⚽️The Footy Thread: Lock Thread

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The FA Are giving both Manchester clubs a deadline this Wednesday by 6PM GMT with a complete explanation of what happened between the 2 clubs in the locker room. They apparently already began getting the tunnel CCTV footage. Apparently there's going to be hell to pay in terms of suspensions...
Props for using the Ken Watanabe gif Black Lotus Black Lotus . :smokin

If you're fan of his, check out the Samurai remake of the Clint Eastwood classic The Unforgiven starring Kenny... It's incredible...

Yeah Morota & Hazard are a scary duo... Especially if Hazard powers up to Super Saiyan level.

For the fellow Culers... I happened across a decent YouTube Barca channel called Talk FCB... I'm probably late to discovering the channel but I don't pay too much attention to You Tube...

The FA Are giving both Manchester clubs a deadline this Wednesday by 6PM GMT with a complete explanation of what happened between the 2 clubs in the locker room. They apparently already began getting the tunnel CCTV footage. Apparently there's going to be hell to pay in terms of suspensions...

Man... If this end up being the monkey wrench throw in our season...:smh:
Nagbe under Tata’s tutelage?!?!? Wow if that happens...

The way my buddy told me whose a United fan dating back to the 70s, most of the trouble will land with Jose & United for starting it... He said monster suspensions...

He’s a Nigerian-Brit expat now living stateside here in MD & he got the news from his brother whose also United fan living in London...
I'm excited for the PSG vs. RM matchup. We'll either be guaranteed a new champion, or P$G's money project is gonna have a huge ish taken on it and Neymar is gonna go psycho. Either way I'm gonna be both happy and mad :lol:
Can't see Conte lasting at Chelsea. Especially if he loses all four of those hard games back to back
Was just abiut to post that with the details :rofl::rofl:

I'm certain it was Rui Faria who went to gather the troops after Mou got hit :rofl:

It'd be tragic if there isn't any footage eventually released

Wish Fro,Bailly and Pogba would've been there too :lol:


The scenes sound incredible :lol::lol:

Derbys are gonna be looking like Mou and Peps Claiscos soon,bad blood and fireworks everywhere
Props for using the Ken Watanabe gif Black Lotus Black Lotus . :smokin

If you're fan of his, check out the Samurai remake of the Clint Eastwood classic The Unforgiven starring Kenny... It's incredible...

Yeah Morota & Hazard are a scary duo... Especially if Hazard powers up to Super Saiyan level.

For the fellow Culers... I happened across a decent YouTube Barca channel called Talk FCB... I'm probably late to discovering the channel but I don't pay too much attention to You Tube...

What movie is that gif from
So pretty much after its reported that dude was involved in the tunnel melee,he's apparently back in Mou's good graces :rofl:

Man... If this end up being the monkey wrench throw in our season...:smh:

Could see Mou instigating something like this on purpose, respect what he has done in his career but I just cant stand the dude
Nagbe under Tata’s tutelage?!?!? Wow if that happens...

The way my buddy told me whose a United fan dating back to the 70s, most of the trouble will land with Jose & United for starting it... He said monster suspensions...

He’s a Nigerian-Brit expat now living stateside here in MD & he got the news from his brother whose also United fan living in London...

They out here makin graphs tryin to break this down now :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
If this happens... Go **** yourself, Atlanta as a city.

Porter quitting is suddenly seeming a lot more clear. Fight over Nagbes future, ultimatum given, Porter shows why you don't give a man with steel balls (no LvG) an ultimatum and now we lose our coach and best possession player :frown: Brb gonna go rewatch Valeri MVP videos.
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