us will live this way anyway, just hope your doing something you halfway enjoy.... I never want to be famous, but I would enjoy making a gangnam style amount of money doing something I enjoy.... This inspires me to take more time and truly realize what I want out of life, and if I'm doing what I enjoy then nothing else but shelter, food and love will essentially matter.... In theory.......
da end goal of a human being is to leave a legacy.

everyone wants to be remembered, thats why people keep records, thats why statues are built of people, this is why

some guys are hard wired to smash as many women as possible, this is people write books, make albums, make movies, etc.

we're all chasing immortality and at da very least, immortalization.

why would you wanna die and be a nobody? that gallery of pictures is probably one of da worst fears realized for many folks.

I live life for me. Not for others. Sure a lot of people do things that make them more noticeable. Like put on lipstick, and pushup bras.

not everyone needs the spotlight like. theres donald trump, then theres warren buffets. thats the difference between 2.9 billion and49 billion. an attention *****, and then someone who lives his life and the attention follows.
da end goal of a human being is to leave a legacy.

everyone wants to be remembered, thats why people keep records, thats why statues are built of people, this is why

some guys are hard wired to smash as many women as possible, this is people write books, make albums, make movies, etc.

we're all chasing immortality and at da very least, immortalization.

why would you wanna die and be a nobody? that gallery of pictures is probably one of da worst fears realized for many folks.
I live life for me. Not for others. Sure a lot of people do things that make them more noticeable. Like put on lipstick, and pushup bras.

not everyone needs the spotlight like. theres donald trump, then theres warren buffets. thats the difference between 2.9 billion and49 billion. an attention *****, and then someone who lives his life and the attention follows.
yeah but when you die, da only thing that you leave is your legacy, and money cant buy that. trump ahead of buffet in that regard.
Why do they make it sound so bad though?...like 80% applies to me and I'm happy...
I think the motivation in this lies in going with the motions or really taking control of your life and doing the things you want to do.

Majority of people probably do the former, which if that is what they want then good for them, Im not gonna knock that because if people are happy doing that then thats all that matters they shouldnt give a **** what I think.

But I think a lot of us are afraid to get out of the comfort zone and that's where life is really lived IMO, when were uncomfortable, growing and learning all at the same damb time

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Psshh, I seen James Bond.

Son got his own problems, bet he wishes he'd be average from time to time.

I know you were joking, but I legit look at someone like Kanye West, who any of us would die to switch positions with him ( Kim
), but he always seems depressed and angry deep down. As hard as it is to fathom, I'm sure he wishes he was average sometimes.
Even with Justin Bieber. Kid said in an interview he's always depressed and feels alone but he's worth millions.
Why do they make it sound so bad though?...like 80% applies to me and I'm happy...

Well from the original post on reddit:

Also I feel this comic isn't accurately describing life. Its putting life away as something shallow and cheap. Life isn't just about where you work. Life is about who you love and your experiences. This comic doesn't tell the story about how he meets the love of his life in college and how they stay'd up all night to watch the stars together. It doesn't tell you that with that massive mortgage that he had to pay for for 30 years he bought the house of his dreams. The house he raised his family in. The house his 3 children were born in and that still have their growing marked in the door frame. It doesn't tell about his passion for wood work that his daytime job payed for. I hate comics like this because they put so much effort into trying to motive you to become better in life but all they do is cheapen it. Life is not about trying to be better then everyone else. Life is about finding a way to be happy and if living an "average" life like I just described makes you happy, well then that is what you should do.
As someone who lived an above average life before settling down and now living an average life. I am so glad my life is now just average and I can just be happy with who I am and who I am with.

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