∞True Detective Season 1 Thread ***CLOSED***∞

I'm lowkey pissed as well that we got robbed of what was sure to be a wild *** villain in Reggie Ledoux... 
 Those end of episode clips had me shook.

Fraij - I just read it...


That's all I have to say. My mind is SERIOUSLY blown.

I was kinda on the fence about the theory until they brought up Cohle's mirror and what Marty did when he looked into it. :wow:

can you nutshell it so i don't have to read all the comments posted

I am interested to go back and listen to the speech again. I get that we are out side of his "dimension" watching him. So he is kind of letting you in on that with the speech. But what else is there to it? Marty looked in the mirror during the locker room scene right and realized time slipped by.....another mention of the whole time thing. Just trying to wrap my head around all this
I'm lowkey pissed as well that we got robbed of what was sure to be a wild *** villain in Reggie Ledoux... |I  Those end of episode clips had me shook.


McConaughey tat on his chest... :nerd:

can you nutshell it so i don't have to read all the comments posted

I am interested to go back and listen to the speech again. I get that we are out side of his "dimension" watching him. So he is kind of letting you in on that with the speech. But what else is there to it? Marty looked in the mirror during the locker room scene right and realized time slipped by.....another mention of the whole time thing. Just trying to wrap my head around all this
Didn't like this theory initially, but damn, I gotta agree with it... the mirror shots also might fit with it - e.g., Rust has that tiny mirror so as not to see the audience reflected in it, and Martin's double-take when looking in the mirror at Ledoux's place. And Rust did mention something about the cartels peeling off your face and showing you in the mirror - I'm guessing that is hinting at his fate (he'll have to die to get the higher-level perspective he seems to be seeking, and I'm sure he's fine with that).

Not at all saying that this theory is right, but the more I read, the more it makes sense....it still doesn't take away from the fact that I really have no clue where the show is headed.
I came across a crazy perspective about what's "really" going on and an explanation of the circle of time that Rust was talking about... 

If true then my mind just got assaulted violently.

Post it

Here's the whole thing from the comments section of one of the vids posted on the last page...
Author is participatingX






Annalee Newitz










Did anyone notice they broke the 4th wall on last nights episode? The show is far deeper and crazier than most people are picking up on. So far no one seems to have picked up on it yet...Yesterday 5:37pm





Annalee Newitz











Care to expand? Yesterday 5:44pm







Annalee Newitz









How far do you want participants to go with discussions? I don't want to ruin things for anyone. Is it ok to bring up the entire under textof an amazingly written show before its over? I'm not with the show but I saw the creators comments and it confirm s what I thought the show was doing. If its ok to potentially spoil the whole beans let me know. Otherwise I'll keep quiet. I will say that Rust's speech about time holds the key to the show... Yesterday 5:52pm





Annalee Newitz











I was just asking about breaking the 4th wall in last night's episode. When did that happen?Yesterday 5:56pm







Annalee Newitz










During the time speech. The audience are the observers. Yesterday 5:58pm







Annalee Newitz










Literally. Yesterday 5:59pm





Annalee Newitz












That's not really breaking the 4th wall. We are always observers. But there is no hint in that scene that somehow the TV audience is being invoked, vs. the detectives who are interviewing him. We even get regular reaction shots from the detectives. Yesterday 6:02pm







Annalee Newitz









The audience is a direct participant in the mythos now after his speech. I can elaborate further if you don't mind potential spoilers. Yesterday 6:03pm







Annalee Newitz









It is if you realize that he wasn't addressing them all along. Yesterday 6:06pm





Annalee Newitz












Spoilers for the episode I just recapped? I think that's fine. I still don't see any invocation of the actual audience. Yesterday 6:06pm







Annalee Newitz









Breaking the 4th wall was more subtle in this but all of the full frame front on shots become that once you understand the importance of his time and membrane story. Rust knows what he really is, what know one in his reality understands. Except maybe Reggie Ladeux.Yesterday 6:10pm

















RawheddRexx, I know what your referring to, but I don't think the writer was expecting us to take that literally. It's definitely there to be picked up on subtextually, but I don't think Rust is ever going to become aware that he is in a TV show. It's just the writer planting that thought in our minds. And despite Hart asking the bartender(played by Pizzolatto) "Why do you make me say this ****?" I don't see the author turning up as an actual character a la Steven King in the Dark Tower books
Yesterday 6:17pm







