09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!

Heads are calling for the SEC to suspend Brandon Spikes for that ric Flair Eye Gauge he gave on Saturday...

cus you already know Urban aint gonna suspend him
regardless, he shouldnt be playing,

before the incident was he wearing a visor? I dont think he was

cause I know late in the game he was wearing one ...
my dude was prepared for some get back
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

regardless, he shouldnt be playing,

before the incident was he wearing a visor? I dont think he was

cause I know late in the game he was wearing one ...
my dude was prepared for some get back
He should be suspended for the year. I know its harsh but I wouldn't stand for that on my team. That is a (()) move. Flat out female tactics.Too bad Hines Ward wasn't there
, would have got his jaw broke. Butyeah that is a straight "
" move. That grinds my gears

Gunna you played ball for years. What would you do in retaliation?
I'm sure Spikes been doing that for years, he just finally got caught on tape. Bottomline, if you're a RB with no visor on don't act surprised whensomebody tries to poke you in the eye.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

I'm sure Spikes been doing that for years, he just finally got caught on tape. Bottomline, if you're a RB with no visor on don't act surprised when somebody tries to poke you in the eye.


If I ever step foot on a field I'm rocking that mask/visor
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Christian Jones new co-leader.
UM or UT?

I'll believe it when I see it AND get confirmation.

Moreso for UM than UT.

I honestly can't pay attention to any Defensive recruits until December, or when concrete info about the defensive staff comes out.

Over/under on CJ Spiller putting up 350 All Purpose Yards this weekend?
I'd rather get Jones over Luc

but Luc seems to be all Vols.

CJ Spiller is going to put up Tecmo Bowl Numbers on that FSU D.
Watching the NC State game I realized, yall D Line is atrocious. and here I was thinkin it was all the DBs

Im around those courts just about every day and only seen him play once. He's hoopin out there, but basically every Football player that goes up there is just bullyin folks

BDub be Deebo'in yall
Our DL has no technique whatsoever.
No swim moves, no spins, etc. Nothing. Ijust keep seeing us firing off and getting locked up, if not pancaked. It's just terrible but it brings me back to my main point......Clint Hurtt, DLcoach, is our best recruiter. But he can't coach worth a damn. So gets to keep his job because he's bringing kids in but we don't develop anybody.Now I'm hearing stuff about other coaches telling recruits don't go to Miami because they don't develop their players.
And it's true.

All these damn kids we've brought in the past few years on DL and we have ZERO pass rush. Something ain't adding up....

Allen Bailey the only one consistently doing anything and even he doesn't have good technique. He just out there getting by on strength and will power. Ifactually had a good DL coach?
Spoiler [+]

Will Vols get another pledge this week?[/td] [/tr][tr][td][/td] [/tr][tr][td]

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By James Bryant

Recruiting Analyst InsideTennessee
Posted Nov 2, 2009
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http://http://http://http://tennessee.scout.com/2/915400.html#email-a-friend-windowhttp://tennessee.scout.com/a.z?s=7&p=10&c=915400&refid=4781| More

One official visitor had such a great time at Rocky Top that he may decide not to take any more visits. Copiah Lincoln Community College defensive corner Dequann Menzie appears to be very close to becoming one of the newest Volunteers. Go "Inside" this Free read for the latest on his recruitment.
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Official visits are a chance for a prospect to check out one of the schools of their choice, it's also a chance for them to get to know the school's coaching better and see if they fit in at that particular program.

Each prospect is allowed five official visits, for Dequann Menzie five visits may not be necessary.

InsideTennessee.com caught up Copiah Lincoln defensive corner late Sunday night after he had returned home from his official trip to Knoxville.

"That may be my list visit," Menzie said. "I may not take anymore visits after that one."

Why would Menzie not want to take any more visits elsewhere?

"Everything about Tennessee was perfect," Menzie explained. "It was such a great experience. I will be honest I didn't thing I would get out of there without committing, but I had promised my mom I would stop and think about it before making a final decision."

Does Menzie have a time table for that decision?

"I will probably make a decision by Thursday," Menzie said. "I really think that Tennessee will be my permanent home."

Menzie, a 5-foot-11 and a ½ inch, 190-pound athlete, is originally from Georgia and has spent the last two seasons at Copiah Lincoln Mississippi Community College.

"Tennessee is recruiting me to play corner," Menzie said. "Tennessee was way better than I expected it to be."

After the game Saturday, the stand out defender got to spend some quality time with another stand defensive player.

