1/29 WWE ROYAL RUMBLE - Preview Pg 52, RR Pool Details Pg 1, RR Prediction Contest Pg 49!

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

And Tonight Via Radio From TennHouse2's NTWE Radio show "The House Call" We got an inteview with superstar TheDeek who had this to say......."Listen closely on Monday I have a huge announcement for you and all the other superstars I feel have been wrongfully left with nothing to do".......
Originally Posted by BdeaZy

I did not pay & thought it was an entertaining show. WinWin

Word. The Rumble match wasn't THAT bad...alot of fun/entertaining spots. yall are impossible to please man.
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by BdeaZy

I did not pay & thought it was an entertaining show. WinWin

Word. The Rumble match wasn't THAT bad...alot of fun/entertaining spots. yall are impossible to please man.
Yup. It's no longer "back in the day" enjoy the product for it is now 
Eh, he's better than most of the celebrity inductees. At least he actually played an important role in WWE history.
You guys catch me on Live Audio Wrestling last night?  Actually I was on both shows this weekend (Saturday's UFC on Fox post show as well where I actually got a talk a little more).
Originally Posted by YardFather

As a huge WCW fan when I was younger, I know what it feels like to be disappointed by pro wrestling.

The outcome of the Rumble, Sheamus winning, wasn't disappointing. But the entire card itself was thoroughly disappointing.

About an hours worth of video footage that could've been saved for Raw, the WHC match being like 2 minutes long, Kharma not destroying the divas tag match instead of being in the rumble, Brodus not being in the Rumble, the Kane and Cena BS, Dolph basically being squashed, the Rumble being full of jobbers when there was plenty of more people who could've been in it. Jerichos gimmick being completely killed off. The list goes on.

More so, the disappointment I felt being absolutely squashed by 4w hurt the most. Maybe GHIMS was right, maybe I never deserved an opportunity, Im just a charity case.

After all these years, I finally get my title match and I put on a performance that even Barry Horowitz would be ashamed of. I've lost my smile, my will to compete.

Which is why, if I don't walk out of the Elimination Chamber as the NTercontinental Champion, I will officially be hanging up the boots...
I agree; Sheamus winning was a nice surprise and I can dig it if they build him right and don't F up like the last time.
My problem was with the overall matches; none of them were above average and my main concern is how they buried Dolph (Miz 2.0).  I mean technically Punk beat him like what 3-4 times in that match?  He probably just lost all build he had with the fans because they made him look SO WEAK.

Also the people in the Rumble made it feel like it was a Smackdown battle royal; they def. wasted Randy Orton's return for no reason and I don't know where they go with Jericho from him because I feel like it's blown at this point. 

I am about to call Verizon and tell them I didn't order the RR 
I can't believe how piss poor this event was, I'm legit heated.

I used to like Sheamus as a heel, but as a face he's buns. The guy hasn't had a feud since Summerslam for chrisakes, I don't care about him at all cause all he does is job Jinder Mahal every damn week!

Like others have said, they've nearly killed Jericho completely now, there better be something on Raw to save his angle. He should have won, no doubt about it.

Kane and Cena should have just fought until Cena got DQ'd for something, that way you still get your rematch. The crowd was dead while they lumbered about after they got counted out. Waste of time.

And %%* was the WWE title match even about? Ace should've just been the ref, what was the point of switching up, this aint WCW. Just let Punk and Dolph go for 20 minutes.

And I thought the 2010 Rumble was the worst....

Spoiler [+]
Worst Rumble I've ever seen. Ever. Unacceptable.

My connection went out when it was just Jericho and Sheamus, probably right before it ended. I came on here to see what happened, looked at my boy and said "Its over

Him over Y2J and Orton?! He gets a title match at WM?! Why do I keep getting sucked back into this crap?
That has to go down as one of the worst PPV's of my lifetime. Just awful. Rumble was clearly secondary to tonight's RAW.
I don't think I've ever been so mad at wasting money; I would have rather bought $55 worth of scratch off lottery tickets
not to mention the money I spent on beer and food for a little get together...mad 
I honestly can not believe how short the matches were.
The Tripple Threat WHC Match was a complete joke.
Divas Match Bathroom Break
Cena vs Kane was another joke
Punk Vs Ziggler had me at the edge of my seat cause I thought he was going to be screwed out of the title but nothing.

RR Match was filled with fillers, I felt it was perdictable as to hwo would go on and win. I really felt Jericho should have been in the rumble did his arrogant thing walked around the ring got a reaction went in the ring faked a fight eliminate himself and then walk out trying to get a reaction as he has done for the past month.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

That has to go down as one of the worst PPV's of my lifetime. Just awful. Rumble was clearly secondary to tonight's RAW.

Especially considering Royal Rumble is one of the Big 4 PPVs for WWE.

How is the Ziggler/Punk matches from Raw better than the one they had last night?

