⚽️The Footy Thread: Lock Thread

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Breaks my heart to see Alexis go. We never did enough to surround him with a competent squad that could truly compete. Despite his issues in the locker room, he was a great servant of the club and gave everything he had on the pitch. I Wish him nothing but the best of luck to him except when he plays us lol!
This all can be traced back to that summer where we brought in no outfield players. Bought Cech and nothing else.
but you guys didn't do that. You guys sold Theo, did a horrible Alexis trade, and paid for Aubu For a manager that always complains about money and is cheap too spend, this was a horrible move. you guys could've sold Alexis in summer and use tha exact amount on Aubu. Or if you guys could've used that 60m for lemar. You guys know there is no way you guys will get him now
Maybe there was a time when we could have got a better deal, but that's in the past. So why stress about it? Wenger/Arsenal/Mislentat made the best of the current situation. City passed on Alexis due to wages.


Does Alexis dance? The thought of him hitting any of Lingards dances is hilarious
Has Lemar done anything significant since the transfer rumors at Monaco? Haven't heard a peep about him since.
This deal is one of the worest deals IMO. Almost as bad as the deal Barca did for Ibra. That must be the worst ever
Monaco is sitting 4th in the table right now. Lemar & the team itself is having a decent season despite losing the players they did... They only site a point back from Marseille & 2 pts back from Lyon at #2. Monaco is a decent footballing team right now.
arsenal fans trying to tell themselves this was a great deal
and united fans trying to make them feel better when they know they just made out with an absolute steal

they didn't spend any money, got what probably is their 2nd or 3rd most talented player on their squad now, and got mikhi off the books
I'm pretty sure most who are saying it's a great deal for both teams in here have been united fans. We know player for player, this isn't remotely equal but it's probably the best possible deal considering Alexis was going to walk for free in 4 months. But I know that this doesn't fit your narratives.
Mhki will come good for arsenal.. I really believe that.

Deal obviously favors united, but arsenal made the most of losing their best. They rolled the dice on not taking summer money and it didn’t pay off


VVD playing and you still can’t defend set pieces
If Jurgen Klopp doesn't stop playing Karius, so help me God. He needs more reps. Send him to Argentina to get some reps in

rough tranlastion courtesy of my chrome web extension
Kylian Mbappé was diagnosed with a cervical cleft after the blow he received in the match of PSG vs. Lyon You will have two months of recovery.
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