♔ ~~~~| Celebrites Rockin Heat (fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. 3 | ~~~~ ♔

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I don't believe none of you cats.

The money yall/we spend on the regular, being some regular cats, would increase dramatically if money was flowin like water.

Walkin around with 50k in your pocket....a G or 2 for some kicks to stunt, or whatever the reason, wouldn't hurt your pockets or "principles"

ummm no?

why would i freely give someone money basically for free for a product that i could find myself for much less? Im not lazy. If i was rich that means i had at least some free time to go on Niketalk or ebay or some other outlet and find legit kicks for cheaper than paying FC prices.

you are thinking like a dude who just go money and gonna go broke 5 years down the line. whether i have 10k in the bank or 10 million, im not giving some little store my own money for free. just IMO

You think 50 got time to search NT?

Please stop they are rich cause they grind and work their craft not cause they sitting on NT pinching pennies to buy a pair of sneakers.

Think of it this way they get around 20k to go into a club for an hour or two. It would take more time to search for a pair contact the seller check to see if he is legit and all that. Time is money. You can always make more money but you cant make more time
You know dam well these dudes are not paying full price at fc on gr released jordans the shops got themselves. Come on yall

Celebrities>>>>>>everyday costumers.
You know dam well these dudes are not paying full price at fc on gr released jordans the shops got themselves. Come on yall

Celebrities>>>>>>everyday costumers.
Then you don't know nothing bruh. They don't get a discount at Flight Club bruh. One of the few places where it dont work that way
I wasn't even suggesting that I would put in the time to find pairs for less, because I ABSOLUTELY agree that time is more valuable than money. I was saying that I would just stick to my principles and take the 50 approach, as JRod mentioned.

I love sneakers, but I'd sooner accept never owning Yeezys before I drop $2k+ no matter how much money I have. That's all. I won't lose sleep over the pairs I won't have.

I don't feed these lame ___s now, and I believe that my willpower is strong enough to not feed the lame ___s with a few mills in my account. I could be wrong of course.
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I don't believe none of you cats.

The money yall/we spend on the regular, being some regular cats, would increase dramatically if money was flowin like water.

Walkin around with 50k in your pocket....a G or 2 for some kicks to stunt, or whatever the reason, wouldn't hurt your pockets or "principles"

ummm no?

why would i freely give someone money basically for free for a product that i could find myself for much less? Im not lazy. If i was rich that means i had at least some free time to go on Niketalk or ebay or some other outlet and find legit kicks for cheaper than paying FC prices.

you are thinking like a dude who just go money and gonna go broke 5 years down the line. whether i have 10k in the bank or 10 million, im not giving some little store my own money for free. just IMO

You think 50 got time to search NT?

Please stop they are rich cause they grind and work their craft not cause they sitting on NT pinching pennies to buy a pair of sneakers.

Think of it this way they get around 20k to go into a club for an hour or two. It would take more time to search for a pair contact the seller check to see if he is legit and all that. Time is money. You can always make more money but you cant make more time

50 is worth like half a billion, he can do what he wants.

im talkin about rich but not filthy rich to where you can throw money in the air and not care :lol:

give me $10 million cash and i still aint paying FC prices unless its something that i cant find with the help of NT or anyone else
If I hit the lotto, best believe in hitting one of these consignment shops and going IN..... but I wouldn't pay crazy *** prices on stuff I didn't want before the money. I'd just buy stuff I've always wanted, that I couldn't get/could get but couldn't afford/didn't want to spend what the shoe goes for. **** all the overhyped stuff... They can keep all that crap.
If I hit the lotto, best believe in hitting one of these consignment shops and going IN..... but I wouldn't pay crazy *** prices on stuff I didn't want before the money. I'd just buy stuff I've always wanted, that I couldn't get/could get but couldn't afford/didn't want to spend what the shoe goes for. **** all the overhyped stuff... They can keep all that crap.


regular stuff tho, hell no i am not paying FC or RIFLA prices. i wouldnt give em a dime
if i hit the lotto, i would stop ordering off the dollar menu and get me some mcribs and those fancy quarter pounders.
If I hit the lotto, best believe in hitting one of these consignment shops and going IN..... but I wouldn't pay crazy *** prices on stuff I didn't want before the money. I'd just buy stuff I've always wanted, that I couldn't get/could get but couldn't afford/didn't want to spend what the shoe goes for. **** all the overhyped stuff... They can keep all that crap.