That match wasn't awful or anything, but the TNA-esque overbooking killed the flow of the match.

Like I said last night don't have a problem with Sheamus winning but it would have been a great opportunity for Jericho to win last night and further his "end of the world" gimmick.

All those dame commercials during the show felt like I was watching Raw. The video packages for Cena and the Rock were great (Cena's especially) but they should've held them off for tonight's Raw. Made the Royal Rumble feel like an afterthough

I'm gonna turn Super Saiyan 4 with the amount of rage I'll have when I see my next cable bill.
I really wonder what is going on in the minds of the creative team when they make these garbage decisions. IMO they wasted 5 entries for King, Booker & Cole and then Hacksaw and Kharma. Kharma would have better been suited coming out and demolishing the divas match. It was so sad watching that Rumble last night
Originally Posted by jcmojica24

I really wonder what is going on in the minds of the creative team when they make these garbage decisions. IMO they wasted 5 entries for King, Booker & Cole and then Hacksaw and Kharma. Kharma would have better been suited coming out and demolishing the divas match. It was so sad watching that Rumble last night

they also wasted Orton's return and killed the buzz for Jericho barring something pretty amazing happening tonight
I think Kharma coming out was probably my favorite moment in the whole rumble besides Ricardo

The crowd really got behind her right say and she should have gotten more time in there. I don't feel she was a waste of an entry. Hacksaw was fine as well. Hell he got one of the biggest pops of the night. The announcers on the other hand..... I would have been just fine with Booker, but King and Cole.... especially Cole was a waste of time. Kharma should have gotten to destroy him too.

It's insane how many people on the roster really get no reactions at all.

It does make sense with Sheamus winning the Rumble, he really was really going to have nothing to do since Barrah and Randy are back in a feud. Him and DB are going to have a wrestle mania rematch since their match got turned into a battle royal dark match last year.

Cena vs Kane is just an angle I've been tired of but it was nice seeing Kane not get buried at the ppv like Cena's angles with monster heels usually go.

Ziggler was an accessory to the Punk/Johnny feud and he's way better than that. They should have just thrown in a throw away challenger if they were gonna do that like Swagger or something.
I don't have any problem with Kharma.
I have major problems wasting spots with Lawler, Booker, and Cole.

Orton's return was a complete waste.  They rush him back from injury to have him go less than 5 minutes in the Rumble in his home town.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I don't have any problem with Kharma.
I have major problems wasting spots with Lawler, Booker, and Cole.

Orton's return was a complete waste.  They rush him back from injury to have him go less than 5 minutes in the Rumble in his home town.

also otunga, uso, gabriel's spot were wasted
I'm glad Sheamus won, pissed Jericho lost, and just plain confused on what the writers were thinking last night..Too many questions on their thought process..How are you going to put your WHC in a steel cage match that goes barely longer than the divas match?..Why do you have Lauranitis make a big deal out of being the special guest ref and screwing over Punk and then basically have no involvement?..Why do you have 75% of your main event entrants be fillers that everyone knows has no chance in hell to win the rumble?..Why do you make Ziggler look weaker than Zack Ryder by losing clean in the middle of the ring and then not have him win the rumble?..Who are you going to put Sheamus in a program with that the fans are going to want to see right now?..

I just wish I'd try to watch it online instead of paying 45 bucks to watch in on my tv..I had to be very selective on which ppv I was going to get this year because I just flat out can't afford to rent more than one, maybe 2 if Im luck..And this is the one I get?!?..Makes me so upset and now Im going to be hard pressed to put out my money to watch WM..
The way they squashed Ziggler in his match with Punk is a joke. Guy deserves better than that. Killed Jericho's entire month of trolling and wasted Orton's comeback. Loved Ricardo coming in at #8 and so did the crowd apparently. That whole card had so much promise but it didn't even come close to anyone's expectations...
Originally Posted by StillIn729

I don't think I've ever been so mad at wasting money; I would have rather bought $55 worth of scratch off lottery tickets
not to mention the money I spent on beer and food for a little get together...mad 
i know that feel bro

Originally Posted by SoVerSoTowel

Originally Posted by StillIn729

I don't think I've ever been so mad at wasting money; I would have rather bought $55 worth of scratch off lottery tickets
not to mention the money I spent on beer and food for a little get together...mad 
i know that feel bro


When I bought WM last year, after the show was over, I was like, damn, that wasn't worth $65 but at least it was WM.  When the cable bill came, that's when I got really annoyed.
But if I would have dropped $55 on last night's show, I would be screaming at WWE, and probably would never buy another PPV from them again.

On the other hand, I bought UFC 141 with Overeem/Lesnar.  It wasn't a great UFC, but still, I was entertained with a few friends and had no problem paying the bill.

The build to Mania is going to have to be REALLY good for WWE to get my money this year.  If the beef between Rock and Cena is over who has more Twitter followers, I will be watching the show on my computer.
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