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  1. lakersnation

    Why does it seem like there is more Nat'l pride with US Soccer than US Basketball?

    i think there's definitely some truth behind this.... i think its because in basketball we're ALWAYS the favorite to win it all, but in soccer we're the underdogs. AND most people get happy when the underdog wins.
  2. lakersnation

    Why does it seem like there is more Nat'l pride with US Soccer than US Basketball?

    i think there's definitely some truth behind this.... i think its because in basketball we're ALWAYS the favorite to win it all, but in soccer we're the underdogs. AND most people get happy when the underdog wins.
  3. lakersnation

    Ghost Scare Freaks Out Gay Babysister On A Hidden Camera Show!

    Haha yea dude. i woulda been outta there faster than Usain Bolt running from the cops.
  4. lakersnation

    Ghost Scare Freaks Out Gay Babysister On A Hidden Camera Show!

    Haha yea dude. i woulda been outta there faster than Usain Bolt running from the cops.
  5. lakersnation

    Anyone else a HUGE sports fan, but not care for soccer?

    YESSSSSS, but substitute soccer with baseball. I cant watch baseball if my life depended on it. Highlights are cool. A whole game..... not my cup of tea.  
  6. lakersnation

    Official Ask A Logical Religious Person Thread. vol. Ask me anything.

    NO religious person, no matter how religious they are, can tell you if someone goes to heaven or hell. Thats for God to decide. God is merciful but is also just, so maybe that person will go to heaven maybe they'll go to hell thats not for us to decide. BTW, no human(Jesus excluded) can ever...
  7. lakersnation

    Yo NT, what's the best way to tell a girl about her bad vaginal odor?

    Step 1: Right when she takes off her underwear, look around frantically like your desperately looking for something with a  face  Step 2: Tell Her, " Did u fart?? Something Stinks!!" Step 3: After she answers "No" say... "ooo i guess its just your coochie, that thing is stanky"
  8. lakersnation

    Underwater BASE-Jumping Vol. Check it out!

    That was pretty awesome....   its fake tho... It says in the description "This video is a FICTION and an ARTISTIC PROJECT. "
  9. lakersnation

    How come NFL players wear helmet & pads while Rugby players dont?

    Yea two totally different sports. I think pads make football more exciting tho because players take more risks (ex. jumping over the pile for a touchdown or trucking someone Adrian Peterson style).
  10. lakersnation

    Is there a 2 day rule for Facebook?

    Step 1: Add her as a friend Step 2: Write on her wall this exact phase, "Thank you for adding me. I really appreciate it and I appreciate you too sweet stuff..." Step 3: Exactly 2 days later, poke her. Now she know your serious. Step 4: Change your birthday to the next day and she if she...
  11. lakersnation

    Drunk Driver Launches Car Over Toll Booth

      Someone revoke his man card plzzz....  Out of all the pics u coulda picked, you picked her mugshot?? hahahah
  12. lakersnation

    Mariah Carey Pregnant...

  13. lakersnation

    The Official Mac Thread (Docs, Themes, Apps, Etc.)

    what are the best video editing software for a Mac other than Final Cut Pro?
  14. lakersnation

    Inspiration for Kung-Fu Panda

    I dont think its CGI. But damn u Japanese and your crazy robots!!!!!! jp
  15. lakersnation

    Late Enrollment Period FTL...

    SMC!!!!  late enrollment period FTL tho... just try to crash as many classes as possible. the first week is hell, but then its not so bad...
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