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  1. dr spaceman

    NT, Who's you're e-crush? Vol. Can I Borrow You?

    foot lookin like freakshow face.
  2. dr spaceman

    NT, Who's you're e-crush? Vol. Can I Borrow You?

    Ya'll gross. Won't judge though, cuz if ants ate up her ******* i'd still wanna see.
  3. dr spaceman

    Eddie Griffin vol. who built the pyramids

    Y'all right though, black enlightenment, awareness and improvement is racist, because we already hold such a big stake in the world, control allcorporations and bouillons etc, and need not even try to take steps to understand how the world works so we can be in those positions, because...
  4. dr spaceman

    I wish I was Jay Z's bestfriend

    Diddy sees the irony in this thread.
  5. dr spaceman

    Girl advice, pics (hairy neck, shady)

    Despite the big *******, that other chick is really unattractive.
  6. dr spaceman

    Girl advice, pics (hairy neck, shady)

    That stache makes her look like ben baller. But hey do you though, ya'll need to stop, you don't need us for simplest of girl advice. But if you trulydo and it truly matters, try men.
  7. dr spaceman

    So basically...In District 9... SPOILERS

    This is incredible, people are getting insulting and upset for someone basically saying "hey, this may be unfair to that group", and if you identifywith that group, you're a racist. I swear i only come across this stuff on NT. This surreal, dudes can't have normal conversation. I think haze...
  8. dr spaceman

    So basically...In District 9... SPOILERS

    Why of course, just quote someone else's thought out response and say "this".
  9. dr spaceman

    $9.90 shoes!

    Yeah they're not gonna clear that inventory, donate them joints to needy kids.
  10. dr spaceman

    So basically...In District 9... SPOILERS

    Dude has no opinion on anything ever though, so who cares. Why did he come back to the thread twice? i bet you dude has some stupid game he's playing rightnow in his own head that makes him look clever to himself. He's exactly the cat i'm addressing in my last post.
  11. dr spaceman

    2009 NBA Hall of Fame Ceremony post.

    MJ's speech was awesome. Basically i'm that dude, i know this,you know this, and those that didn't i made sure they did, and those that doubted i made sure they regretted it.
  12. dr spaceman

    Breastfeeding in public appreciation vol pics

    this is creepy though.
  13. dr spaceman

    So basically...In District 9... SPOILERS

    I like Haze's threads. Whether i agree with him or not, i like the arguments he presents and the ones invokes from other seemingly intelligent nters onboth sides. What irks me about the threads are these morons who i wouldn't trust to put together a big mac, not reading, not forming an opinion...
  14. dr spaceman

    Is it socially acceptable to marry a stripper?

    There's no self respecting woman out there for this dude, his world is black and white when it comes to women. Dude shows more concern forhow other guys treat their women than actual women, there's a term for that, several actually. Bout to put dude on ignore, cuz all he posts are...
  15. dr spaceman

    Jay-Z Charity Concert for 9/11 widows & orphans ,just came back and my ears are ringing lol

    coming through, i was like damn that broad nice.
  16. dr spaceman

    I wish I was Jay Z's bestfriend

    I don't have the odessa, tx, but the title mixed w/ another thread and i thought it said "I wish i was Jay Z's girlfriend". And i'm likecome on b, you nowhere near as funny as beyonce.
  17. dr spaceman

    So basically...In District 9... SPOILERS

    You don't see how it would be viable in this situation? it's not a reach at all. I really do for some reason though believe the director was wellintentioned, just clumsily executed. Seems like he really just wanted to make a sci-fi not so serious depiction of the apartheid. Because he lived...
  18. dr spaceman

    So basically...In District 9... SPOILERS

    I see it, i really felt it was od to portray the nigerians like that, but no human was portrayed in a positive light in the film(you prolly got your ownreasons for not referring to them all as Africans). The white guy was apart of a larger global greedy nazi org, and was really a coward. And to...
  19. dr spaceman

    Does NT have a "Find all posts by _______ " Feature?

    what does the title have to do with what you typed?
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