♔ ~~~~| Celebrites Rockin Heat (fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. 3 | ~~~~ ♔

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I agree with ninjahood on this... and I can't believe I'm saying this but on almost all of his fashion rules so to say :smh: :lol:

I guess it's because of me and him have the same fashion sense and it's most definitely due to our upbringing in NYC.

Not throwing shots at other people that came up in different regions because back then everyone from different regions had their own styles and what not, but with the Internet what's hot and popular in NYC is hot and popular in Cali or wherever else.

Still though dudes condoning that fit with the Royal 1's with the Pip jersey is :x any way you cut it and the pic posted with the chick on the couch is a way better fit... in my opinion of course.

That's what it's all about anyway as someone stating earlier it's all about preference.

I misses the black ones.
They could do lots wit the strap nowadays.

so shoes with blue looks like trash with any red article of clothing?

for real? :rofl:

since when did red and blue not work together? are y'all really that hung up on exact matching everything? :lol:

When they are separated completely no they do not go together and they actually clash. Superman has a blue suit with red in it, spider man wears a red and blue suit. If these dudes were in all red with blue shoes or vice versa, and had no blue at all in there awesome costumes **** would just look clownish and awkward. No ones talking about exact matching, wearing two bold *** colors separately simply isn't a good look. Even a dude who's into dress long shirts can understand that
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Word Ciara is bad​
It's corny IMO to rock black/red bulls jersey with black/red 1's. Too matchy. He would have been cool with a White/Red CW of the 2's up.​
Personally I would have gone with the Aquas . . . jerseys are tricky because on one hand, you don't wanna look like you doing too much and trying too hard to not match, but then again you don't wanna look like a walk-on for the Bulls.​
Bruh, the shoes were MADE for the jersey

I don't understand this madness. The shoes were specifically colored and made to go with a Bulls jersey.

Thats like saying "IMO I think its corny to have mercedes rims on a benz"

Aquas with a Bulls jersey?

I'ma let you boys cook. Its all personal preference at the end of the day
I'm not a fan of those Royal 1s in the first place. You are free to wear whatever you like, but they look dead wrong with that Bulls jersey, IMO.
DEAD wrong.
Word Ciara is bad​
It's corny IMO to rock black/red bulls jersey with black/red 1's. Too matchy. He would have been cool with a White/Red CW of the 2's up.​
Personally I would have gone with the Aquas . . . jerseys are tricky because on one hand, you don't wanna look like you doing too much and trying too hard to not match, but then again you don't wanna look like a walk-on for the Bulls.​
First time i EVER hear in my LIFE black & red I's

Look "CORNY" wit da matchin jordan bulls jersey..

Where did ya getting dressed in pitch black cats

Crawl out of?
The colors go together of course, and obviously they were made for each other, but like I said, I prefer not to look like a walk on for the Bulls.

Then again, it might just be the 1's because IMO, it's cool to rock any red CW of the 2's and up with a Bulls Home/Away jersey.
Can people please stop saying Rules, there is no Rules, you sound out right stupid saying there is rules to dressing.

There is good taste, bad taste and your taste. Leave it at that

Game in Concords 

Jason Mewes aka Jay from "Jay and Silent Bob" in the original commercial for Nike Tuned Airs (air max plus, TN1)

****** always in here trying to tell other ****** how to dress. :lol: ^

I don't have an issue with Royal 1 J's, and a Red Jersey. It doesn't look bad, IMO. I wear whatever color top I want with Royal 1's, to be honest.

Them ***** look good no matter what you have on, IMO.

how funny is it that these people get paid to critique what other celebs wear when they look like clowns themselves. Minus the dude, he seems decent.

dude got on yellow pants

hes a clown too
Can people please stop saying Rules, there is no Rules, you sound out right stupid saying there is rules to dressing.

There is good taste, bad taste and your taste. Leave it at that

Jason Mewes aka Jay from "Jay and Silent Bob" in the original commercial for Nike Tuned Airs (air max plus, TN1)

I love those shoes.
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I love those shoes.
Wearing a pair now (non OG color) In Europe and Australia it's one of Nikes biggest sellers, we literally get 2-3 Colorways a month. They're mad comfy

Fun Fact: They are synonymous with Drug Dealers, Criminals, Bikers and general street dudes in Australia
Couldn't believe people in here were vouching for Royal colored shoes with a red jersey. I swear you clowns mismatch intentionally to get some extra attention on the street. Y'all the same cats that wear those goofy elite socks to match your shoes. Nothing like having another man checking you out.
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