"Eric Berry and I hung out a lot," Menzie said. "He is such a great guy. We are so much a like personality wise. He is so calm, cool and collected. He is a fun guy to be around even if you're just hanging out and talking."

Menzie has also been very impressed with his lead recruiter.

"Coach Frank Wilson seems to be a really great person and a great coach," Menzie said. "He cares more about than just a football player; he is always asking how my family is doing etc. Getting the opportunity to play for Monte Kiffin is also a great opportunity."

It appears that Tennessee will have another commitment before weeks end.

Menzie currently holds official offers from several SEC schools including ones from Tennessee, Alabama, Auburn, Georgia, Clemson, Oklahoma State, Ole Miss, and Mississippi State, LSU and Southern Mississippi.

Menzie is scheduled to graduate from junior college in May.
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We're snatchin Menzie away from Bamma

My boy just told me Derrick Locke hurt his knee again
U gotta be kiddin me
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Our DL has no technique whatsoever.
No swim moves, no spins, etc. Nothing. I just keep seeing us firing off and getting locked up, if not pancaked. It's just terrible but it brings me back to my main point......Clint Hurtt, DL coach, is our best recruiter. But he can't coach worth a damn. So gets to keep his job because he's bringing kids in but we don't develop anybody. Now I'm hearing stuff about other coaches telling recruits don't go to Miami because they don't develop their players.
And it's true.

All these damn kids we've brought in the past few years on DL and we have ZERO pass rush. Something ain't adding up....

Allen Bailey the only one consistently doing anything and even he doesn't have good technique. He just out there getting by on strength and will power. If actually had a good DL coach?

Letting Palermo get away was the worst thing to happen to our defense. For the one season we had him, he had our defensive line playing out of their mind.Hopefully when the ******** clean house we can get him back.
This SOB Kiffin doesn't let up......once Bray gets settled in the East is gonna be a dogfight again. Maybe the UF vs UT game will go back to being a nightgame.

Nu'keese has had plenty of chances to step up......I was never really concerned when he didn't sign with UF.

I hope he mans up and stays there......not everyone is all world their freshman year.
Originally Posted by gatorb807

once Bray gets settled in the East is gonna be a dogfight again. Maybe the UF vs UT game will go back to being a night game.

Nu'keese has had plenty of chances to step up......I was never really concerned when he didn't sign with UF.

I hope he mans up and stays there......not everyone is all world their freshman year.


Dunkley on his visit

Spoiler [+]
http://active.macromedia....lash.cab#version=6,0,0,0 height=60 width=620 classid=clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000> http://vmedia.rivals.com/...sFontColor=000000&sLink= WIDTH=620 HEIGHT=60 SALIGN=lt QUALITY=best SCALE=noborder wmode=transparent ID=rvflash NAME=rvflash BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF allowscriptaccess=always TYPE=application/x-shockwave-flash PLUGINSPAGE=http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash> [h1]Vol visit impresses Dunkley[/h1]
John Brice
VolQuest.com Senior Writer

Talk about it in The General's Quarters
Chris Dunkley wasn't sure what he would see on his official visit to the University of Tennessee during the weekend.

Now the four-star wide receiver who's tabbed as the No. 8 player at his position in the country departed Knoxville with a feeling he could see himself wearing Tennessee orange.

"It was good. I enjoyed myself a lot. At first, you know, I thought Tennessee could be kind of lame, I want to say, just being honest," said the 5-foot-10-inch, 170-pound speedster from Pahokee (Fla.) High School. "But I enjoyed myself a lot. I could see myself playing here. I can see why a lot of kids come here."

Dunkley, who's already visited Georgia and plans to see the Alabama-LSU game this week in Tuscaloosa, was impressed by the gameday experience in Knoxville and Tennessee's 31-13 rout of South Carolina despite rainy weather that dampened the evening.

"It was crazy. The weather messed it up a little bit, but it's football. You've got to play through the rain sometimes. It was a great win," he said. "Came through with the black jerseys, did their thing. That's how it's supposed to go."

Though Dunkley has a variety of factors that will ultimately be weighed for his final decision, he liked that the Vols' program -- and specifically first-year head coach Lane Kiffin -- broke from tradition with unique, black-and-orange Halloween uniforms.

"From what I understand, Tennessee's a big traditional school so they could have taken some hits about wearing the black jerseys. But, I mean, they go out on a limb for their players and it tells me and they were telling me that coach Kiffin is all about the players," he said. "And they wanted to wear the black jerseys so, why not?"