Annalee Newitz










Ok well I'm sorry you don't see it. I'll give another hint then so you can see it for yourself. What is flat and spins like he describes in his time rant? What could trap all of them and force them to relive their lives? Over and over. How could someone have a dream of being a person but not really be one. How would the audience become directly involved in the story like I am mentioning? And no I am not talking out my *** here. The shows creator makes a comment in The Daily Beasts latest review which directly addresses the issue. Anyone care to take a guess without reading the article? Yesterday 6:21pm





Annalee Newitz












LOL I didn't know about the Pizzolatto cameo — that is hilarious and great. I think it's possible that Rust "knows" he's a fictional character without this actually being about breaking the fourth wall. Because in his philosophy, everything is meaningless, so we might as well just be fictional characters who are pushed around by a story we don't control. I could easily see Rust saying something about how we are all just actors in a play and having that just be part of a general worldview rather than a fancy postmodern literary flourish. Yesterday 6:24pm







Good job you got it. I think its the opposite actually its even more literal than anyone has realized. Everyone is focusing on the crimes story instead of the meta stuff actually happening. I'll wager awesome magical internet points that the show is actually about the definition of reality rather than the actual case.…







Annalee Newitz










Oh my god, I just realised. A flat circle where they relive their lives over and over... It's a ******* DVD. They just did the cinematic equivalent of this page




From Final Crisis tie in Superman Beyond where Superman describes the experience of being on the page. The presence mentioned here is the same as the outside beings Cohl describes. It's the audience.


******* hell, that's brilliant. I doubt it's going to become a literal plot point or anything in the way that RawheddRex is quite suggesting, but as metafictional commentary that is superb.


ETA: and look at the header image on this article. It's a disc with a hole in the middle! HA!Yesterday 6:38pm

















Btw the other piece of proof that shows that not only is Rust aware he is a character trapped in a never ending story but ask the question, what is the spinning disc? The membrane he is talking about. If you go all the way with it you can see why the audience becomes directly involved. Any guesses? Yesterday 6:43pm

















I've covered that in my comment above. Realising what you're getting at... Yeah, that's heady stuff. Yesterday 6:45pm

















You got it welcome to the real world. Rust not only knows he is a fictional character. He is trapped on a DVD. And the audience, we are their gods. Welcome to mind**** central. You just won the internet. Yesterday 6:49pm

















Grant Morrison has been pulling this exact thing in comics since as far back as his run on Animal Man in the 80s, and it's been a theme that has played a major part in many of his works. Particularly The Invisibles (which shares a lot of Lovecraftian influence with TD, although it's far more overt) and Flex Mentallo. That page from Superman is probably the most elegant single page examination of that theme, but it's a long way from the only one. This is not my first rodeo my friend, although I am absolutely delighted to see someone having a crack at it in such a superb TV show. Yesterday 6:53pm

















And anyone still left to read this thread now understands what i mean about the 4th wall. When you put in your DVD and press play, you force Rust and his universe to relive their quest over. And over. And over. Yesterday 6:55pm

















In the first episode he says "this place is like somebody's memory of a town and the memory is fading". It sounded like it fits to what you are talking about. So the 1992 Rust seems to have an inkling of what is going on but the 2012 version is absolutely sure.


I'm just having trouble grasping the idea, I've seen this done in comics and comedies but in a serious show like this to have a character know he is fictional and on a DVD is tough to wrap my mind around. Yesterday 7:08pm







Annalee Newitz










You are correct until you factor in the membrane. Once you realize what the turning disc really is it breaks through the 4th wall. The only question left now is how the story ends. My guess is the first shot of the series is actually the last but we will see. Sorry if I ruined this for anyone else. I love io9 so please don't send banish me:smile: Yesterday 7:11pm







I know its hard. I couldn't believe it either when Rust finished his speech. I was like this can't be. But it is happening unless they completely change direction at the 11th hour. What it raises now is who are the gods the people are sacrificed too. I am guessing it is to appease us, the audience.

















