NYC NT'ers: Where were you on September 11th, 2001? Post Stories & Pics

Sep 20, 2006
This was the most tragic and fascinating event of life so far. I'm watching some stuff on the History channel and 9/11 was curious to know if any of uswere involved that day,
near ground-zero, or have pictures. I know there were some posts in the past, but want to know if any of the newer members have anything to share.
I was in school 7th grade everyone was leaving I didn't understand why. then my cousin picked me, and his little brother up and my cousin said two train**** the twin towers, and I was like what the hell are trains doing hitting the twin towers. then I got home watched that it was two planes it was a sad day mysister was actually down there and made it safe...
I was in 6th grade, towards the end of the day my mom picked me up. I watched the news and was happy that there would be no school the next day
6th grade, it was picture day, I come back to class after getting my pic taken and the teacher has the news on after the first plane hit. Saw both towerscollapse live on TV
. All we did was watch the news in all my classes we were all in like a trancejust couldn't believe what was happening. Horrible day.....
i heard about it during class (6th grade). when i got home, t.v. was down, so i listened to the radio while playing ps2 until my mom got home. turns out shefirst tried to take a cab home and ended paying around $20 for a 1/2 block trip. she walked the rest of the way home, i live in southern brooklyn by bay ridge.i started to get worried about 7-8, but she got home around 1 a.m. and that was the biggest relief of my life.
I thought I had lost my uncles and my mother that mom escaped before the second plane hit and my uncles were okay (they used to work in the towers buthad since worked of my uncles knew a few people from Cantor Fitzgerald).

I remember holding back tears and saying prayers with someone I didn't like much (I wasn't religious either but the thought of losing my mother thatday without even saying goodbye to her that morning was tearing me apart) was a day to put aside things and lend support.

It was a horrible day I wish I will never re-live.

I still remember what some kids were saying as everything unfolded:

Alright, this is the start of World War 3, 4, AND 5!

Looking back on it now I can crack a chuckle..
In school. We had a substitute that day so we were having the usual reckless substitute fun. She got heated and said she was calling our parents 2 come pick usup and we were all getting suspended. About a hour later kids started 2 get picked up, we were all in class shook hoping we weren't next. (We didn'tknow what was going on as far as the attacks) Didn't find out til my grandmother came 2 pick me up. Super fun day turned sad. Quick.
i was in class (5th grade), it happened, then we started watching it

my grandmother saw it from our window tho
I was 17 fresh outta H.S. my cousin had got me a great job @ a Law Office on Wall St. literally a short walk away ..... I worked from 8-4 but I woke up about ahour late that day * thank god *, I ran out and took a nice nap on the #2 train . in between sleep I heard people talking about a plane hitting the WTC but Ithought nothing of it .... My train only reached 14 st we were told there wasnt no train service .... I surfaced and started making my way downtown by footlike everybody else ... ( not knowing the 1st tower fell ) I was in Plain view to watch the 2nd building fall .... everyone started running everywhere .... Ittook me about 6-7 hrs to get home that day.
Why did I come home for Christmas Break and found a newspaper from Sept 11, 2001.. Just thought it was weird.
i was in history class when i found out about the towers around 9-10ish.

i ran home skipped my next class to see if my sister was OK, cuz she was working in the WTC area at the time.

there was no answer on any phone calls since all the towers were down in the area.

got the first contact around 8pm that night from my sister when she was walkin home.
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

@ yall being in 5th grade I was in 9th.
I was in the 9th grade too .. I remember turning the T.V on that morning and trippin because the toons i usually watched wasn't on .. So iwoke my moms up and i was like there's a terrorist attack in New York .. I didn't know it was that serious because i never really been out of Cali andcouldn't imagine something like that happening forreal .. I didn't take it seriously until i found out that the towers collapsed
i was in the 8th grade on amsterdam and 96th st. all i saw was people, but a lot of students just walking uptown. i thought they were all on a field trip orsomething. our principal didnt tell anyone about it because 6 of the students' parents worked down there. but they were trying to car pool us home withwhoever had a car. my friends dad came and picked us up at around 4 and we didn't get to his home (east 149th in the bronx) until about 9. then i had towait for my dad to pay a cab driver 60 dollars to take him there from parkchester and back. long stressful day. even to this day, i know every single personwho was in the city that day chokes up when there is a moment of silence. i will never forget. rip.
Soph. year of h.s., teachers where actually on strike that way so we were sitting in homeroom watching "hoosiers" on t.v. in class, then the studentt.v. station cuts the movie and says a plane has hit the WTC, no one thought he was serious until they cut too NY1, we watched the second plane hit live, thenthe fall of the towers.

I get picked up and go home and my aunt and little cousin are in my house, they live in battery park city and had the windows of their apartment blow out.

My father works on Madison ave. so once we found out he was ok and staying with my uncle uptown we calmed down a little bit. i remember sitting in front of myhouse in Staten Island and seeing the smoke for weeks.
3rd full day in HS (freshmen year). Well I went to school on the West Side of Manhattan, 16th street between 5 and 6th Ave, and I actually heard one of theplanes going over the school. It was a pretty scary experience for me because I never really left Brooklyn before that other than with my family. So I was abit freaked out. But it worked out. Made us stay in school until one of our parents came by to pick us up. Mom picked me up and we walked over the Williamsburgbridge.

Most memorable part though were some of the crazy rumors that were spreading around the school. Like the Sears tower being hit and something on the West Coastand such.
I was in 10th grade, in basketball/vball and the teach was like a building in NY got bombed.(had no clue what the World Trade was outsided of the Biggie line).Some went and watched in some room, i played ball. I remember a kid sayin about/to this new cocky NY kid that "Haha thats why your city is gettinbombed." I didnt laugh, but thinkin back to it, im so very glad i didnt.

2nd hour, science, the teacher has the tv on, i still think nothin cause i didnt see no replay yet then.....BOOM, 2nd plane hits (vid of it) I just said"O S!!!" i didnt know what to think. Finally on the bus ride home (i lived on a military base) it took FOREVER to get on post cause they weresearchin everything.

Convince my mom to drive me back off post in search of an OPen store, nothin was open except this little CD shop, Copped The Blueprint, and the rest isHistory.

God Bless all those who had fam and friends pass/hurt that day.
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