In Dunkley's first two seasons of high school football, he tallied nearly 80 catches for more than 1,100 yards and 19 touchdowns. Like some of the Vols' other targets and verbal commitments for the 2010 class, Dunkley is being recruited by UT assistant Eddie Gran.

And though Gran is the Vols' running backs coach, Dunkley feels like he has a keen understanding of Gran's demeanor and expectations.

"Coach Gran is cool, real cool. Laidback but straightforward type of guy. He's a great running backs coach and a very good technician," Dunkley said. "Everything has to be on point. He wants perfection and anything less, he doesn't want."

So did Dunkley leave Knoxville with a leader?

"I can say that Tennessee is in the running for me to be a player for them," he said. "After leaving there, I feel that you know, I could see myself playing there."
Dre -

I'll be at the game Saturday. That means dump your entire life savings ($43) on FSU...Clemson never wins when I go to a game.
Patience wearing thin for Michigan

November 2, 2009 1:45 PM

Posted by ESPN.com's Adam Rittenberg

Rich Rodriguez did it again Monday, referring to the state of the program he inherited when he arrived at Michigan in December 2007.

When asked at his weekly news conference if he expected the team to be further along by this point, 21 games into his tenure, Rodriguez said, "Not after I got here."

Rodriguez didn't dwell on the topic, telling local reporters that he would sit down with them after the season and elaborate. But he doesn't need to. He has already addressed this issue multiple times. [table][tr][td] [/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]Andrew Weber/US Presswire[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [td]After starting the season 4-0, Rich Rodriguez and the Wolverines are 5-4.[/td] [/tr][/table]

Here are two quotes from our conversation in November 2008:
  • "We've had good players, but some of the problems that we, that Michigan has had in the past several years, whether it's offense or defense, came up to bite us a little bit more this year. We've got to get those solved."
  • "There have been games where if a guy or two was hurt, it really affected the performance from an athletic standpoint. We probably have not been as athletic the last couple of years as maybe we were in the past here."
And here's an item from our conversation in August:

Did you expect it to be more ready-made here?

Rodriguez: I didn't look at the depth chart. I didn't see that there were eight or nine starters leaving on offense and the recruits, what was coming in, what was committed or what was on defense. Or looked at game film to see what the struggles were in the games that they won. I saw the [Capital One Bowl] where they played great against Florida, but the Appalachian State game, the Oregon game, I didn't see those games. It didn't really matter. I figured, 'Once we get there, we'll figure out what we have and go from there.' Were there more issues than I thought? Sure. But I think every new coach coming in would tell you the same thing, at any program.
Coaching change is very difficult; I get that. The transition it brings tests any program, even ones filled with tradition and resources like Michigan. And Michigan's transition from Lloyd Carr to Rodriguez certainly was more significant than most.

But the way Rodriguez describes the program he took over, you'd think he made a wrong turn and ended up in Ypsilanti rather than Ann Arbor.

Other coaches have inherited a lot worse than what Rodriguez did at Michigan, which always recruits at a high level.

I like what Rodriguez has said about eliminating a sense of entitlement for the Maize and Blue. The winged helmet no longer equals 14 points on the scoreboard before kickoff, and players shouldn't think it does.

But by this point, Michigan should be playing better. The 4-0 start was a lot of smoke and mirrors -- quarterback Tate Forcier freelancing to make plays, the defense doing just enough to cover up for major flaws, the breaks falling Michigan's way.

The issues with youth and depth were still there, but the Wolverines were winning and, more importantly, giving themselves a chance to get better as the season went along. Instead, they've regressed in every area.

Michigan on Saturday lost by 25 points to an Illinois team that hadn't managed to stay within 10 points of any of its six previous FBS opponents. The Wolverines surrendered 500 total yards and 377 on the ground. They committed three turnovers and failed to notch a takeaway for the third straight game. Rodriguez admitted Monday that his players are playing tight and too conscious of their mistakes.

"Some of our issues did not occur overnight and will not be solved overnight," he said. "Sometimes it takes a little longer than I would like or any of you like. I am less patient than any of you or any fans that we have. And we have great fans. I promise you. Progress is being made. How fast and to what degree, I wish it was faster. It's not going as fast as I would like, trust me."

Patience is wearing thin as Michigan enters November needing at least one more win to reach a bowl game. These players and these coaches have to make progress this month.

If they don't, Rodriguez will sit down with reporters and explain all the issues he inherited.

And no one will want to hear it.
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