I just got mindraped, and I came to half of your story by going back to watch Rust's speech again, and it hit me. The real mind**** and the message, the riddle, it is in the title of the show. The viewer is the True Detective in this case. I just have to watch all the episodes again. Thanks for the clarification, I missed the disk part, it didn't spoil anything, just made me appreciate the show more. Yesterday 7:25pm
















I still am hurting from the brain pounding too. Everything about this show is not what it seems. Everything they say or do makes sense. Nothing is by chance including the camera angles. Rust is talking directly to the audience, the detectives are not his intended recipient. He's talking past them to us. Yesterday 7:32pm







Annalee Newitz









Actually that line about falling into the hands of blah blah blah is from the christian bible, book of Hebrews. (It sounded familiar so i looked it up.) Yesterday 7:45pm

















Well, except for the fact that show is not on disc. I am not watching it on disc. Through the miracle of internet streaming, I will never watch it on disc. Actually most people who see it will not see it on disc. So if Rust is trapped on a disc, and I am not watching it on disc, I guess I am not watching Rust but only a liminal version of Rust. Yesterday 7:55pm

















Yeah that is the only bit that makes me think the interpretation could still be wrong. I'm not sure how to account for the digital part but there are three episodes left so who knows. Hell maybe I'm totally wrong and cthulu will come out of the swamp at the end Yesterday 8:00pm

















All the other things make sense, the can does not have to be disk, but another symbol none of us though of yet. Yesterday 8:05pm





Annalee Newitz












In "The King in Yellow," however, it's ascribed to the King. Who may be quoting from the Bible, of course. Yesterday 8:08pm
















Maybe the devil traps are pointing to something I haven't figured those out yet Yesterday 8:12pm

















You mean like a tape? A video recording of the interviews that we (audience included) are all watching? And here I was thinking that it was a reference to the cyclical time in ritual by Eliade. He discusses how ritual breaks the linear construct of time and allows one to exist across all times in some of his work. But a story within a story within a story ... now you're onto something. It is almost like we (the audience) are the true detectives but blessed with four dimensions and by looking down upon this show from eternity we can see it whole and in two dimensions. The characters we watch are going to have to deal with the secret fate of all life and roll through it like mine-carts on tracks. Much like the King in Yellow, I see it now but I don't want to. That IS a depressing thought. Yesterday 8:57pm

















This is ridiculously insane, and I LOVE IT!! Nothing like a nihilist who believes in a kind of fate. Yesterday 9:03pm

















Didn't like this theory initially, but damn, I gotta agree with it... the mirror shots also might fit with it - e.g., Rust has that tiny mirror so as not to see the audience reflected in it, and Martin's double-take when looking in the mirror at Ledoux's place. And Rust did mention something about the cartels peeling off your face and showing you in the mirror - I'm guessing that is hinting at his fate (he'll have to die to get the higher-level perspective he seems to be seeking, and I'm sure he's fine with that).


I think the show is building toward a cliffhanger that leaves the audience complicit in the events - if you want more, or some sort of definitive answer, you are condemning the characters to more suffering. If the series continues, we'll probably get more of the interdimensional mythology - I feel like the creators want the audience looking over their shoulders and questioning their own reality. I could see a second series tackling another genre entirely (Homeland meets H.P. Lovecraft?).


I'm wondering how they will address the foreknowledge/meta awareness of characters like Ledoux - didn't he say something like "I know what happens next" / "You're in Carcosa now" before getting shot? And given that Carcosa is the setting of a story within a story... I think that goes back to pushing the audience to question the nature of their own reality. Yesterday 9:14pm







Yeah, that quote definitely got me thinking he was referring to the writer's memory... and the whole setup with the coroner's office being in a stripmall set off some alarms - looking back, it seems like one of the first signs that these guys aren't 'real' detectives, that everything in this world is a construct, and…





Mr. GOH!












I think you've identified an interesting riff on the show's general theme of hopelessness the characters' perceived lack of agency (i.e., lots of Rust's speeches are about how people are just machines with the illusion of free will, a sentiment echoed by carious criminal characters in the show as well), but I doubt the show will end up being about Rust being trapped in a TV show. I mean, it was obvious to me the the writers and producers of the show mean for the audience to reflect on the nature of narrative and how it traps characters involved. But that's not the point of the show, or how the central struggle will be defined.