Once you hit the lotto n become a millionaire, at that point time is more precious than money. Would def cop everything I want at a consignment oppose to coppin off nt and these fb groups. Wouldnt be worth the time or effort.
I wasn't even suggesting that I would put in the time to find pairs for less, because I ABSOLUTELY agree that time is more valuable than money. I was saying that I would just stick to my principles and take the 50 approach, as JRod mentioned.

I love sneakers, but I'd sooner accept never owning Yeezys before I drop $2k+ no matter how much money I have. That's all. I won't lose sleep over the pairs I won't have.

I don't feed these lame ___s now, and I believe that my willpower is strong enough to not feed the lame ___s with a few mills in my account. I could be wrong of course.
If I'm a millionare, I'm buying the few shoes I always ever wanted but could never afford. After that I'd have to stop because you can end up spending thousands every month on clothing and kicks.
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i'll put it like this.

jay leno is paid, and im talkin bout PAIDDDDDD.

he is also a car collector as some of you kno. along with being a car collector comes a vast knowledge of makes/models/construction of the cars and also knowing exactly how much a car is WORTH.

just bc he is brining in x amount of millions a year you really think theres someone out there that's gonna railroad him on a deal? you really think he is gonna go for the okie doke just bc of the simple fact that he can afford to? NO.

I can def understand if someone doesn't kno any better. I can see them giving away money blindly @ a store like FC all day long, but theres no way im goin for that with the knowledge I have.

FC was charging more than double the retail for some of the shoes in that gunit vid they bought. I find that absolutely HISTERICAL considering the fact that most JB releases aint eem worth retail these days. just think about the quality of retros these days. I feel like a fool payin retail for some of em, let alone FC resale, which btw is even more ridiculous than ebay rates but im sure we all kno that.

all that money aint a thang s___ gone have some of yaw out here like Antoine walker if you ever happen to make it big.

def respect fif's approach to kicks in that vid. dudes getting took in FC, plain and simple...
I see what you are saying in regards to Jay leno but im pretty sure he has a team of car people that search for cars all day. His show revolves around cars so i dont think its the same as sneakers and rappers.
doesn't matter whether or not he has a team of people that search for his personal cars (which sounds absolutely absurd btw), the point is he has the final say as far as what he spends his money on and I cant confirm this but Im pretty sure if he is as deeply involved in that hobby as he seems to be, he is not payin astronomical prices just bc he can afford to do so.
doesn't matter whether or not he has a team of people that search for his personal cars (which sounds absolutely absurd btw), the point is he has the final say as far as what he spends his money on and I cant confirm this but Im pretty sure if he is as deeply involved in that hobby as he seems to be, he is not payin astronomical prices just bc he can afford to do so.

They are looking for cars for the show. People email them cars to see all the time.

Intern number 1 "Hey jay look at this 67 shelby"
Jay "How much is he asking?"

Not that crazy if you spend more than a sec thinking about it.

Same as you and your boys checking out craigslist or facebook and you show them a post












always nice to rappers when they mature and chill out a bit.

also, Jason is startin to slightly irk me. its like, dude, you know you would have on sperry's/loafers if you weren't getting these Jordan/nike care packages, which he obviously is...
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ummm no?

why would i freely give someone money basically for free for a product that i could find myself for much less? Im not lazy. If i was rich that means i had at least some free time to go on Niketalk or ebay or some other outlet and find legit kicks for cheaper than paying FC prices.

you are thinking like a dude who just go money and gonna go broke 5 years down the line. whether i have 10k in the bank or 10 million, im not giving some little store my own money for free. just IMO

What is this "giving up money for free"?

You're paying for a product, b.

And I'm simply saying that if I were able to walk around with 50k in my pocket on the daily like most of these entertainers, a few thousand on a pair of kicks wouldn't hurt me in the slightest.

You make it seem like these cats walkin in stores spending 100k. 1-2k ain't hurtin most of these regular cats you see postin in this thread, so what makes you think it'll bother a cat makin millions per year?

You penny-pinching in the highest degree bruh. Just sayin.
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