⚽️The Footy Thread: Lock Thread

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What footy books are you guys reading or have read?
I just started Invincible: Inside Arsenal's Unbeaten 2003-2004 season. Pretty good so far.
One line that is currently fitting: "The Arsenal vice-chairman had the kind of nature that loved looking ahead, trying new things". It's about David Dein, before he brought AW to the club. But the lack of vision after Dein has been key to the clubs short comings and failings
Out of curiosity, if a team beats another two times or more in one season, but finish behind them 1-2 spots in the league table, whose the better team?
Out of curiosity, if a team beats another two times or more in one season, but finish behind them 1-2 spots in the league table, whose the better team?
the team who finishes higher in the table is the better team that season
the league position shows a squads whole body of work
those 2 games anything could've happened to turn those games...but the season better shows the whole story
What footy books are you guys reading or have read?
I just started Invincible: Inside Arsenal's Unbeaten 2003-2004 season. Pretty good so far.
One line that is currently fitting: "The Arsenal vice-chairman had the kind of nature that loved looking ahead, trying new things". It's about David Dein, before he brought AW to the club. But the lack of vision after Dein has been key to the clubs short comings and failings

You know I got the book hook ups...

1. Different Class: Football, Fashion, & Funk. The Story of Laurie Cunningham, Dermot Kavanaugh. It's a shame if ya'll didn't know this but Cunningham is the first black player in the Prem & later became the first Englishmen to play for Real Madrid. His trials & tribulations obviously paved the way for all black players to follow. Interestingly, he's one of the few Madrid players to get a standing O from Barcelona supporters. Not many people know this story but they should. Got this book for Christmas & went right through it. I got this as a paperback but ended up buying a hardcover version too just to have. I honestly think his story would make a great movie. Would love to see Danny Boyle direct Cunningham’s story...


2. The Mixer, Michael Cox. It's an essential book for any Prem stans. It covers the complete evolution in tactics since the start of the Premier league. Very well done book.


3. My Turn: A Life Of Total Football, Johan Cruyff. I've bought this book for a couple of people I know that are hardcore football fans like me. The book is a bit stream of consciousness but well written. I thoroughly enjoyed his insights into his career as a player & manager (coming directly from him). It was the very last project he worked on before he passed away.


4. Brilliant Orange, David Winner. I've recommended this book before. It's a book about Dutch football without trying to be one (if that makes sense). It links idea of football to art, architecture, culture, politics, & philosophy. I really enjoyed this because of the way it was written. It's not meant to be about the history of Dutch football.


5. Pep Confidential, Marti Peranau. I'm a bonified Pep stan, so this was a must for me. It's complete behind the scenes look at Pep's first year at Bayern. Very surprised at how much access the writer was given.

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I meant to add this to my post above but forgot. Barca’s YT page has been posting pregame locker room vids & I’ve noticed Coutinho’s one boot had the back cut out. Couldn’t find why this was being done until I stumbled across this vid. I’m actually surprised Nike doesn’t make him custom boots for this...

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the team who finishes higher in the table is the better team that season
the league position shows a squads whole body of work
those 2 games anything could've happened to turn those games...but the season better shows the whole story

I see.

Let’s keep this same energy when the season is over.
You know I got the book hook ups...

1. Different Class: Football, Fashion, & Funk. The Story of Laurie Cunningham, Dermot Kavanaugh. It's a shame if ya'll didn't know this but Cunningham is the first black player in the Prem & later became the first Englishmen to play for Real Madrid. His trials & tribulations obviously paved the way for all black players to follow. Interestingly, he's one of the few Madrid players to get a standing O from Barcelona supporters. Not many people know this story but they should. Got this book for Christmas & went right through it. I got this as a paperback but ended up buying a hardcover version too just to have. I honestly think his story would make a great movie. Would love to see Danny Boyle direct Cunningham’s story...


2. The Mixer, Michael Cox. It's an essential book for any Prem stans. It covers the complete evolution in tactics since the start of the Premier league. Very well done book.


3. My Turn: A Life Of Total Football, Johan Cruyff. I've bought this book for a couple of people I know that are hardcore football fans like me. The book is a bit stream of consciousness but well written. I thoroughly enjoyed his insights into his career as a player & manager (coming directly from him). It was the very last project he worked on before he passed away.