Though, to give your theory some hope, even if the audience watches the show streaming or on DVR, the data is most likely running on a hard disk of some kind, which is shaped like a DVD.Yesterday 10:18pm




Jon Elkin



I also noticed that when they are talking on the phone and both driving, that Cohle is going straight and moving the steering wheel around like crazy.. a common film device, but not something one would expect to see in a show like this. Perhaps pointing out the unreality of this reality?

















Don't forget on what medium these shows are likely stored before streaming��:smile:Ssds are still too expensive to act as primary storage in places like Netflix. Today 12:29am

















For what it's worth, that theory also applies to the book the show is based on (and any book). You hold The King In Yellow

 in your hand, and all the events are occurring at once in superposition. We only experience them linearly through the act of reading. The same goes for the act of viewing a show.


I think it's more metacommentary on fictionality than 4th wall breaking. However, if you go with Rust's idea that we're all just living out the same stories again and again, then the audience is also implicated as characters in this text, in which case every time we watch an episode the 4th wall is broken — because we're also characters in the text of the story being talked to in that story. Today 3:49am

















It goes deeper than that... the m-brane theory Rust espouses is explicitly that used to describe the time perspective of the higher beings in The Invisibles

 - especially The King-Of-All-Tears, who Morrison also has self-identify as The King In Yellow.


(Until the show says otherwise, I'm assuming Rust's missing 7 years were spent training in the Invisible College to bring down Tuttle's branch of the Outer Church.)


The 4th-walling is also explicit - as Pizzolato says in this interview with Daily Beast


Needless to say, Papania and Gilbough are utterly baffled by Cohle's lecture, and I would have been, too—if Pizzolatto hadn't already told me what he was up to.

"You could see Cohle as Job crying out to an unhearing God," he explained. "Or you could see him as something else."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Cohle describes the possibility of other dimensions existing, and he says that’s what eternity is," Pizzolatto continued. "He says that if somehow you existed outside of time, you’d be able to see the whole of our dimension as one superstructure with matter superimposed at every position it had ever occupied. He says that the nature of the universe is your consciousness, and it just keeps cycling along the same point in that superstructure: when you die, you’re reborn into yourself again, and you just keep living the same life over and over. He also explains that from a higher mathematical vantage point, our dimension would seem less dimensional. It would look flattened, almost."

Pizzolatto took a bite of his branzino. "Now, think about all the things Cohle is talking about," he said as he finished chewing. "Is he a man railing against an uncaring god? Or is he a character in a TV show railing against his audience? Aren't we the creatures of that higher dimension? The creatures who can see the totality of his world? After all, we get to see all eight episodes of his life. On a flat screen. And we can watch him live that same life over and over again, the exact same way."


Today 3:56am















Good point. Also if the audience is now a participant, are we the ancient gods which appears to being appeased with sacrifice. Are the murders being done to appease us? To spin the disc again and give them life again? Today 5:09am







Mind=blown. I love this! And you're right the writers pretty much say as much themselves. To be honest I've been pretty much spacing out during the metaphysical rants... I'm a lot like Marty. Now I have to start all over. Thank you for this!
















Did u say DVD and being trapped in a TV-show, cuz Ive seen that before:

27 minutes ago
















Yep Edtv did it. Perhaps the casting choices was not by chance. How is that for a mind****? The rabbit hole sure is deep... 20 minutes ago


Eh, I felt dude was talking out his *** with his insistence that he didn't want to spoil anything when that's really not a big spoiler. Then when he finally explained more, I find Rust realizing he's a fictional character on a DVD boring and unimaginative and pretty off for this type of story. It brings nothing new to this. Aint nothing different from Deadpool who always breaks the 4th wall if this ends up being true.
But why would the "4th wall being broken" here really change the story itself?  I don't think it would, I don't think Rust thinks hes on a DVD but he may think that his reality is one that he does not control, he 'knows' that all of the things that are happening, all of the mistakes men make are destined to be repeated over and over again at the will of some divine being... That being in this case would be you and me.  Hes questioning his reality. 
I'm just going off what dude said. He wouldn't stop stressing that there was some subtle 4th wall breaking that Rust did. To me there's a difference between saying existence as we know it repeats itself, questioning reality and we're on a DVD. If anything it just stunts any other possibilities. I'd say yeah the 4th wall changes the story, if Rust is talking to us the viewers then this isn't something I haven't seen before and everything I said in my last post. Just takes away from the story imo and is largely unnecessary.

