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  1. jjuve

    Growing Hair Out

    Grew mine from a #1 all around starting last September, and lasted until late July, my hair was about 7 1/2 inches long. I don't think there is anythingyou could do to speed the process up. Now after having my hair short through the fall and most of the winter, i'm growing it back out again...
  2. jjuve


    I will not be attending work this Wednesday, nor next Tuesday...Forza Bianconeri! i hope the Italian clubs can take care of the English, with the exception of inter merda of course....Serie A needs at least 1 club in the final 4.
  3. jjuve

    Renardo Sidney to USC

    hopefully this discourages Lance Stephenson to NOT go to USC and pick St Johns lol....he's going to end up at Kansas anyway
  4. jjuve

    Why is America the only country in the world that hates soccer?

    ^ i agree, i'm not saying a WC run would def. make soccer popular here, but it seems like our only chance for American soccer specifically to grow, becauseit WILL NOT happen though the MLS. and yes, our best chance for soccer to to gain popularity in this country is too start giving more...
  5. jjuve

    Why is America the only country in the world that hates soccer?

    The biggest reason soccer isn't popular in the US is because we have a league thats not even top 10 in the world, you compare that to the fact that all ofour other major leagues are the highest level of that sport. England, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Portugal, Scotland, The Netherlands...
  6. jjuve

    NT what Airports you been to?

    JFK LaGuardia Newark Orlando San Francisco international Honolulu international Puerto Rico? Fumicino (Rome)
  7. jjuve

    NYC NT'ers: Where were you on September 11th, 2001? Post Stories & Pics

    Soph. year of h.s., teachers where actually on strike that way so we were sitting in homeroom watching "hoosiers" on t.v. in class, then the studentt.v. station cuts the movie and says a plane has hit the WTC, no one thought he was serious until they cut too NY1, we watched the second plane hit...
  8. jjuve


    did they just say that Sasha Klesjan cut his hair? lol
  9. jjuve

    Your favorite players getting old unappreciation post

    you ever go to a yankee game and Derek has the day off or is injured? it's like it's not even a yankee game, it's going to sad when he hangs themup for good.
  10. jjuve

    What makes Madison Square Garden so special?

    for those who haven't seen the "50 greatest moments at MSG" series, please look it up on youtube and then try and give me a list of 20, nevermind 50, moments that occurred at "your favorite arena" and lets see if there is even a comparison. and its not just about the knicks, its all the sports...
  11. jjuve

    Anyone regret going or graduating from college because of........?

    no i don't, but i do regret going to a college that was too expensive for me. i should have went to a CUNY.
  12. jjuve


    won $75. Cardinals +7 (teased up to +13) plus the over 46 (teased down to 40) My boy had $100 on Big Ben scoring the first TD, 100/1 odds. damn near had $10,000 in his hand, then the review took it away. thats upsetting.
  13. jjuve

    good quote for someone whos lost in life

    "Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not withwhat you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do." "If God created shadows it was to better emphasize the light"
  14. jjuve

    white tennis shoes in paris???

    i dont know about Paris, but when i visited Rome last summer it seemed like there was an OBSESSION with air max 97s. everywhere i looked i saw some one betweenthe age of 16 and 25 wearing 97s, male and female...and i only had my pair of white 95s
  15. jjuve

    Where do you live? Vol. All of yall cant be NYers, can you?

    Staten Island, NY. Born and raised
  16. jjuve

    What is the MTV True Life Episode with the HS Basketball Player who enters the NBA Draft?

    i'm almost certain it wasn't a true life episode. it was like a 1 time 3 hour special that was similar to the "made" series but without thecoaches and more serious. there was also a guy on there who was a rookie cop if i remember correctly.
  17. jjuve

    GNC Detox --- advice/suggestions?

    how accurate are the CVS tests? i feel like the test given at a job interview would be more complicated and accurate then a store bought one
  18. jjuve

    What's the greatest franchise in sports?

    American sports? The New York Yankees World wide? up for debate. -Real Madrid have won 31 la liga titles, 17 copa del reys, 9 champion leagues and 2 Uefa cups -Liverpool have won 18 English titles, 7 FA cups, 5 champions league and 3 Uefa cups. They are the winningest club in England not...
  19. jjuve

    St. Johns Red Storm: How far away are we?

    when Norm was hired i was ok with it. he was a nice guy with a clean reputation and someone who most of us thought was simply a transition man, someone whowould take a beating for a few years while we took our punishment of loss of scholarships and ban from post-season play. and for that AND...
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