Anyone regret going or graduating from college because of........?

i understand what youre saying ... sort of like, now what? but no one can take that degree away from you ...
Originally Posted by puffishurr

University of Washington Huskies Class of '09. I'm actually graduating early because I got a couple job offers and the price was riiiiight.

Congrats homie! I like hearing stories like these. Good Luck with the job offers.
So many kids go into college only because "it's the next thing to do" after high school. After Kindergarten, we go to grade school. After than,intermediate and high school. It's so easy because we're told what to do.

Once senior year rolls around, students have to make a conscious decision to apply, and most don't even know what they're applying for. They try tobreeze through the application process and get accepted and relax the rest of their senior year. Some know what school they want to attend, but have no ideawhat they want to do, and in the end, have a $100k debt with nothing to show for it. You can't possibly regret going to college (which is obvious what theOP is saying), but the regret lies within not taking the college application process seriously. The only thing more important than a degree is vision. A degreewill get you a job, but without vision, I highly doubt you'll be working in a field you enjoy.

I do college counseling on the side and being from NY, I tell all the kids who DON'T know what they want to do to attend a CUNY or SUNY. If they'regoing to be clueless, might as well pay as little as possible. SUNYs and some CUNYs are disgustingly underrated.
Originally Posted by hungweedawg

Tarvald Drama Chase wrote:

what kind of ******ed question is this? why on earth would anyone regret graduating?? thats like asking... does anyone regret going to college?? smh..... L
It wasn't meant to be ******ed, but more of job wise and paying back student loans. Some people I know pay over $50,000 in school loans and hoping to make that dough, but are having the hardest time finding the job in their field or have a job that doesn't make enough to pay back that student loan. Anyways, thanks for answering a question with another question.

Your title is misleading.
Originally Posted by sigmakidownz

Originally Posted by hungweedawg

Tarvald Drama Chase wrote:

what kind of ******ed question is this? why on earth would anyone regret graduating?? thats like asking... does anyone regret going to college?? smh..... L
It wasn't meant to be ******ed, but more of job wise and paying back student loans. Some people I know pay over $50,000 in school loans and hoping to make that dough, but are having the hardest time finding the job in their field or have a job that doesn't make enough to pay back that student loan. Anyways, thanks for answering a question with another question.

Your title is misleading.
Sorry about that. I didn't want to make the title too long, but wanted to get to the point on my thread. I guess I had it coming with someof the earlier posts.
no i don't, but i do regret going to a college that was too expensive for me. i should have went to a CUNY.
Originally Posted by hungweedawg

sigmakidownz wrote:

hungweedawg wrote:

Tarvald Drama Chase wrote:

what kind of ******ed question is this? why on earth would anyone regret graduating?? thats like asking... does anyone regret going to college?? smh..... L
It wasn't meant to be ******ed, but more of job wise and paying back student loans. Some people I know pay over $50,000 in school loans and hoping to make that dough, but are having the hardest time finding the job in their field or have a job that doesn't make enough to pay back that student loan. Anyways, thanks for answering a question with another question.

Your title is misleading.
Sorry about that. I didn't want to make the title too long, but wanted to get to the point on my thread. I guess I had it coming with some of the earlier posts.

Regardless, I can see what you're saying. I personally know some people out there who still don't know the job that they want after graduating from aUniversity and they've spent large amounts of money on education. Eventually they just rot with a degree.
I more or less regret it - I graduated in december, VERY much in debt from student loans - and have hardly gotten a response from the 50-100 applicationsI've put out there.

Granted - I am graduating at one of the worst economic times in the history of this country... but I still feel like I was raped by the system and will spendthe better part of the rest of my life just trying to repay the debt of college now that the economic bubble has burst and salaries like I expected to make oneday will rarely exist anymore.

Looking back - i should've apprenticed with an electrician or something of that sort and eventually opened my own business when I had the experience... hadno college debt and my own little business and probably a decent little life for myself.

Now I'm pretty hamstrung and need to get a very decent wage right off the bat (and soon) to be able to just afford to live and pay the bills I owe.
"Regardless, I can see what you're saying. I personally know some people out there who still don't know the job that they want after graduatingfrom a University and they've spent large amounts of money on education. Eventually they just rot with a degree."

That is unfortunate, and I have some friends who have experienced this as well. However, they also moved back home with their parents and refuse to pursue jobsthat they don't want to to do in hope of landing their dream job (one dude averaged 1.2 ppg on his community college bball team and still thinks he has ashot at the NBA!). Their parents pay their student loan bills, living expenses, phone bills, car payments, and they (the picky, dare I say lazy, college grads)sit around doing drugs, playing video games, watching tv, and generally not doing anything to improve themselves.

I feel bad for their parents, even if the parents indirectly created this situation for themselves by being financial coddlers throughout their kids'lives.

But then, I've always lived by a "WE DO WHAT WE MUST TO DO WHAT WE WANT" mentality, and am just happy to have a job and be able to pay my own waythrough life. College played a big role in helping me establish a sense of responsibility.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

I more or less regret it - I graduated in december, VERY much in debt from student loans - and have hardly gotten a response from the 50-100 applications I've put out there.

Granted - I am graduating at one of the worst economic times in the history of this country... but I still feel like I was raped by the system and will spend the better part of the rest of my life just trying to repay the debt of college now that the economic bubble has burst and salaries like I expected to make one day will rarely exist anymore.