There's philosophical discussions/theorizing and then there's just pulling some left field sci fi ****.

What I'm specifically saying though is if this is just one of those theories somebody brings up then eh w/e like Norm McDonald saying the end of BB was all Walt's fantasy fulfillment dream but if the story is leading up to anything that has to do with this type of revelation, lame, lame, lame.
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appreciate it JJ repped

I will have to go back i feel like i have missed so many little things.
I didn't read the whole thing posted above but I suspect it's a version of what Nic Pizzolatto discussed here

"Cohle describes the possibility of other dimensions existing, and he says that’s what eternity is," Pizzolatto continued. "He says that if somehow you existed outside of time, you’d be able to see the whole of our dimension as one superstructure with matter superimposed at every position it had ever occupied. He says that the nature of the universe is your consciousness, and it just keeps cycling along the same point in that superstructure: when you die, you’re reborn into yourself again, and you just keep living the same life over and over. He also explains that from a higher mathematical vantage point, our dimension would seem less dimensional. It would look flattened, almost."

Pizzolatto took a bite of his branzino. "Now, think about all the things Cohle is talking about," he said as he finished chewing. "Is he a man railing against an uncaring god? Or is he a character in a TV show railing against his audience? Aren't we the creatures of that higher dimension? The creatures who can see the totality of his world? After all, we get to see all eight episodes of his life. On a flat screen. And we can watch him live that same life over and over again, the exact same way."

The thought was dizzying. Sure, True Detective is a page-turning crime yarn. But at least according to its creator, it's also a meta-page-turning crime yarn—a story about storytelling. Pizzolatto had transformed m-theory into a metaphor for television—and television, perhaps, into a metaphor for existence itself.

Also the little mirror that Rust uses was not originally a part of the show, it is something that Matthew McConaughey actually has and he brought it on set because he thought it would be the exact sort of meditative/self reflective thing that Rust carries around.

I feel like we're entering into the realm of DEA-D cups and Walt adopts these peoples traits so it means that ___ dies theories. I never spend time thinking about crap I like that but I guess it's all part of the fun of following a show like this :lol:
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I didn't read the whole thing posted above but I suspect it's a version of what Nic Pizzolatto discussed here

"Cohle describes the possibility of other dimensions existing, and he says that’s what eternity is," Pizzolatto continued. "He says that if somehow you existed outside of time, you’d be able to see the whole of our dimension as one superstructure with matter superimposed at every position it had ever occupied. He says that the nature of the universe is your consciousness, and it just keeps cycling along the same point in that superstructure: when you die, you’re reborn into yourself again, and you just keep living the same life over and over. He also explains that from a higher mathematical vantage point, our dimension would seem less dimensional. It would look flattened, almost."

Pizzolatto took a bite of his branzino. "Now, think about all the things Cohle is talking about," he said as he finished chewing. "Is he a man railing against an uncaring god? Or is he a character in a TV show railing against his audience? Aren't we the creatures of that higher dimension? The creatures who can see the totality of his world? After all, we get to see all eight episodes of his life. On a flat screen. And we can watch him live that same life over and over again, the exact same way."

The thought was dizzying. Sure, True Detective is a page-turning crime yarn. But at least according to its creator, it's also a meta-page-turning crime yarn—a story about storytelling. Pizzolatto had transformed m-theory into a metaphor for television—and television, perhaps, into a metaphor for existence itself.
The first part is just applying m-theory and all that to the concept of the True Detective being a dimension that actually exist that you could theoretically visit and the idea is us watching it are the ppl outside of space time in another dimension. To simplify this akin to any of those sci fi episodes for any show where they travel to another dimension and their lives are a tv show, so what if the cast of Star Trek came to this universe and found out they were a tv show. That to me while interesting is usually corny when executed, we've seen that before. Talking about it in a different way doesn't change much imo. Adding divinity to it just makes it a bit less philosophical.

