1/29 WWE ROYAL RUMBLE - Preview Pg 52, RR Pool Details Pg 1, RR Prediction Contest Pg 49!

Did they just bury the whole end of the world segment? As much as I love Jeritroll...

Those segments with the freaky looking girl could have been so much more..
Someone check the local hospitals, where is GHIMS?
I want to shake his hand after tonight, but he's nowhere to be found.
He might have been injured and received a concussion from:
JNSQ superkicks GHIMS. JNSQ chants start. JNSQ Choke Slams GHIMS. GHIMS looks to be out cold!  Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - JNSQ has won the match!

Howard Finkle - The winner of this match, and new NTercontinentel Championship champion, JNSQ!!!
He must be somewhere wandering and rambling nonsense.
I'm worried.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Someone check the local hospitals, where is GHIMS?
I want to shake his hand after tonight, but he's nowhere to be found.
He might have been injured and received a concussion from:
JNSQ superkicks GHIMS. JNSQ chants start. JNSQ Choke Slams GHIMS. GHIMS looks to be out cold!  Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - JNSQ has won the match!

Howard Finkle - The winner of this match, and new NTercontinentel Championship champion, JNSQ!!!
He must be somewhere wandering and rambling nonsense.
I'm worried.

how could a 75 lb human being with an extra 50 lb metal cup choke slam someone?

i guess its possible when rey mysterio can suplex the big show in wwe '12
I don't know but we are taking a week off from NTWT fed stuff. The work is exhausting! Sure GHIMS will show up by then, though.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

NTChamber Card

6 Man Elimination Chamber Match For The NTercontinental Title

JNSQ (C) VS JRATheGreat VS BKMac VS YardFather VS 3dgarFly VS Mister916


6 Man Elimination Chamber Match For The 3rd Spot In The Main Event For The NTWEF Title At NTMania II

HombreLobo VS GHIMS VS ImThatOne VS VeintiSiete VS NobleKane VS BrasilianMami


NTWEF Title Match
Toine VS 4Wrestling (C)


TheDeek VS JDCurt

NTUS Title Match

Hymen_Man VS Peep_Game (C)

new match added
wait what! i had the most eliminations in the battle royal and then im left off the card? Iv tried to be civil about this, ive tried to kepp my fans happy but now im gonna have to speak the truth.......iv been carrying the ntwe merchandise sales for months with the "were 4loko for tennhouse"shirts...... ive carried deadbeats like The Geek to the top with my charisma and natural skill.....but now iv had it with the men in power doing whatever they can to keep the best in the biz from claimin his rightful spot at the top.........im issuing an open challenge to anyone with a shot ar the heavyweight title match at NTMania on the NTChamber card (6 man elemination chamber match) if i win i get ur spot, if u win im ur new roadie threw NTMania.....Who accepts?.....And remember the House always wins...,.,,
^tenn, i understand u are mad but i couldn't fit everyone on the card

doesn't mean u can't be at NTMania II though

Lobo will be booking NTMania II
Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

JNSQ, u will compete or u will be stripped off the belt
Do it!

and casekicks, things happen. I know my time will truly come to shine in this federation. Yours? Eh', that time probably has already come in the match we had that YOU hyped up that YOU lost.

Congrats on not being worth a fly in a pile of cow turd to the NTWT Universe.

Yep I lost, but more importantly I WAS THE ONE who hyped the match up..All you did was write a couple sentences and then disappear..Your welcom for the help with your mini-push..

Congrats on that heinous promo you just dropped on us..Like it wasn't bad enough we just sat through almost 3 hours of that thing they called Royal Rumble, now we're subjected to your garbage..Damn bro, enough is enough, just spare us til atleast Monday night..
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

*card subject to change

abd what is your issue with the card?

I just think its too early to have a finalized card. lets let some of the smoke from NTRumble settle and see what happens is all im saying
I'm still trying to wrap my mind around what happened in the RR match, but one thing i'm interested in is the fact that Kharma was there.
How did she return so quick after saying she was pregnant in May?
I wonder if she had a miscarriage or a premature birth because if my math is correct she should be giving birth next month, and even then she would be healing for like half a year.
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

*card subject to change

abd what is your issue with the card?

I just think its too early to have a finalized card. lets let some of the smoke from NTRumble settle and see what happens is all im saying

but i have been doing this since NTSeries. if i post the card, that begins the build up towards the matches. besides, if we work together in the chamber and eliminate the other 4, we face each other at the end. best man wins.

from theDEEK - I'm still out of posts, but tell TennhouseJanetty that I hear his cries and I understand him. I have an announcement on Monday that will solve his problems.
i'm thinking this week we can begin a tournament for the NTHardCore Title

lobo, check your p.m
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

^tenn, i understand u are mad but i couldn't fit everyone on the card

doesn't mean u can't be at NTMania II though

Lobo will be booking NTMania II

u understand that im mad? Thats all u have for me after everything ive done for this company???????U kniw what i hope u understand why im mad because im coming for you and everyone else at the top. Im tired of the games and being made a fool out of. watch yourself because remeber when you dealing with me "The House always wins[emoji]8482[/emoji]"
Good points on this Radio talk show about winning the rumble not really meaning anything anymore....
As a huge WCW fan when I was younger, I know what it feels like to be disappointed by pro wrestling.

The outcome of the Rumble, Sheamus winning, wasn't disappointing. But the entire card itself was thoroughly disappointing.

About an hours worth of video footage that could've been saved for Raw, the WHC match being like 2 minutes long, Kharma not destroying the divas tag match instead of being in the rumble, Brodus not being in the Rumble, the Kane and Cena BS, Dolph basically being squashed, the Rumble being full of jobbers when there was plenty of more people who could've been in it. Jerichos gimmick being completely killed off. The list goes on.

More so, the disappointment I felt being absolutely squashed by 4w hurt the most. Maybe GHIMS was right, maybe I never deserved an opportunity, Im just a charity case.

After all these years, I finally get my title match and I put on a performance that even Barry Horowitz would be ashamed of. I've lost my smile, my will to compete.

Which is why, if I don't walk out of the Elimination Chamber as the NTercontinental Champion, I will officially be hanging up the boots...
And Tonight Via Radio From TennHouse2's NTWE Radio show "The House Call" We got an inteview with superstar TheDeek who had this to say......."Listen closely on Monday I have a huge announcement for you and all the other superstars I feel have been wrongfully left with nothing to do".......
Originally Posted by USAFAnt

Good points on this Radio talk show about winning the rumble not really meaning anything anymore....

i think MITB has taken some of the glory of winning the RR
Originally Posted by hombrelobo


why did  I read this with a vince mcmahon voice 

edit       just finished seeing the RR match replay and smh at that match 
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

i am sick and tired of the complaining on here

JNSQ, complain about this. On NTDown this week, u will compete in a handicap match

it will be JNSQ VS ImThatOne & VeintiSiete
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]trying to kill the poor kid. oh well.[/color]

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Peep Lame, congrats on your fluke win. Time to take that title off your hands.

TERRIBLE PPV! just awful from what I've read.
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