Looking back - i should've apprenticed with an electrician or something of that sort and eventually opened my own business when I had the experience... had no college debt and my own little business and probably a decent little life for myself.

Now I'm pretty hamstrung and need to get a very decent wage right off the bat (and soon) to be able to just afford to live and pay the bills I owe.
I know it's tough man. I was going through a stage myself after I graduated, but eventually it will come sooner or later. Just keep yourhead up and God bless.
"I more or less regret it - I graduated in december, VERY much in debt from student loans - and have hardly gotten a response from the 50-100 applicationsI've put out there."

My man, I spent 6 months applying for jobs before lading my current one. Now, I was able to work the graveyard shift at a nearby hospital for below a livingwage and postpone my first student loan payments in order to make ends meet during that time, but I just had to keep my head up and work to make somethingbetter for myself (which involved countless job applications and interviews).

Hang in there, and just remember the good words of Malcolm X:

"Without education, you're not going anywhere in this world."
I personally would never regret going to college but i know and could understand folks that might. College is looked as the "next step" in life andis wrongly believed to be the cure all for those who are getting the degree. You know the one's "Well i got my degree, I will now how have a jobguaranteed" and not just because the current economy but even before is just not true. So that false sense of entitlement, and then being faced withreality, is leaving folks distraght.

Then theres those who get jobs out of their field, or get a job that requires no education and the time that they spent getting that education could have beenspent getting experience. LOok at NT's Ben Baller, he (i dont remember correctly but assumed he would have posted already) liked and loved the"college experience" but admits he would have been a millionaire so much sooner if he had not went to college. Thats just a quick example....
"LOok at NT's Ben Baller, he (i dont remember correctly but assumed he would have posted already) liked and loved the "college experience"but admits he would have been a millionaire so much sooner if he had not went to college. Thats just a quick example...."

Its true that there's most always an exception to the rule, but Ben Baller wouldn't stand out to us if he was the rule.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by Tarvald Drama Chase

trying to get e fame like this aint gonna work, maqke a better thread

Trying to get e-fame? Do you watch the news? I'm not trying to get out of school anytime soon.
I'm fortunate enough to have my parents take care of my college. Me and all my friends are all close to graduating and a lot of them are40-50-60,000 in debt already before they even get a 9-5. Drama you telling me that you wouldn't wonder every now and then if its even worth it? OP has agood point, the job market is garbage right now, Oregon c/o 2009 and it's going to be a hard spring and summer looking for work.

I'm banking on landing one of a few internships I applied for, however what I can't bank on is getting paid for one...

You have to just keep the faith that it will pay off, maybe not immediately but in time.

do u regret winning the lottery?

NO what kinda stupid %*% question is this rofl
show yourself the door
I appreciate the ones that feel what I'm saying with serious replies. Just reading that article to my earlier post, had be reminiscing the time Icouldn't find a job in my field and had to jump from job to job. I graduated in 2004 and worked for 4 different companies that had nothing related to myfield. Eventually, I got my chance last year when they had an opening with the company I was at and got what I was looking for. Til this day, I always feltlike the man above was watching out for me and I know that he's going to be looking out for everyone that have their struggles.
Originally Posted by hungweedawg

I don't mean in a sense that graduating college is meaningless, but more of not being able to find a job in your field or what you want. Also the student loans that people can't pay back due to not being able to find a job.

Yall leave OP alone.

Dude has a good question though.

I know plenty of people who graduated from college 3 years ago and still can't find a job that relates to their major.

My friend's mom is in her 50s and she just got done paying off her loans for law school.

You people act like a college degree is a #*%%$# lotto ticket. Get real.

Theres nothing wrong with having a degree, just keep in mind how many other successful people that are out there who DON'T HAVE DEGREES OR WENT TO COLLEGE
first, I don't know why anyone would regret college. Its been the best 3.5 years of my life so far. I am not looking forward to graduating in May.

second, a college degree today is similar to a high school degree maybe 20 years ago. If you wanna be the best you gotta keep going. If college studentscan't find jobs, what makes you think that people that didn't go to college can find better jobs?
NO regrets, but i personally feel if you don't have a degree from a top-tier school then its gonna be a struggle

06 grad and i haven't really put my business degree in use, just been working jobs that dont really need a business degree.

now i don't even know what to do. go back to school and accumulate more debt cause i got no job currently and need to be doing something?
Originally Posted by kicksgetmehigh

Yall leave OP alone.

Dude has a good question though.

I know plenty of people who graduated from college 3 years ago and still can't find a job that relates to their major.

My friend's mom is in her 50s and she just got done paying off her loans for law school.

You people act like a college degree is a #*%%$# lotto ticket. Get real.

Theres nothing wrong with having a degree, just keep in mind how many other successful people that are out there who DON'T HAVE DEGREES OR WENT TO COLLEGE
That's real talk, kicksgetmehigh ...That's one of the flaws I am trying to point out in bold. The mere fact that graduates paid goodmoney to invest on getting a degree to get a better paying job and it's not paying off for them. When I mean not paying off for them, is that they get ajob that doesn't help pay for what they invest in while they were in school.
i'm going to college now and this is my last semester i didnt know it was hard to find a job after in the field but i guess it depends on the demand ofpeople i'm trying to be an electrical technician
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