09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!

Originally Posted by Weaponry Expert

AJ GREEN is the best WR in the SEC by FAR!
No he's not.

1a. Julio Jones
1b. AJ Green

it just depends on what type of receivers you prefer
Originally Posted by dreClark

AJ can do everything Julio can do.

Julio can't do everything AJ can do.

It's really that simple.
!%@%@+ who say julio is better aint watchin football and just goin off high school rankings.

it just depends on what type of receivers you prefer

lol get outta here

u prefer a slow plodding WR who hasnt caught a Tub in 11 games.
I prefer a playmaking wr who makes leaping catches, breaks tackles and aqctually scores touchdowns...

btw AJ Green was SEC Freshman of the yr, not Julio Jones....
I also remember heads sayin he would fall off without Stafford....

btw AJ Green is rite on Dez heels. he catches everything
According to some parents of A&M players, Jeff Fuller's dad said that Jeff broke his leg tonight. Add in Christine Michael having to be carried off thefield...escaped with a win, but suffered a very huge loss...
NH, but I love Noel Devine

And Jock Sanders dances WAAAAAY to much when you need to get the first. He stay doing that $!*+
Originally Posted by EB14

Originally Posted by Weaponry Expert

AJ GREEN is the best WR in the SEC by FAR!
No he's not.

1a. Julio Jones
1b. AJ Green

it just depends on what type of receivers you prefer


Julio is a stud and probably will be a stud at the next level.

But at this point, the hype i see behind him is completely due to the size advantage he has on AJ, cause other than that, he cant !$+# with him.

Never even understood how he was rated higher than him coming out of HS.
Originally Posted by tmay407

According to some parents of A&M players, Jeff Fuller's dad said that Jeff broke his leg tonight. Add in Christine Michael having to be carried off the field...escaped with a win, but suffered a very huge loss...

Did Mike Leach give up? That was some horrible clock management on that last Tech drive...and that run on 3rd down was suspect

I didn't know Kansas State was playing at UCLA. This game had to have been scheduled while Bill Snyder was gone. Now he's going to have the personresponsible for scheduling this game fired...
Nebraska deserved better fate than the got. Strong safety so lost in coverage on that long Tyrod toss

Ndamukong Suh dominated
Originally Posted by ddot7

Originally Posted by dr funk 13

My Oregon-Utah write-up...

First things first...
Forget all that...what'd you think about the uniforms???

It was a very interesting combo haha The silver would look great with their black tops and black helmets, or the carbon fiber joints. Not my favorite mashup,but whatever haha got the W.
Somebody asked what Kragthorpe said to Trent Guy after Guy muffed a punt that allowed UK to take the lead. Kragthorpe morphed into Clint Eastwood.

"I told Trent I'm going to kick his $@* if he feels bad, and I mean it," Kragthorpe said. "…There was not one play you can point to and say that was the determining factor.

"I'll just tell everybody right now that if you get on Trent Guy don't ever come around me. Don't ever come around me if you say anything … about Trent Guy. I'm going to read everything. I'm going to watch every TV station tonight. Don't say a word about Trent Guy because that guy's a stud, and I got his back. … I'm just telling you, don't do it."

G. Paulus 24/35 346 9.9 2 1

M. Williams 11 209 19.0 2 66

I still cant believe we've managed to recruit CJ Leak and Crapton into our program in the same decade...
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