⚽️The Footy Thread: Lock Thread

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When wolves got promoted they reposted that Kanye tweet and thanked him hahaha.

One of the first few times I was in England I couldn’t get a place in Liverpool to stay in, so my family got a hotel in Wolverhampton. Cab driver told us “our footy team is ****e but our rugby team is the best in country”. Which is true; same colourway. This is back 2004 so I don’t know what state wolves were in.


'Bodeaux have decided to sell Malcom to Barca,Roma are resigned to this'

Must be said that this is such a trash way of doing business from Bordeaux. Roma had already made an announcement only for them to delay Malcoms flight before deciding to take another offer after the fact

Also seems like Barca are going through an identity crisis given their transfer moves/activity
bart & pep sure know how to foster good relationships with other clubs while trying to do transfer business. Seems like they perpetually step on toes & piss other teams off doing it.

You have go hand it to Malcoms agent though,after a whole summer of pimping him out all over Europe,he's managed to end up at the very top.

Not sure how good a move it is career wise though, still think Roma would've been great/beneficial for his developement, since he'll likely not be getting as much playing time.

Just hope this doesn't affect dembele's role/place on the team

bart & pep sure know how to foster good relationships with other clubs while trying to do transfer business. Seems like they perpetually step on toes & piss other teams off doing it.


I've seen it speculated that this is some form of payback from Bartomeu after Monchi reportedly rejected his attempts to get him at the club not long ago. Sure does seem like Barca's current board go about business without giving a single damn about burning bridges :lol:

You would've thought they might try a different approach after the way it backfired hilariously with P$G last summer
This is a pivotal year for Dembele. It's up to the count to show what's expected of him & get him there. Very disappointed dd didn't find a way to get Dembele to play more during the WC. I wonder if it was an issue of not earning it during training with Les Bleus because that seems to be a rumored issue early on with Dembele at Camp Nou. In any event, Dembele has to ball out this year... :lol: Not a good look partying with 'Dinho & that scumbag mayweather.

'Bodeaux have decided to sell Malcom to Barca,Roma are resigned to this'

Must be said that this is such a trash way of doing business from Bordeaux. Roma had already made an announcement only for them to delay Malcoms flight before deciding to take another offer after the fact

Also seems like Barca are going through an identity crisis given their transfer moves/activity

they even announced it themselves

FC Girondins de Bordeaux informs you that an agreement has been reached, subject to the signature of the administrative documents, with the AS Roma for the transfer of Malcolm.
:rofl::rofl::rofl:@ the tweet still being up

Bush league stuff from Bordeaux but I suppose they don't know how to act when they have a sought after player,doesn't happen often
Ibra coming back?

I'd take him back on loan on the bench easily because the squad is screwed up top if ever Rom went down...
The Madrid derby (9/30) & Clasico (10/28) come early
do you know why they are changing the la liga calendar this year?
the 2nd half of the season isn't in the same order as the 1st half anymore.

trying to understand the logic behind this
Ronaldo's medical concludes he has physical capacity of a 20 year old player

Cristiano Ronaldo performed well above the average for a professional footballer in body fat and muscle mass, and moreover, recorded the fastest speed at the World Cup

As.com Update: 23 July 2018.

Cristiano Ronaldo’s passport might say he is 33 years old, but his physical capacity is far from a footballer of that age. According to the results that have emerged from his medical at Juventus, the Portuguese star has the physical capacity of a 20-year-old player.

The medical results say that the ex-Real Madrid striker has seven per cent body fat, which is around three per cent less than the average professional footballer. He also has a muscle mass of 50 percent – four percent more than an average footballer. Even more impressive is the fact the 33-year-old reached a maximum speed of 33.98 km/h at the World Cup, which was the highest figure recorded at the tournament – an incredible feat for a player of his age.

The medical results may not come as much of a surprise to the player himself, who, during his unveiling at Juventus on 16 July, said: "I'm here because it's a very big challenge in my career. At my age, players usually go to China. (...) I'm good emotionally, physically, that's why the way I came here makes me proud, I'm different from everyone else, from all the players who are 32, 33 or 34 years old.”

Remember those blistering Mbappe runs and sprints thru Argentina, Belgium, or Croatia- Mbappe, nor Neymar, nor Hazard not anyone reached Ronaldo’s individual top speed during this years WC. Unbelievable.

Ronaldo is a freak, LeBron is a freak, they are not human. What’s peculiar is that their fathers have very odd and mysterious backgrounds. So I’ll conclude that CR7 and LBJ are laboratory made.
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Yea that was one of more stunning stats from the entire WC,33 y/o Ron clocking in the highest top speed all tourney :wow::sick:

He's a phsyical freak but a lot of it is down his own work/willpower. Dude wasn't anywhere near the aesthetics Gawd he is now when he joined United. He's Bruce Lee status now
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