The latter part was just the stuff about the perception of time and how it's not really linear. That's been floated in the scientific field as well as on sci fi shows. Cool yet hard to grasp.

As for Pizzolatto then talks about the metaphor and all that, from one standpoint yeah you could say that. I don't particularly care for it or if there's suppose to be some meaning to the relations of Rust railing against the audience and tv being a metaphor for existence. Sure you can view it that way to simplify it and it's even a possibility but it doesn't really appeal to me other than something you could talk about and ponder a bit.

The guy in the comments I was talking about was making it seem to me that in a non-meta way Rust was actually breaking the 4th wall and if the story ended up having anything to do with that I'd be disappointed.
Am I the only one that thinks people are looking far too much into this?

It's the guy on the lawn mower. McConaghey got honked at by Woody when he was talking to the guy on the lawn mower, and then he went back by himself to that abandoned building that the guy said, "My crew just sent me out here, I mow a lot of plots" and saw all of those creepy images and drawings.
Am I the only one that thinks people are looking far too much into this?

It's the guy on the lawn mower. McConaghey got honked at by Woody when he was talking to the guy on the lawn mower, and then he went back by himself to that abandoned building that the guy said, "My crew just sent me out here, I mow a lot of plots" and saw all of those creepy images and drawings.
Honestly, there hasn't been a whole lot of speculation about who the yellow king is, even when ppl say Cohle is the killer there's not a whole lot of talk that he's that guy. So ppl are looking a lot in to other stuff.

That guy could possibly be him. It'd be a bit weird though. Rust is hinting at a bigger conspiracy. I feel that reverend, his bro, and that preacher probably play a bigger part in this. For instance, that murderer who had info and then suddenly killed himself, I highly doubt the dude on the lawn mower orchestrated all that. Same for what Rust was looking up and all he found was errors and missing files.
Either way to prompt discussion like this, it's fantastic storytelling. I'm pining over next weeks episode like a lost love.
  Same for what Rust was looking up and all he found was errors and missing files.
Suggested that someone with access to the data in the police files is involved.
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Also we gotta find out what the hell happened to Audrey at some point here... Shes been implicated in the broader plot throughout... From her drawings to her behavior as a teen.
Now I gotta watch EdTV. :smh: :lol:

I've watched EdTV last night and this afternoon, see if I can pick up on any clues. Maybe I missed something.

So far, none.

I'll keep y'all posted tho.

When I seen dudes talking about they gonna read some yellow king book that's when I knew too much was being done. **** don't add a damn thing to the story or experience. I hate when ppl do that. Started doing it to BB when it wasn't even that type of show. I swear LOST done messed things up for most ppl :smh:
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This show features a couple of pretty direct references to The King in Yellow, though.

It's actually worth reading the Wikipedia summary of it in this case
This show features a couple of pretty direct references to The King in Yellow, though.

It's actually worth reading the Wikipedia summary of it in this case

iO9 breaks it done nicely...


This was an interesting tidbit from the story-

But the weirdness gets even thicker in episode three. A revivalist tent preacher has the unusual name of Joel Theriot, which is one letter away from the name claimed by famed occultist Aleister Crowley, who referred to himself as Master Therion, aka The Beast 666. And I had to pause the show when I watched Theriot lower his head and make the sign of the cross on his chest—because he does it backwards (right to left, instead of left to right). Given the meticulous layering of clues and symbols throughout the other episodes, my guess is that was intentional.

I went back to watch that scene off of my dvr & sure enough he signs backwards... :rolleyes Not sure how or what the significance will be... It almost seems like 3 episodes won't be enough. I guess things will starting moving like a mother now...
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Maybe the signing backwards was another play on Russ' mockery of people that believe. Not even the preachers know what the hell they're doing.
After reading what Fraji posted and having finished "The King in Yellow" by Raymond Chandler, the related H.P. Lovecraft works and Brian Keene's "'The King', in: 'Yellow'" I'm conviced this season of TD is just another entry into the King in Yellow and Carcosa mythos.
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