4. Brilliant Orange, David Winner. I've recommended this book before. It's a book about Dutch football without trying to be one (if that makes sense). It links idea of football to art, architecture, culture, politics, & philosophy. I really enjoyed this because of the way it was written. It's not meant to be about the history of Dutch football.


5. Pep Confidential, Marti Peranau. I'm a bonified Pep stan, so this was a must for me. It's complete behind the scenes look at Pep's first year at Bayern. Very surprised at how much access the writer was given.


I do have Brilliant Orange but have yet to get around to reading it. The last footy related book I read was Stillness and Speed by Bergkamp which was very insightful. From his time at Ajax, Inter and Arsenal of course. But I will adding these to my list, thanks. I do really want to check out that Cruyff book.
I meant to add this to my post above but forgot. Barca’s YT page has been posting pregame locker room vids & I’ve noticed Coutinho’s one boot had the back cut out. Couldn’t find why this was being done until I stumbled across this vid. I’m actually surprised Nike doesn’t make him custom boots for this...

Only just saw your post, but I was just watching this last night... quite interest! Never realized he had that hole in the heel. Indeed it is surprising why Nike hasn't made any special modifications to accommodate him... if that is really his issue.
From the very beginning. From WM formation, establishing the rules, jerseys having to be numbered 1-11 into switching shirts at halftime to confuse opponents. Dutch influence obviously but also Austrian and Hungarian tactics. Mou is in it, how the CAM transitions from old era Riquleme into the new era of Modric types. Book came out in ‘13 so it ends on tiki taka more or less specifically noting a 4-6-0 formation to win the euros
I do have Brilliant Orange but have yet to get around to reading it. The last footy related book I read was Stillness and Speed by Bergkamp which was very insightful. From his time at Ajax, Inter and Arsenal of course. But I will adding these to my list, thanks. I do really want to check out that Cruyff book.

Don't sleep on the Laurie Cunningham book... The cover shows there's a foreword by Ian Wright. I really wish someone was savy enough to make a movie about Cunningham... Soundtrack would be so dope...
Great game from city. Its nice seeing them put games away against lesser sides instead of the heart attack games early in the season.

Seems like Mou is trying to break Pogba. Idk why or if its a good thing but its a really tough position to be put in as the owner. No one is bigger than the team and it seems like Mou is pushing that but subbing Pogba off whever he doesn't do what he is told. But you are paying Pogba to play....paying him a lot. So as the owner what do you do? Shop Pogba? Let Mou go? Keep both and hope it works :lol:
I'm surprised every campaign to see the likes of Phil Jones & Chris Smalling on the roster much less get the playing time they do. The fact those 2 are still there speaks volumes. Even bird dookie mouf. These aren't players a club like United should have much less playing regularly. The roster is so ill conceived & the dotard keeps playing guys out of their positions & then gets mad when he doesn't get results. He looks utterly lost as does his team. This is the point of the campaign where you should see teams hit their strides & this team looks horribly unorganized & ill prepared. It's crazy the dough the club has spent since SAF's retirement only to be where they are with a dotard manager who got an extension that wasn't deserved.
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I'm surprised every campaign to see the likes of Phil Jones & Chris Smalling on the roster much less get the playing time they do. The fact those 2 are still there speaks volumes. Even bird dookie mouf. These aren't players a club like United should have much less playing regularly. The roster is so ill conceived & the dotard keeps playing guys out of their positions & then gets mad when he doesn't get results. He looks utterly lost as does his team. This is the point of the campaign where you should see teams hit their strides & this team looks horribly unorganized & ill prepared. It's crazy the dough the club has spent since SAF's retirement only to be where they are with a dotard manager who got an extension that wasn't deserved.

Since im not a united supporter i can see your take for sure. But from a neutral i am honestly surprised given the roster that united are in 2nd in the league. I know 2nd isn't acceptable especially by as many points as it is for United but you are right...on paper United seriously look insanely mediocre.

Dembele needs to get away from hero ball. Messi/iniesta/busquets need to just show him the light. I think he will be fine.
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