09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

After some checking, it seems very unlikely that RB Darrell Scott will end up at UCLA. Scott said he was leaving Colorado Tuesday.
-Those around, and in the UCLA program , do not think the fit will be right from the Bruins' perspective.

-UCLA already has four tailbacks , plus Malcolm Jones coming in. The Bruins are still in the running for Jordan James & Anthony Barr.

-Scott would only have two years of eligibility remaining after sitting out a season. Plus, UCLA has Academic Progress Rates to consider.

-It all adds up to UCLA taking a pass on Scott.
one of the worst run programs in college football
I don't know what's going on that side of town,
Originally Posted by tmay407

Corey Nelson is a pretty solid commit to A&M. I'd be very shocked if he ended up elsewhere.

He told Sherman before he committed that he still wanted to take his visits. Sherman also told him not to feel pressured to commit if he wasn't 100% sure he wanted A&M.

And I know words are cheap, but his grandfather (who is a pastor) told him that whenever he committed, he needed to be a man of his word and keep that commitment. He was down here this past weekend looking for a church as well.

thanks, what you know about Anthony Dixon?
He's a Baylor Verbal but has backed off a bit. CLK and Monte are on him hard...
I like everything but the actual tops and pants.. the pants remind me of the Atlanta Hawks for some reason... Gotta get those gloves though.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by tmay407

Corey Nelson is a pretty solid commit to A&M. I'd be very shocked if he ended up elsewhere.

He told Sherman before he committed that he still wanted to take his visits. Sherman also told him not to feel pressured to commit if he wasn't 100% sure he wanted A&M.

And I know words are cheap, but his grandfather (who is a pastor) told him that whenever he committed, he needed to be a man of his word and keep that commitment. He was down here this past weekend looking for a church as well.

thanks, what you know about Anthony Dixon?
He's a Baylor Verbal but has backed off a bit. CLK and Monte are on him hard...

Pretty sure he's looking to get paid... if Tennessee wants to pony up I think they can get him easily from Baylor.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

After some checking, it seems very unlikely that RB Darrell Scott will end up at UCLA. Scott said he was leaving Colorado Tuesday.
-Those around, and in the UCLA program , do not think the fit will be right from the Bruins' perspective.

-UCLA already has four tailbacks , plus Malcolm Jones coming in. The Bruins are still in the running for Jordan James & Anthony Barr.

-Scott would only have two years of eligibility remaining after sitting out a season. Plus, UCLA has Academic Progress Rates to consider.

-It all adds up to UCLA taking a pass on Scott.
one of the worst run programs in college football
You guys were the ones takin out full page ads in the paper about USC should be worried and scared and @#$% cuz of Newweasel right? What happenedto that?

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by tmay407

Corey Nelson is a pretty solid commit to A&M. I'd be very shocked if he ended up elsewhere.

He told Sherman before he committed that he still wanted to take his visits. Sherman also told him not to feel pressured to commit if he wasn't 100% sure he wanted A&M.

And I know words are cheap, but his grandfather (who is a pastor) told him that whenever he committed, he needed to be a man of his word and keep that commitment. He was down here this past weekend looking for a church as well.

thanks, what you know about Anthony Dixon?
He's a Baylor Verbal but has backed off a bit. CLK and Monte are on him hard...
Back to Corey Nelson for a second...I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little bit concerned about him taking his visits.Nelson's official visits right now appear to be A&M, Tennessee, Stanford, UCLA, and Nebraska (those last 3 will come at the end of the season). 18 yearold kids are pretty impressionable, so anything can happen...especially when you get Lane Kiffin involved.

As far as Ahmad Dixon...everything I've heard says he's linked to Will Lyles. Lyles is the street agent that's been connected to so many kids(mainly from the Houston area) over the past few years. He grew up an A&M fan, and I really wish we were still recruiting him, but that's not the case.Dixon is pretty good friends with Lache Seastrunk and Trovon Reed (who are both also supposedly linked to Lyles), and it wouldn't surprise me to see themall end up together. Last I heard, Auburn was the school to beat. I really don't see any way that he sticks with the Baylor commitment.

It's gonna suck for Baylor when they lose out on both Dixon and Tyler Stephenson. Stephenson is the other 4* DB committed to Baylor, but he'ssupposedly been looking around and is now interested in taking his visits after initially saying he wasn't. Stephenson is a track kid that wants tocontinue to run in college, so it wouldn't surprise me to see him either stick with his commitment to Baylor or look at somewhere like Oregon.
IMO, The only way Trovon and Lache end up together is at LSU.

In his vids, Dixon is a beast . He looks almost as good as Elam.
That's kind of how I feel, too. I don't see all three ending up at Auburn, but there have been reports that they want to play together. Lache andTrovon to LSU would seem pretty likely. And I really don't know how hard LSU would go after Dixon (if they're even recruiting him at all) after gettingLoston last year...

The latest on Dixon:
"I'm planning on taking some visits to Alabama, Auburn, Oklahoma State, and Tennessee," he said. "I have a visit to Tennessee this weekend and I have a visit to Alabama set up for the 21st I believe. I haven't set one up yet [with Oklahoma State] but I do plan on going."

Lastly, Dixon commented on when he plans on revealing his final choice as well as what is going to factor in to the decision he ultimately makes.

"Most likely my decision will be made on signing day," he said. "I want to go to a good school with good academics and with a good football team that is winning with good coaches that can help me develop my skills to get better and get me prepared to go to the next level."
My guy leech trying to explain the Fat little girlfriends remark on sportscenter
. Apparently he's down with the brothers. His words not mine.
Originally Posted by dreClark

The gloves and the cleats!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


I GOT to find a way to get some.



better than these smfh

Reminds me of when Nike tried:

Apparently the rivalry games will be rocking these jerseys. The gloves are ill though.
LMAOOOOOOOO PLEASE tell me yall seen craig James doin the Lou Holtz impression


"Jusht Shlant and Go Jusht Shlant and go"
ECU is holding on damn near every play, especially Worilds. Thompson just got excellent penetration into the backfield and go theld like !$@$.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Hear Nike supposedly doing a similar thing for Miami with the unis.
I also heard the same thing and that they were doing it for 12 different Nike sponsored schools. I hear Texas and TCU might also be part of this,not sure though.


Looks like Ohio State will be wearing something different also


Here is the ones Texas will wear against Texas A&M I believe

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