09 Real Deal College Football Discussion/No Homers - Lets geh geh GET IT!

mannnnnn if Cinci stays the course, they'll be in the BCS title game
cus even their hardest games, they should be favored to win. ( USF & Pitt )
Originally Posted by CP1708

I'm glad everybody was sayin how Miami don't need to worry about Va Tech and all that.

Made me feel better while we were getting our @##^$ handed to us.
the majority of those wont be back around until Miami's next significant victory.
got a handful of die hards who represent thru thick and thin but u got a buncha guys who get low once things get bad, same as the OKlahoma beat down and the yrafter UM smashed A&M then collapsed
We didn't need to worry about VT. We needed to worry about us. I said before the game the only way we lose is if we get big-headed and don't show up.Took VT lightly and bought into the hype. That's exactly what happened. VT fans were saying the same thing. People knew we were the better team but wedidn't prove it. Which goes back to what I said before the season even started....as talented as Miami is, we're still soft, mentally weak, anddon't have enough heart.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Is Brian Kelly still the HC of Cincy next season?

It depends on what kind of jobs are out there. Brian Kelly is only taking high profile/major jobs at this point. Believe I am stating the obvious.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

We didn't need to worry about VT. We needed to worry about us. I said before the game the only way we lose is if we get big-headed and don't show up. Took VT lightly and bought into the hype. That's exactly what happened. VT fans were saying the same thing. People knew we were the better team but we didn't prove it. Which goes back to what I said before the season even started....as talented as Miami is, we're still soft, mentally weak, and don't have enough heart.
How do you think y'all will react?

Ideas/opinions on where you think BK will end up?
Mannnn, Off Season recruiting thread, I mentioned Urban had meeting with one of Notre Dame's biggest and most influential Boosters who is from Memphis thissummer. publicly "the story" was some charity event, privately it, was a feeling out process.
believe what you wanna believe
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

We didn't need to worry about VT. We needed to worry about us. I said before the game the only way we lose is if we get big-headed and don't show up. Took VT lightly and bought into the hype. That's exactly what happened. VT fans were saying the same thing. People knew we were the better team but we didn't prove it. Which goes back to what I said before the season even started....as talented as Miami is, we're still soft, mentally weak, and don't have enough heart.
How do you think y'all will react?

At home, they had BETTER come out full bore. May still lose the game, Oklahoma ain't no softie, but at least go out there and fight.

I did like from the Va Tech game how they came right out after halftime, went down the field, got the score, got the ball back , drivin again, but the 2 dropsby the basketball player seemed to take the wind out of our sails, and that was that.

Punch that second drive in, 21-14 with mo on your side, maybe we make a statement to ourselves. Problem is, those are the type of things that have been bustinus up the last couple years, once something bad happens, it snowballs and we come apart. We come out like crap this week, and get blown out, we could go inthe tank again.

That better not happen.
Texas Tech is supposedly having some pretty serious in-house problems...

Brandon Carter (the OL with the mohawk and painted face, preseason All-American) is suspended indefinitely.
Marlon Williams (Senior LB, All-Big 12 Honorable Mention last year) left the team.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

texas a&m
If Sherman doesn't win AT LEAST 6 games, and he probably should win 7, he needs to be fired...

They should beat Colorado, Kansas State, Iowa State and now Baylor to get to 7... They need to be bowling. Ifthey're not, he's gone.
I don't have a good feeling. Losing to teams you're better than is not a good sign. Only reason I think we might be able to win is because it's anight game at home. Issue with this team is always motivation. If we can't get motivated for OU then I dunno what to think. Who is BK?
Brian Kelley

the thing about young teams, is its a roller coaster.
I dont think UM matches up well vs OU.
OU can run the rock outta 4 WR sets.

and if OU gets even a 10 point lead, I feel like UM will fold up like most young teams do.
Originally Posted by dreClark

There's always the threat of Urban leaving for a New Destination.

Keep dreaming

Urban's not going anywhere till his youngest son is in college. Even then I'm not sure he goes anywhere but anything is possible.
Originally Posted by KingJames23

Originally Posted by dreClark

There's always the threat of Urban leaving for a New Destination.
Keep dreaming

Urban's not going anywhere till his youngest son is in college. Even then I'm not sure he goes anywhere but anything is possible.
Naw. Not dreaming.

Just being realistic.

Miss me w/ the business about his son going off to college and the contract he signed.

Take off the Orange and Blue glasses and think about this logically.
The whole deal with the Jacory hype this early was too much. Next year is the key year. That is the year that Harris will need to be on every single game,and all the others follow right on with him. If we can have some success this season, hey great, help them learn and deal faster. But next year is the bigkey year. And since we have like negative number of QB's after Harris, it gets even more important.

God I hate bein a regular team.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

I don't have a good feeling. Losing to teams you're better than is not a good sign.
Miami is better then Tech? its not like you lost a close game to say that, your team was never in the game to start off with

you Miami fans are overhyping the hell out of your team still
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by KingJames23

Originally Posted by dreClark

There's always the threat of Urban leaving for a New Destination.
Keep dreaming

Urban's not going anywhere till his youngest son is in college. Even then I'm not sure he goes anywhere but anything is possible.
Naw. Not dreaming.

Just being realistic.

Miss me w/ the business about his son going off to college and the contract he signed.

Take off the Orange and Blue glasses and think about this logically.

I am being logical. A big reason why he didn't take the ND job is that ND is a national recruiting base. You gotta recruit Cali as hard as Texas, as hardas Florida, as hard as Ohio. That's a lot of travel time away from his family. Urban always says that he's a father first and that is most important.That's why he has family nights at practices and the like. At UF you can travel 5 hours in any direction fill your class and compete for MNCs every year.That's something that ND cannot provide.

The more time you spend at a place your roots grow deeper and you build a connection to the community. Urban even talked about how when he first moved here hethought it was the wrong choice and how he didn't like it. And then he made friends, became active in the community etc.

Urban could eventually leave (SOS did) but I will guarantee it won't be until his son is out of school.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

mannnnnn if Cinci stays the course, they'll be in the BCS title game
cus even their hardest games, they should be favored to win. ( USF & Pitt )


That has been talked about over the past week or so through all of these various projections. If this happens
. Even if we get our @$! handed to us by UF
. In the past though the BE always has a team that has a chance to do this and they slip up late in the season i.e. USF, WVU.
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