♔ ~~~~| Celebrites Rockin Heat (fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. 3 | ~~~~ ♔

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Lmao at this is how a "insert age here" man should dress.

I've never understood these rules and restrictions that people make up.
I disagree..to a degree..... there comes a time where you need to dress your age..

I'm in my early 30's and I don't dress like I'm still in college, those days are behind me 

Every man is different tho. Take Andre 3000 for example, hes like 40 now and he still has his own "swagger" for lack of a better term.

There is no black or white, no right or wrong.....if there was, there would be no message boards..lol 
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What ILL said.

I can dress like a homeless man on the weekends, dress in gym clothes at the gym and Monday-Friday in in business casual at my office.
I'm not going to watch a video because you can't articulate yourself.

So you go ahead and keep living by your "rules".
Its not that serious man... laugh a little.. feels good 

Plus, there's no sense in going back and forth ad nauseam over subjective topics. We're not talking about 2+2 
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Brilliant retort.

Looks like you're done. Especially now that you've edited :lol:

That's me laughing. Just not WITH you.
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Glad to see there are some people with sense in here. Agre is irrelevant.

There is appropriate dress for different situations and in general a lot of things come down to taste. Age is irrelevant.
IMO, the key is dressing location-appropriate.

I'm not wearing slim jeans, a Flannel, Fitted and some Black/red 1's to a black tie event, for example...

I will however, wear that to a more casual outing...

I personally couldn't do the homless/walking dead trend, but i'm not knocking those doing so in a casual environment...

But if dudes are showing up like that to a wedding, or a graduation, or the company Xmas Party (as examples)... C'MON breh....
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I like when this thread is just pictures

Not old people repeating how much they hate how everyone dresses today
you got people trolling, you got people who are srs, you got people getting mad, and you got people posting random a** s*** 
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