How come NFL players wear helmet & pads while Rugby players dont?

Jul 1, 2005
NBC is showing a [college]Rugby game right now and it got me thinking about this.

i also saw this youtube vid
cuz dudes in the NFL arent tough enough to take the beating rugby players do ... could you imagine 94% of the corners in the league actually having to tackle? could imagine an NFL QB actually getting hit?
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

how come the only rugby players to make it to the NFL are kickers?

..because some Rugby players actually want to play Rugby and not american football

Rugby is a much older sport and the players are keen on upholding tradition. They're just not forced to wear helmets but some do. They don't really prevent concussions though.
Sometimes I see rugby players with Petr Cech-type helmets on. Generally, rugby is a straight vicious sport, though. A lot of Samoans around my way are into it, and they are some massive human beings. I'm friends with a guy who plays on the UC Berkeley team (national champion) and his teammates are beasts.
Man **$% rugby. This is America we like football, football doesnt need to live up to any other sports standards. The helmets and pads make the game what it is today. It lets the freakishly huge and fast talented $#* dudes fly all over a field as fast as they can while 21 other dudes are doin the same thing. I dont have stats like alot of NT nerds like but I bet football players rank in the top of most hurt athletes, and thats with pads. I dont think football would be nearly as exciting if it wasnt for helmets/pads.
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

 I dont think football would be nearly as exciting if it wasnt for helmets/pads.

Yea two totally different sports. I think pads make football more exciting tho because players take more risks (ex. jumping over the pile for a touchdown or trucking someone Adrian Peterson style
NFL season would be cancelled after the first week if they didn't wear pads and helmets...hits are too violent
Well I would think it's because football players can weigh anywhere between 200 and 350 pounds...from that vid everyone looks of the same size. Having a 220lb RB getting tackled by a 300+lb DL would be like running into a wall.
Originally Posted by Kookcle

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

how come the only rugby players to make it to the NFL are kickers?

..because some Rugby players actually want to play Rugby and not american football

Cant pass up those huge Rugby contracts.
besides what would the NFL be if Manning got his back broke and Brady went down every week because no pads come on now its great the way it is
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

Man **$% rugby. This is America we like football, football doesnt need to live up to any other sports standards. The helmets and pads make the game what it is today. It lets the freakishly huge and fast talented $#* dudes fly all over a field as fast as they can while 21 other dudes are doin the same thing. I dont have stats like alot of NT nerds like but I bet football players rank in the top of most hurt athletes, and thats with pads. I dont think football would be nearly as exciting if it wasnt for helmets/pads.
This is a completely ignorant statement. And you're one to talk about nerds? Notice your post count homeboy?
Originally Posted by after h0urs

have you seen american football players?

And the only time you can get tackled in rugby is when you have the ball, so you expect the hit. There's no crack back blocks, and no blind unexpected hits. Thats a pretty big difference.
Originally Posted by fearthenut

Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

Man **$% rugby. This is America we like football, football doesnt need to live up to any other sports standards. The helmets and pads make the game what it is today. It lets the freakishly huge and fast talented $#* dudes fly all over a field as fast as they can while 21 other dudes are doin the same thing. I dont have stats like alot of NT nerds like but I bet football players rank in the top of most hurt athletes, and thats with pads. I dont think football would be nearly as exciting if it wasnt for helmets/pads.
This is a completely ignorant statement. And you're one to talk about nerds? Notice your post count homeboy?
You have a point I was blunted and ramblin on rugby actually isnt that bad. I like the refs "touchdown" signal too, everything else I stand by. My post count, thats relevant, word? Ive been around for a few years, and being in s&t can get that post count up especially during basketball and football seasons.
football players average from 220 to 300+ pounds. if they tried to play football without pads they'd literally kill each other. stop trying to be slick, it's a dumb argument that has an obvious answer to it.
the majority of collisions in the nfl happen at higher speeds and with more force, imo.

rugby is tight tho, i enjoy watching it
i'm watching this NCAA rugby championship on TV right now.. its pretty entertaining but this ishh is not violent at ALL.
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